
Friday, January 14, 2022

A Stroll down rue Cler


Yesterday the weather outside was frightful, but never mind. The kids were wearing black shortie puffer jackets open in front.

I took a stroll down Rue Cler, one of Paris’ best Foodie streets.

We’re in Clementine orange 🍊 season, the main fruit to get us through the winter. Do not buy those charming ready-filled sacs or prepared cartons of fruit. You’ll be throwing out quite a few. Instead hand pick just what you need.

Chocolatier Γ€ La Mere de Famille
 has expanded from a closet-size to a much bigger shop.

And now they carry yummy pastries from Stohrer of rue Montorgueil!

I wish I’d had Bonnie along who knows Italian traiteur Davoli on rue Cler really well. Later she wrote me,” 
Check out the case…there are little signs on everything. 
For sides: the arronchini (rice balls) filled with ham & cheese are excellent and their purΓ©e (mashed taters) are exceptional. Don’t know how something so simple can be so good! We had their duck a la orange (hunks of duck w/orange slices and sauce, chicken & mushrooms in sauce, risotto w/seafood. Tell them “for one person…or two”, if you want leftovers.  They give you a receipt and you pay at the outside register (on the left). Then they give you your food.  Very nice and efficient. Inside they have NY-style cheese cake, bags of truffle chips, etc. 

More from Bonnie - “Jeusselin directly across the street has the best quiche in Paris…no lie!  (I spotted those good looking quiches). They will also fry you up a cheeseburger from their wonderful ground beef.” Next time Bonnie.

What I did get was a chevre goat cheese sandwich from the boulangerie on the corner. I fell hard for their pumpkin seed bread and bought a matching baguette. The pain au pistache/chocolate pastry was a mistake. Too sweet. I tossed it :((

If you want to sit down there’s Le Petit Cler. I ate there a long time ago. Classic simple, reasonable French bistro food from the same owners as La Fountaine de Mars.

 has a small shop on rue Cler if you’re in the mood for their praluline cake with the candied pink pralinΓ© rose bits on top and who sn’t?

Do you love ❤️  classic French shop facades too?

At the rue Cler Fromagerie

Piles of chevre goat cheese inspired me to dig out my Paris cheese πŸ§€  map and put it on Etsy. Just the tip of the iceberg of all the foodie possibilities on rue Cler. Plus when it’s market day and the street is full of food stalls, you can really go to town. A wee taste of wintery Paris to tide you over till you can come for a visit. Stay warm dear PBers where ever you are 😊🐻❤️πŸ’‹☕️


  1. It's 77 degrees and sunny today in Irvine, Southern California. I just finished following your stroll down rue Cler - on Google Maps. Thanks for taking me along on your adventure.

  2. Hi Carol, just had to say thanks for this post. Brought back fond memories of my time on that street. I stayed a block away at a lovely hotel, and frequented that amazing street. Delights for everyone, looking for almost anything. My friend and I sat at an outdoor restaurant, having a delicious dinner, people watching for hours. So wonderful. Thanks again!

  3. 77 degrees!
    The low was 31 today…high of 43 Brrrrr though I know that’s not really so bad.
    Mustn’t grumble 😊

  4. My wonderful street! Excellent !

  5. Rue Cler is a delightful street to stroll as there are so many great shops & I do love all the store fronts in Paris, they are so creative. Praulus is always one of our first stops after arrival to get a Praululine for our breakfasts and then a last stop before we leave to get one or two to bring home.

  6. Rue Cler was a few blocks from our hotel during the last visit and we were there often, browsing the food shops, eating at a couple of spots. Had we longer time (and maybe better weather!) we would have taken advantage of those wonderful shops and bought picnic things. It's a wonderful area. I'd stay there again in a heartbeat!

  7. Jeanie there are even more new shops since you were here!
    It’s popping!!

  8. Jacquelyn12:08 PM

    I truly enjoyed Rue Cler. Bought tiny box of wild strawberries, sat on a bench & devoured them...slowly. Use to have them growing up in Washington State...too.
    I also found wonderfilled hardware store on rue Cler. Not sure it is still there?
    Lots of new places you mentioned-putting street back on my list.
    Merci! For re visit.

  9. The hardware store is still there…I should have shown it!
    I was so tempted to go inside.

  10. Davoli really saved us during our stay in Paris…when Covid numbers were going up and we weren’t comfortable eating in restaurants. Their food is superb, as good as any restaurant. Plus they were kind and patient with our terrible French.

    Yes, pralulines are fabulous but we always stock up on Pralus’s Barre Infernale pistachio, nougat, and milk chocolate bars to take home and stash in the freezer. Yum!

    I wish I had known that La Mere de Famille was selling Storher pastries. Good find, Carol. And, that seeded baguette! Rue Cler is a terrific market street with picture-perfect produce. Thank you for the tour…good memories!

  11. Rambled on Rue Cler so many years ago. I bought a knock off Dior purse which I still own. πŸ‘œ
    If I lived in Paris I would be purchasing Clementines. Love them & the ones available in my Chicago land can’t compare.🍊❤️

  12. Candi D1:25 PM

    I love Davoli‘s,when I had walked too far and too tired to go out I’d stop by and was never disappointed. Plus I just loved looking around, narrowing down my choices. Loved the cheese shop across the street too and the cheese shop just around the corner on Rue du Champ de Mars. It’s been too long since I’ve walked in Paris. Hopefully times will change.

  13. Thanks for brightening my day.

  14. Thank you Bonnie,
    For the Guest post!!
    Couldn’t of done it without your astute details πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  15. Mary H8:22 PM

    In french class, aujourd'hui: Recette for Paul McCartney's Clementine Margueritas! Look it up! As you showed us and I have them in my refrigerator: 'tis the season for clementines!

  16. And I think David Lebovitz made Clementine sorbet this week.

  17. Anne S1:18 PM

    I Loved this! I so miss my old neighborhood. This was like being back and saying hello to all my favorite vendors!
    And Le Petite Cler was my hangout! Love their daily specials like roasted chicken and perfect baked potato. Who knew they were related to Le Mars! No wonder I loved it!

  18. Carol, Rue Cler is where my husband and I stayed each visit through the years. We had access to a nice apartment up the street from the pedestrian section. It is a favorite part of Paris for me, a piece of my heart! It's fun to see your images and read the descriptions of the food offerings. We would set out each morning exploring the city, then return late in the day, pick up dinner along Rue Cler, and go back to the apartment and relax. Just typing this makes me homesick for Paris!
    Happy Holidays to you!


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