
Sunday, October 25, 2020

Paris Breakfast at Holybelly Cafe, Matisse


On Wednesday I had Sunday Brunch at Hollybelly Cafe owned by Aussies. I’ll be doing a breakfast post 1x a week. Please make suggestions PBers. Do you 1st checkout a resto’s menu online ahead of time? 

Here’s a time saver. Go to the restaurant’s Instagram page ( @holybellycafe )and study the dishes. 

                                           Take a screen shot. 

When the waiter comes by just flashed it. My waiter laughed. I saved him time and steps. Easy peasy. 

Service is great as is the food btw and everyone speaks English.   

What to wear to Holybelly? A UPS jacket of course. 

After Emily In Paris, I need to make more effort with my French. I’m liking ‘Easy French’ on youtube. A refreshing approach - French people in the street are interviewed on one subject, “What do you eat for breakfast?” Plus you get subtitles in French/English. Repetitive watching is key. After my very satisfying and filling Brunch, I ran over to the Pompidou

First day of the new huge Matisse retrospective. About 1/3 through I was ready to quit and collapse. So many masterpieces, many never seen before. I’ll do a post next week.

 I kept thinking how can I make Chanel perfume bottles look Matisse-esque? 

Put goldfish inside? Testing 1-2-3 

I painted some Chanel N 5 sans goldfish on Etsy. Its pouring out today in Paris but who wants to see that☂️ XXX❤️🐻


  1. Are these breakfasts you show us typical French/Parisian breakfasts? They look very American influenced to me. Or have the French eaten this way all the time?

  2. Love your photos. I’ve never heard of Hollybelly either. But that’s just one of the reasons why I LOVE your posts. I’ll add this one to my list of “to try”. Looks like a fun welcoming & delicious too! Your photo of Matisse is one of my favorites... fish getting drunk in Chanel...pourquoi pas? Yes please on the weekly breakfast post💚🇫🇷

  3. The breakfasts are from different Paris restaurants.
    Watchthe video to see what French people have for breakfast.
    Hollybelly is owned by Aussies

  4. Hi Carol, Glad you made it to the Matisse exhibit. The Pompidou itself wears me out! You are so imaginative. Love the floating fish in a Chanel bottle. I think a weekly breakfast post would be awesome. I was thinking about it after you wondered where you should go for breakfast next... Train Bleu at the Gare de Lyon. Pricey but the wow factor is hard to beat.

  5. Oh, yes! A breakfast post each week would be delightful. I second Le Train Bleu. Love your Chanel bottle with floating goldfish...clever girl! Looking forward to your Matisse at the Pompidou post.

  6. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Love this post, love the Chanel with the goldfish and the Chanel sans goldfish, the photo of the Matisse, the sky, the clouds, the petit dejeuner. Missing Paris -- this is the next best thing. Merci, Carol! Greetings to Bear!

  7. a really good source for learning spoken french is Comme Une Francais.. many on youtube or you can sign up to have the lessons emailed to you.

  8. I’ve started following her too Jay
    I like the variety of voices and the speed of so-called EASY FRENCH. it isn't in
    My opinion.

  9. What a great post. It IS hard to go wrong with a good breakfast…my favorite meal Those UPS deliverers need a very good breakfast indeed!
    Thank you for the ‘Easy French' site info.
    I will take a look and listen to that. Are you not fluent though?

  10. I wish I was fluet but so little time and I listen A Lot to the BBC:((
    I need background stories when I draw...

  11. Nancy J11:08 AM

    I like the Matisse Chanel watercolor with goldfish very much…you strike me as a woman of bonne humeur and one who is capable of great delight too.
    I am so jealous about the Matisse retrospective and very disappointed that I will not be able to see it. Please send lots of photos. Let us know if the book in the gift shop is worth purchasing since most of us cannot get there.

  12. There are many, many other Matisse books out there already and in English.
    And good docs on youtube. I will include links in the post.

  13. I so enjoy your blog! You are an inspiration both for painting and now for French as well. Thank you for your mention of easy french, it's perfect!!!

  14. Judith B11:13 AM

    How delightful to hear there’s a Matisse retrospective at Pompidou. Too bad I can’t see it there. Sigh.
    I like the goldfish in the perfume bottle, quite witty.

  15. Love your fishies in the Chanel bottle but I'm not a huge fan of Matisse. I love breakfast but rarely eat them out in Paris (but have always heard HollyBell was very good) - what is their Le Secret? It will be fun to check out the restaurants with you and enjoy breakfast vicariously. Hugs.

  16. Love the Matisse-Chanel.
    Well done.

  17. Jean P2:15 PM

    You might want to check out FRENCHtoday online and 'friend' her on FB for free lessons and audio. She lived in Medford, MA so we knew her and she is delightful - not to mention she is well versed in both languages.

  18. Vicki H11:26 PM

    Your art work is always SO outstanding. But you have outdone even yourself with these new Chanel offerings!!! XXOOVV

  19. Suki, Le Secret sauce is their own Aussie ketchup
    Its sitting on the table but you pay for it, unbeknown to some idiots like myself.
    And one can buy a bottle for 2$ more to take home.
    But one didn't know that. Say la vie..
    No big deal. It is delish.

  20. Susan M6:28 AM

    Haven’t gone out since the Pandemic started but we used to check out the menus online via websites. Not Instagram. But I under utilize Instagram.

  21. A picture says 1,000 words...etc.

  22. Dear Carol I want to let you know how much your paris breakfast is appreciated by me, I am disabled now but in the past have been a regular visitor to your adopted city since the end of the war. Thank you, thank you.

  23. I'm firmly convinced you can make your Chanel bottles anything you want! Oh, that breakfast looks so good. I long to be able to go out for breakfast again. It sounds like Paris might be locking down again. Stay safe and well.

  24. I've always loved Matisse and his goldfish...
    this last photo has the most beautiful clouds....
    always a pleasure to have breakfast in Paris.


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