
Sunday, January 02, 2022

Marché couvert de Passy and Moule Marinières


It’s a classic French tradition to have platters of fresh oysters, shrimp, lobster, crab known as fruits de mer on New Years Eve.

I went looking for moules/mussels in the 16th arrondissement at Marché de Passy on New Years Eve day. The covered market is open every day but Monday, so if you need of some good seafood take the Metro to Muette.
I was surprised to see as many as 3-4 Poissonnière stands.
Teams were madly filling New Year’s Eve orders 

Of the most gorgeous platters of seafood. 

The place was buzzing with last minute customers buying luxe goodies for their soirées.

Beautiful displays of caviar.

And smoked salmon. Did they sell out?

 is one of the top brand of oyster producers in France.

This is an upper crust marché and the veg are just as stunning.

I cleaned them out of the Bouchot mussels from the bay of Mont Saint Michel.

Moules Marinières is one of the easiest French dishes you can make.
2 pounds of mussels rinsed and de-bearded.
Throw the chopped veg (chopped celery, 4 chopped shallots, some chopped parsley and a couple of thinly sliced garlic cloves) into a pot with a lump of butter. Sauté a few minutes. 
*Include 1 bay leaf 
The mussels will be salty on their own.
Add a cup of white wine🥂 or French cidre…nothing fancy
Add your mussels and cover the pot
In about 5+ minutes the mussels should be fully open and the broth steaming.
Et voila. À table.
Or you could have fruits de mer on Etsy…
❤️😊🐻🍾🥂Have a very Happy 2022 dear PBers🥂🍾🐻😊❤️


  1. Great images and watercolor, as always! Thanks for the easy moules marinieres recipe. Would that be 2 lb or one kilo per person of the mussels? Will try to be adventurous this year and make some myself!

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      I would guess 1 pound/1/2 a kilo per person
      I always have leftovers for another day…just guessing of course

  2. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Carol! Thank you for this taste of France.

  3. Well done! Happy New Year, Carol!

  4. Good point KIWI,
    I bought slightly under a kilo (2.2 pds.) and got 3 generous meals out of it.

  5. Love that watercolor and would love some moules mariniere. That Marche looks a little different than the Bastille market we usually go to when in Paris.

    1. Anonymous10:19 PM

      That’s because it’s a covered marché and in the 16th - the upper crust part of town

  6. Candace5:27 PM

    Happy New Year to you ! And thank you for bring us the taste and feel of France! We are still dreaming of being there…..soon!

  7. Lovely, as always. Do you take these photos with your phone or with a camera before you delight us with your watercolors?

  8. Happy New Year, thank you for sharing wonderful Paris and France with us no matter what! All the best for 2022.

  9. Hi Lynne,
    I am using my iPad Mini 5 for everything I shoot. 😊

  10. Jacquelyn2:08 AM

    Catering buddy brought me slab of smoked salmon & half a roasted duck! I was blown away! But happy beyond measure.
    Bonne Annee 2022!
    Must keep saying & visualizing!

  11. Suki, the covered markets/marché couvert are much smaller, held inside and more like mini-malls. Plus their opening hours are more frequent…a real advantage when you’re desperately seeking something special. But you must get there before they run out of whatever.
    Also at Passy they have 2 adorable inside restaurants - one for seafood, the other is Breton for crapes, though both were closed for the holiday.

  12. Bonne Annee Carol! Everything in the Marche de Passy looked “stunning”.
    Thank you for a sharing a year full of wonderful photographs and water colors of beautiful Paris.🗼📸🎨❤️

  13. Your mussels look perfect..:) I'm wondering if you would not love a small airfryer? I'm telling you best salmon ever:)
    Just a humble suggestion.Something I never

  14. Thanks Monique,
    I don’t eat salmon anymore…near impossible to find non-farmed salmon. But I Love moules and I love the broth.
    Why do I need to fry anything?

  15. C, Must have more FUN IN 2022!

  16. Thanks for that info, Carol, I didn't realize Passy was a covered market - will definitely visit it this year.

  17. Oh Carol. I would die. In a good way. I'm such a seafood strumpet. We had our seven fishes pie for Christmas Eve and I have a frozen mussels dish in the freezer but now I want to go out and buy some to just try that delicious sounding recipe. Loved the photos of your marketing. What a great way to start the year!

  18. How wonderful! You make such lovely meals, Carol. Moules Marinières is one of my favorite things…yum!


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