
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Tree


I know Everyone wants to see The Tree 🎄, so we'll get that out of the way. The base is just as pretty. And there is a Spiritual group above bursting into songs that make you wanna tear up. 

It feels like normal times around Galeries Lafayette’s Christmas tree 🎄. 

Bear 🐻 wanted to see the windows. 

Especially the Polar bears. 

He does have expensive tastes and drools over fine china and glassware. I drool over gingerbread and REAL Panettone. He has kept his stylish figure through all this Lockdown. I have not :(( 

A Dutch illustrator, aided in the decor this year. Très charmant. 

We decided the other night to go tree-hunting. Our local, very fine La Bucherie Gardil has perfect decorations. And the appropriate large dog outside, patiently waiting for his marrow bones. 

We went to papeterie Marie-Tournelles. I saw a cute tree in the window that might fill the bill. Cost-wise it was in our budget too (7,95€).

 La derniere(the last one). Ta Da. 

Everyone back home joined in with the decorating. If some gingerbread snaps had been baking in the oven for aroma’s sake.. I’ll look for essence of pine needles 🌲to give it a good spritz if possible. Hello Aroma Zone! You might enjoy seeing how a Japanese girl decorates her tiny place. Meanwhile we’re late as usual finishing the December Paris letter 💌. A shout out to PBer Dee, who suggested I do more doodles. Thank you for reading Paris breakfast. You can receive Parisbreakfast letters, maps and watercolors in your mailbox📮 Stay safe and be good 🙏 PBers Xxx🐻🎁🎄


  1. THE TREE 🎄is grand for sure! I like the tree you selected. Looks perfect on your table with Bear and friend snuggled in. There is even a carousel🎠! Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy 2021.

  2. Thank you Ga from Dekalb! The carrousel was an early impulse buy from Astier de Villatte...I am regretting at leisure :))

  3. Merci! This came at THE right time. If not for COVID I would be on a plane tomorrow for Christmas in Normandy and NewYear’s and my Birthday in Paris on the 5th. I would have eaten dinner at Le Grand Colbert (& you would have joined me, I hope) and walked my tail off even though it may be cold an rainy. I love the rain, I love Paris. I’ll hope for next year. In the meantime your photos & posts brighten my isolation.

  4. I would definitely have joined you Mary! No question. It is rainy but 59 degrees!
    Some dreams must wait...❤️

  5. I so love all of your posts..beautiful pics, art work and lovely stories.

    Merry Christmas from Santa Rosa

  6. Sybille8:55 AM it!...your tree is so cute...if you sent out xmas cards, this would make a GREAT one! Next year?!

  7. Dorrance8:57 AM

    No gingerbread this year...I’m only doing ONE batch...because we are the only ones here to eat them. I cut the sugar cookies as wreaths, frost them, put on a sliver of green cherry, and a red dragée...looks like a holly sprig on the wreath.

  8. Meilleurs Voeux de la saison.

  9. Thought France was on lockdown with no outside activities except: pharmacy, doctor, or marche for food.

  10. Nope not at all. Semi-lockdown only till dec 15.
    Read sortiraParis or France24 to keep up to date 🤸🏾‍♀️

  11. Carolyn10:13 AM

    Thank you !!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sending all good wishes for a beautiful Christmas, Carol. I was eager to see Paris windows and you didn't disappoint. I hope your holiday is as beautiful as those windows and tree!

  13. All the shop windows are beautiful, Carol. How fun for Bear to see compatriots in Galeries Lafayette’s window! Your apartment is beautifully festive. Wishing you and Bear twinkling lights, pine scented trees, plenty of panettone, spools of red ribbon, ginger snaps baking, good health and love. ❤️🧸

  14. Thank you for all your lovely thoughts and drawings. Bonne Noel..

  15. Suzanne12:06 PM

    Merry Christmas, Carol. Is that a clementine!? I was sketching them the other day.

  16. Normajean12:09 PM

    Absolutely Gorgeous..... tree and everything else!!!!

  17. Thanks for more window pics, Carol, I love them. So glad you got Bear a tree and I love it - I have 9 little trees and 2 bigger ones this year though I wasn't going to do as much as usual (hah). I hope you and Bear have a most Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

  18. Loved the, over the top!!

  19. Candace5:16 PM

    Merry merry to you and Bear!

  20. Kathleen5:18 PM


  21. Happy Christmas bear… Oh and you too CAROL.

  22. Thank you, thank you for the beautiful Christmas pictures, I looked forward to them, they were better than ever. Sending much love and wishing you health and happiness

  23. I left a comment on your current post. This is the post I was referring to there. And your whimsical sketches and maps, such a pleasure!


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