
Friday, January 08, 2021

Fauchon Thé et Infusions

Yesterday I continued my hunt to paint Fauchon’s rose bud tea.
They have a new shop 
At 11, Place de Madeleine. 👏 Granted its tiny and mostly teas, plus tea accessories. 
Inside endless cabinets of exotic teas. 
Inhale and choose. 
But its Fauchon. You can order way more goodies online. Do they ship overseas? No idea.
They still have those hot pink Grosgrain ribbons 👏
And their logo mugs 👏
For years I’ve flirted with their hourglass tea timer. Could it work for procrastination? 
3-4-5 minutes to get down to work. Then maybe an alarm could go off - Notre Dame’s bells? 
Mariage Frere’s Teas is a few doors down. 
A little further, red-tinned epicerie Hediard may re-open in the distant rosy future. I got home in time for curfew at 6 PM clutching my tea. Sometimes a bottle of rose buds is the best distraction from all the chaos going on.  Bonne rosy weekend PBers ❤️🐻🌹💋


  1. I hope now Fauchon will consider shipping to the USA. I recently connected my friend with someone in Paris who would purchase his favorite tea from Fauchon and ship it to NYC.

  2. That is a mind boggling assortment of tea! My sister is fond of Mariage Frere’s teas. I personally am a Lipton tea bag girl😊

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE this watercolor!!!

  4. Tea is the perfect antidote to our cold weather and upsetting current events. A cuppa while snuggled under a quilt is my idea of heaven. I love the look of that jar of rosebuds...there is something so luxurious about it. Your watercolor is gorgeous. Enjoy your tea, Carol! 💕

  5. Abbey in TX1:20 PM

    I love your blog and your art……and the doodles !!!! (and PARIS too !!!!)
    Thanks for sharing your work. So lovely

  6. I love all pinks. A rose this past summer brought tears to my eyes.Thank you at this grim time.

  7. That watercolor is glorious - I would find it hard to disturb the beauty of the jar of rosebuds by using them for tea. Yea for pink - happy start to the day.

  8. Your pinks are the best!
    If I am not mistaken, curfew in Paris is still 8:00 pm to 6:00 am. I only need my attestation for the last outing with our dog around 10:00 pm. Could change tomorrow, of course!

  9. Loretta6:48 PM

    So charming! Chocolate 🌂 umbrellas

  10. Desiree6:50 PM

    Yes! So glad to know they are still going. It will regrow, as people ask for items they used to get. (I had to keep adding items when I had my French gourmet food store years ago in Colorado.

  11. please know I look forward to your blog as you clearly know & adore the most beautiful city in the world.
    Please get vaccinated , stay safe & well

  12. Sybille6:54 PM

    Glad to see Fauchon still has a presence (albeit a wee shop), on Place Madeleine. And, Hediard is coming back! Yay!

  13. Those teas, and the tea paraphernalia, all look scrumptious. I am loving your rose themed watercolors. Beautiful work

  14. How lovely it must be to live along the quais of the Seine. I’d be tempted to park myself right there on a bench with a cup of rosebud tea and never move!

  15. JACQUELYN in CA7:08 PM

    Thank you for tracking down the
    New Fauchon location!
    I still have a tin of their the 'that a friend of mine sent me from Paris.
    There are certain things we just need for our soul !

  16. Beverly7:20 PM

    Whenever in Paris, I make my pilgrimage to the Marais Mariage Freres. Such a special treat. Now Fauchon The to look forward to.Thanks for this cheer,

  17. Lynn S7:21 PM

    Thank you for this post. Perfect day for a cup of tea. Stay safe

  18. Marylou7:28 PM

    Interesting how both tea shops are the same exact tea leaf color!
    Same classic style too.

  19. I am a tea fan so appreciated this trip to the new Fauchon shop, thanks as always for taking us with you! Stay as safe as you can everyone.


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