
Friday, April 30, 2021

What I did in Paris yesterday


These days when I leave the house, I feel like I got a free ‘get-out-of-jail card. With the best of intentions I took the bus to the pool. I was wearing my suit, had my goggles, cap etc. but last minute I decided it’s too chilly to go in (temp 51 but feels like 47). Wimp! I was planning post-pool to go look for Paris souvenirs for your envelopes 💌 Hmm..

Instead nearby at M&S I bought my fav BLT/ba-CON avec laitue et tomate sandwiche. And a can of their whipped dairy cream for testing later. I did not buy the REAL jam-filled donuts for comparative analysis . Another time.

Nearby, Monoprix has Summer ‘marinier’-style bedding? And enamel buckets with red trim perfect for storing paintbrushes.
Was it Karmic destiny? In the Metro the first thing I saw was creme de Bresse. 
Watch the French video. Those Bresse cows live a life of ‘Luxe, calm, volupté’. I live a life full of strawberries 🍓 and cream these days.
Coming out at Place Vendôme, another knockout poster...
Cafes may be shut but they can sell their wares on the street like this iced grapefruit and rose tea from Café Cassette.
I got on line at the world’s best pastry chef, CEDRIC GROLET Opera, but they’d already sold their last strawberry 🍓 tarte. The pink  things that looks like hot dogs on a grill, are rhubarb cake.
New Spring macaron boxes are in the window at Ladurée. I just browsed. With the Louvre closed you’ve got to go to pastry shops for art work.
British bookseller WH Smith has totally refurbished their rue de Rivoli shop during the Lockdown. They also have lovely new bookmarks. YUM 
Then to Mado of Paris. News alert! They now have marshmallow madeleines and gold ‘plated’ chocolate bars!
My haul of goodies, bits n bobs for your envelopes 💌 PBers. 
I tested the new M&S whipped cream. Fluffier, no Madagascan vanilla, less sugar. The verdict is still out. 
With the best of intentions I’d planned to shoot the Eiffel Tower letter at Champs de Mar. Instead, in the middle of rue de Rivoli, Concorde, I asked a French girl to please hold it up. Did I wanted to be in the picture? Hmm.. THANKS to the new single Paris letter I’m meeting so many lovely new PBers from around the world 🌎😊🤸🏾‍♀️❤️👏💋🐻🌸 Have a beautiful Friday/Vendredi 🌸


  1. I love everything..all the fine pastries..packagings..shops..Paris knows how to create beautiful Tape -a-l'oeil.It's what I loved best♥

  2. I love it all -- especially the cute tin bucket for brushes! Your strawberries and cream look delish and oh, what beautiful sights you saw!

  3. You certainly know how to cover a lot of ground! That’s why I am getting a treadmill in preparation for my trip to Paris. I am glad you clarified who was holding Eiffel letter as I was trying to figure out what YOUR tattoo was all about..ha ha. The strawberries and cream look scrumptious.
    🚍🏊‍♀️🥓🍅🥬🥪🍓 ❤️

  4. Quite a varied haul - but it's the strawberries and whipped cream that are the most tempting - I hope you shared with dear Bear.

  5. Aw...SUKI...always thinking of M.Bear. One might think you’re keen on it true?

    NANA, yes Paris offers such eye candy. The ole attention to detail.

    Yes JEANIE, Monop can have some delightful things and you better grab them cos they won't be there again.

    GA...I take breather on benches to recoup mid-jaunt. I don’t like to come home and collapse. In the US I used to climb stairs to get in shape. I need to do that now!

  6. I don't know what I would do without your newsletter! Even the ones without your fabulous art work are delightful.

  7. Just had to remark on Cedric Grolet. Not only is he a great pastry chef, but like you a GREAT artist. I am astounded at some of his creations.

  8. Thanks for being there for all of us exiled francophiles!!!


  9. Soo Happy to purchase these springtime drawings--I need some Paris Spring and of course some Carol Gillott!
    My daughter-in-law now follows you and would love a teatowel

  10. I’ll pop the tea towel in la poste next week LuLu

  11. I love that you still say "I got on line..." and you don't mean on the internet). You can take the girl out of NY.... lol

  12. Jeanne2:19 PM

    When I looked at your photos today, I suddenly thought, is Carol on Tiktok? I looked but couldn’t find you there. I would love to see videos you would post!!

  13. Thé crème video was so cute. Nice looking cows!!!
    Can’t wait for newest letter in the mail!!!

  14. What a beautiful day. Thanks for the lovely images

  15. Your days are SO fabulous, Carol! Let’s do A Prince & The Pauper and change lives! Temptation is everywhere...marinière sheets...strawberries and cream...those madeleines! Yes please!

  16. Brilliant
    I love how you aptly said that the pastries are filling in for art since the Louvre is closed

  17. BONNIE! If you lived in Mykonos or Nice, definitely yes I’d trade. But snow and rain in MA
    No way José :))

  18. I’m loving your blog even more since I can’t get to Paris

  19. Jean Gabon1:31 AM

    J’adore mon Tour Eiffel!
    Avec des fleurs!

  20. Carol and Bear, thank you so much for your postings......absolutely magical!! The images you show us are probably every-day for one living in Paris, but we live vicariously through you and your abjectly wonderful (and unique) blog - mille mercis x 100. Much love from your American audience~

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  22. Thank you for your tireless and delightful posts!!! They never fail to delight and to lift us up!!!!



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