
Monday, October 11, 2021

Fall Marché de Pays Aveyron 2021, Bercy Paris


Are you wearing your Fall 🍁clothes yet?

Have you bought any Fall flowers🍂?

Fall is the time for French regional foodie events. I’d like to get away outside Paris more on the weekends and I thought this weekend was the Fete du Brie in Melun…but it was last weekend 😬 Next year🤞

Instead I went to the Marché de Pays AveyronIt seems a good idea to place the department of Aveyon (26 min video in French) on the map.

Every October the Marché de Pays Aveyron takes place in Bercy 12e. Its been 3 years and I wasn’t going to miss it. Portions tend to be family-size.

They don’t understand what an ‘individual’ part/ portion is. Buy the whole cake or nuttin’. Full of myrtille/blueberry preserves, though they look like Philadelphia cinnamon buns. Thank goodness for the big free samples. I ate them and bought a sacristan to justify.

The marché is a ‘populaire’ event (for regular folks) with many, many free tastes. 

Especially their famous regional sheep cheese, Roquefort. I bought a part(1/4 for 12€). This tastes nothing like the packaged stuff I usually buy in the supermarché.

Another must-taste regional specialty is hot Aligot (mashed potatoes, localTomme cheese, a ton of garlic plus grilled sausage) eaten with a tumbler of beer of course.

But the lines were block-long and I don’t yet have French patience. Next year…

No long lines for fresh regional walnuts in the shell. I bought a kilo(2.2 pds). 

The marrons looked tempting.

As did the tins of foie gras…

Steaks from the grass-fed Aubrac cattle are some of the tastiest in France and always in demand at the marché.

One thing I did have patience for was these mohair winter socks.

I had seen at the fair in 2015. 

But she only had knee-highs. No short socks. I may have to visit Aveyron to get them! Or wait until next year and pray 🙏 Or find another farm. An automnal walk through the Jardin des Plantes ended a beautiful sunny, crisp day. And back to the drawing✏️ table. Thanks for reading ParisbreakfastIf you'd like to receive Parisbreakfast letters 💌 maps and watercolors in your mailbox 📮 look in my Etsy shop. 
Bonne Monday PBers ☕️🥐🇫🇷💋🐻


  1. Thanks for the Aligot information- what a delicious dish and can’t wait to try it sometime 😘

  2. SO good to see these regional food fairs back in Paris. You got us to go to a Bretagne fair in Montmartre way back when…we’re hooked…they are fabulous! I would have waited on line forever for that aligoté, I love it! And those cozy, woolly socks! Definitely time to take out the fall clothes here in New England…for better or worse…we have no choice. Enjoy those walnuts. ❤️

  3. Oh, I can taste all those food and feel warm wool! My eyes loves colours of fall... <3

  4. Annette9:13 AM

    You make my day….Merci!!! Bon voyages!!!

  5. Sybille10:00 AM

    SO glad fêtes des pays have returned!! Will they be all over by November?
    To make way for the fêtes de Noel??
    Craving aligot!

  6. Bonnie D11:01 AM

    Wow, what fun this would be!!

  7. so enjoying your news feed and to say thank you for all the marvelous views and commentary during hard times!

  8. Bonnie, They are like country farm fairs in the city.
    Wish they would figure out about ‘individual’ slices/part…

  9. This post brought back the memory of the day you took us to Les Marches du Sud-Ouest and showed us how to go about getting tastes of all the marvelous foods. It was such a wonderful day and a highlight of the trip. It made all the difference being with someone who knew what they were doing as when we went alone we were very intimidated. Thanks, Carol.

  10. Aligot for lunch, grass fed steak for dinner, mohair socks for bed.
    What could be better!❤️

  11. Still too warm and slightly humid to break out the cozy longsleeves, but your pics motivate me to manifest cooler weather even harder.


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