
Saturday, December 11, 2021

L'Évolution en voie d’illumination, Christmas Market Map


OK, so I gave up trying to explain the Geological Time Scale though the video gives you the general perspective

Otherwise we could be here till the next Devonian era, or Dickison, or Draconian. 

The idea is to stroll through 600 million years in one evening. 

On Thursday evening Bonnie twisted my arm, pulling me away from the November Map Art to go see L'Évolution en voie d’illumination/(Evolution on its way to enlightenment) at  Jardins des Plants.  100 light installations light up the winter night. 

Are you in Paris? Then go to the 1st show at 6pm/ 18:00 on a weekday. And dress warmly🧣Book online before you go, or forgetabout gaining entré.
The descriptive labels are at eye-level (if you are 5) and you’ll need to know your evolutionary time scale. 

Better yet keep your eyes straight ahead and simply immerse yourself.
Prepare to be dazzled/éblouissante. Synonyme : étincelantbrillantéclatantmerveilleuxremarquableaveuglantradieuxfascinantlumineux
Enjoy the beauty of these fabric lanterns.Some are even animated and wave claws and jaws at you as you pass by.

They’re made by Sichuan Tianyu/ China Light Festivalheadquartered in Zigong, Sichuan, China. Sichuan Tianyu is known for combining lantern displays with interactive experiences into an amazing atmosphere.
We were in total darkness, except for the illuminated sculptures. 

As we entered the menagerie area, in the background, sometimes we could hear animal noises. Eeeek😮 
This is the 3rd edition of the winter night show, but my 1st time. I won’t miss it again. The walk takes a good hour. The show is on through January 30. Meanwhile I’ve been immersed in another show..the Paris Christmas 🎄markets map 
which went into the post today📮👏👏🐻😊


  1. Truly brilliant in the artistry and to think they are made of fabric! 🦖❤️

  2. Looks like a fantastic light show, quite different and interesting. I love the fish!

  3. Suzanne3:58 PM

    I hope our Chinese lanterns are as nice as what you saw. We go Wednesday night blooming forward to it. Yours look wonderful, Carol!

  4. I wish they were mine…I need a pet

  5. Sybille4:00 PM

    The French certainly know how to brighten up the dark days of Winter!

  6. Great photos!!

  7. So glad you allowed us to see this!

  8. Carol, your photos captured the illuminations beautifully! Having seen this twice before I was afraid it might be boring, but each time is a little bit different. And, it is so nice being outdoors in the evening watching the children be entertained. Just magical for the big kids, too!

  9. What a fun post, Carol. I’m contemplating Christmas in Paris in 2022, and I’ll keep this post in my Christmas 2022 folder—it’s something I’d enjoy doing. Joyeux Noël to you

  10. Your contributions are wonderful! Keep them coming.
    Joyeux Noelle.

  11. Unbelievably breathtaking. Oh, wow -- that would be such a joy to experience!

  12. AWC catering8:08 PM

    Amazingly bizarre!

  13. Camille8:41 PM

    Your letter art is simply gorgeous! My boyfriend is a Francophile who has never been to Paris and i feel your art is a perfect taste of Paris for him to experience! Thank you!


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