
Thursday, May 13, 2021

Galignani and Angelina tarte citron


By now I should know when are the French jours de fériés/holidays. May is the month with the most holidays. The French jump for joy 🤸🏾‍♀️ Me: I go to the post office and cry😢

  • Fête du Travail : samedi 1er mai 2021
  • Fête de la Victoire de 1945 : samedi 8 mai 2021
  • Jeudi de l'Ascension : jeudi 13 mai 2021
  • Lundi de Pentecôte : lundi 24 mai 2021
  • Last Saturday was such a holiday. Why is rue de Rivoli vide/empty. Not because of Covid. Everyone is in Deauville getting their toes wet

  • The rest are on the Ile Saint Louis eating les cornets/ice cream cones at Berthillon. 

  • I ventured out to see the cats at Place de la Concorde. 

  • Stopping at Tuileries to walk on the way, its impossible to pass side by side without going inside irresistible bookstore Galignani and Angelina tea salon. 

  • This airy bookshop is like NYC’s Rizzoli, specializing in the latest art, fashion, decor and foodie books in French/English. Its the place to be seen during fashion week. 

  • Bill Cunningham always stopped in to catch up. 

  • They can be annoyingly snobby at times. I wanted to see a pricey book on figurative watercolor artist Carmontelle. I did buy the book on the left. No matter. The salesman would barely let me see the title, for sanitary reasons of course. Turned out to be exactly what I did not want - black and white line engravings of the Monceau gardens published by Yale. 

  • Some of their English books you can buy up the street for less at WH Smith. Still its a fun space to browse and get inspo. Do NOT take pictures of book jackets to later check prices on Amazon. They don’t like that at all 🙁

  • Next door in spacious Angelina where Chanel took tea, it was completely vide/empty. Next week it will be jammed. They were not the least bit snobby FYI. 

  • Angelina’s Spring collection has arrived. They had the most unusual tarte citron with a faux lemon popped on top. Who could say non? Not me. Their classic Fraisier is an essential if you’re doing strawberry research.

  •  I knew Bear 🐻 would love the demitasse cup, especially when I heard it was only18€ not 80€ :)) 

  • He loved everything and so did I. The lemon tarte was positively airy and delicate. A combination of lemon and lime. 

  • By the time I got home the streets were full of ice cream eaters.

  • Thank you dear Amy for leaving the lovely review in my shop🤸🏾‍♀️

  • The Paris bookshops map is now available on Etsy for bookoholics. Happy Jeudi de l'Ascension  PBers. No poste, no bank 😳 📚🐻


  1. Sybil T.12:28 PM

    The weather looks Fab. Thanks for the vicarious visit to divine Galignani and Angelina. Both must-visits when in Paris.
    Great for people-watching.

  2. Rue de Rivoli looks eerie. I have never seen it so deserted.
    Those tarts look scrumptious! Wish I could bite into the square strawberry piece. What is it made of?
    Bon weekend.🌞

  3. Oh, Angelina! <3 <3 Looks so lovely place!

  4. Oh, Carol! Another ‘day in the life’. You take us right to Paris with these posts. I have huge Carol’s-Life-Envy! Wish I were in the queue at Berthillon...or browsing at Galignani...or trying to decide which delicious pastry to dive into at Angelina! Love your book map!

  5. I know GA...I’m saying to myself..”what’s going on?” I wish I had gone to the beach with the rest. Its funny,,on religious holiday, going to the beach is a religion here!

    Angelina has not changed

    BONNIE, some days in this life, I do not get outside like today...

  6. I’m so excited for your re-opening...I can taste the ice cream at Berthillon & chocolate chaud @ Angelina

  7. Love the cup!
    A lot of Angelina tins at Marshalls etc ..wll the last time I was in the US..feels like years ago..wait..almost is...

  8. I loved that you used my review and picture in your blog! I have framed all of my maps I ordered and made a collage on my wall. It makes me smile when I look at them everyday. I also love the new spring single map that I ordered recently. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful art and Paris!

  9. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Dear Carol and Bear -
    As always, a wonderful post and on two exquisite spots. You have captured both perfectly. So lovely to see Bear and to see photographs of places I miss dearly. Cannot wait to again visit Paris. Take good care! xo, Patricia, Minneapolis

  10. I just ordered the bookshop map today!

    I think that those shops along with the art stores map could fill years of time in Paris for me!

    You sure have a hard job!!

  11. I think that lemon tart is to die for - and I'm so glad you took surprises home to share with Bear.

  12. i am soooo envious. Hoping there will be a day when we can go together to Angelina's Tea Shop(pe), and browse in the bookstore. I thought W Smith went out of business. Are they still there?

  13. SUKI that lemon tarte was to die for!!!
    I always share with Bear 🐻
    Bear is my raison d’etre for indulging. Without him it would be all bread and water. Everyone needs a French bear around the house. They have good taste and will not settle for less than the best 👍

  14. Your photos are beautiful. I love your blog. I have followed you for some time. I love Paris and have been there maybe 23 times..... am a retired French and Spanish teacher. I live many days vicariously through you. Thanks.

  15. Loved your post featuring Angelina’s! I Am sending photos of some vintage items we brought back from Paris: The 5” tall pitcher was used to serve that wonderful thick hot chocolate around 20 years ago. They may have changed designs by now. I think it was for two portions, because it holds 12-14 oz, and was served with a silver bowl of freshly whipped cream. Just *had* to buy the darling pitcher! And the fancy, thick Laduree menu was given to me by a waiter, when we were there for my birthday years ago.
    Wish I lived there too!!!!!! I Have loved your blog for 11 years! Thank you!!!
    All the best to you and bear

  16. are my Champagne watercolor buyer Suzy🥂🍾
    Yes sadly, they changed the china pattern..yrs are of great value no doubt!
    🐻 Bear Thanks you for following Parisbreakfast ❤️

  17. The Empress11:45 PM

    Wish I could join you for that tarte citron at Angelina. I love anything lemony or with cherries. Oh well-

  18. Cathedral lover11:47 PM

    I especially appreciated your parting shot of La Seine and Notre Dame. It’s good to see that crane sticking up towards the sky. That means that the long process of rebuilding is beginning. I hope I live long enough to see what form the new cathedral will follow.

  19. Note to BZ (and anyone else who is curious): WH Smith did not go out of business — they went independent!

    The director bought the shop from WH Smith corporate in the UK — it's now an independent bookshop called Smith &Son. They have a fabulous brochure detailing the history of English-language bookshops in that location since 1870 (except for the Nazi occupation years of course) — independent, WH Smith, and now independent again!

    They closed down for two months to completely redo the ground floor and re-opened late April. The new look is fresh and chic.

    So — that's the update!

    Love your map Carole — and love that you caught Bill in photo back in the day! I used to work at WH Smith, and Fashion Weeks were always so wild — I checked out Anna Wintour once!


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