
Sunday, August 09, 2020

The New Paris Train Station Letter

Ta Da This brainstorm hit me on ligne 7 going to ze POOL yesterday. We're in a week-long HEATWAVE/canicul. 90+ degrees. I bought another fan/ventilator only to discover I have to assemble it. The box is attractive.
I was going to do the GARE DE LYON facade for the letter and realized how boring that would be. Plus Bonelle said NO WAY! Btw there are many wonderful FRENCH TRAIN videos you must WATCH. Even classic French train NOISESDooo do dooo da.
Clearly I was subliminally influenced by New York City architectural historian, BARRY LEWIS
History of NYC's Grand Central Terminal. this view of the great train shed/verriaire seeped into the little brain cells. I took Barry's Cooper Union night classes over and over. Riveting and funny. He points out the influence of mid-1850s French Beaux Arts architecture on NYC design.
Like the former Orsay train station.
Plus who knew the gorgeous plumes of romantic smoke and fog we love in films like Funny Face and Anna Karenina, actually stank and were abhorrent? Barry knows these important little things. You will be very amused. BARRY LEWIS is a PBer too.
Way back when, I visited the ORSAY for a comic book convention.
Its still one of the great fabulous spaces in Paris, as are all the train stations.
But the Orsay has not been gutted and shopping mauled Merci Dieu.
Did you know you're not supposed to call it the 'D'Orsay'? I didn't till recently...its a snob thing. Now we know. Call it the ORSAY. Drop the d'. Professor Deb says so.

Here's a divine Van Gogh from the Orsay fab Impressionist collection. Big merci Caillebotte brothers. And a cool matching view of the Seine. Please share PB with your friends. The NEW PARIS Subscription LETTER is shipping out 📮Monday (perhaps with a tip sheet so you can cut/fold yours to look like mine). Xxx 💋from Bear 🐻and Carolg❤️


  1. Bonelle11:14 AM

    What is absolutely fab about this letter (aside from the nifty fold out����) that it’s colorful, so happy, so alive. You really shook things up, C.

    1. I would love to do more paper cutout n fold stuff...if I knew how.
      Surprise in an envelope :))

  2. Love all the videos and of course yr art!
    So much nostalgia attached to French trains. They are a unique experience.
    Mille merci

    1. I feel the same way.
      Amtrack never made me nostalgic ever

  3. Charmant 3-D!!
    And woohoo up and running to la Gare..and now I know..Orsay.Point final.
    Loved Orsay.

    1. Yes its a double experience - train station spaciousness and all that art. Incredible!

  4. Love this Paris makes you want to dash off to the Gare, tout de suite. On y va!

    Thank you for calling Barry Lewis’ lectures to our attention. I watched his Art Deco NY, looking forward to watching the others.

    It might be une bonne idée to spend some time this week at the air conditioned Orsay. Stay cool, Carol.

    1. Oh the Orsay is on my to-do list!
      The Tissot show is there...I should have added a link.

  5. Marge Musil12:43 PM

    Want the July map hat gos with this post! Please?

    1. That hat is HOT in Paris now! What do they call it? Pork pie...oh i forget...very 50s me thinks

    2. Its the BUCKET HAT thats IN in Paris!

  6. carol,
    i had no idea that vid existed of my lecture on gct at the nyhs.
    the american history tv (who taped it)---lovely people 2 deal w--had to stop taping & streaming my lectures because i cudn't promise them my images were "copyright free" (it's quite a time-consuming job 2 figure that out)

    1. Barry Lewis1:53 AM

      wonderful videos

      i love trains. we can't (at least now) ever get romantic about air travel.

  7. Only problem with starting to call it Orsay is that everyone thinks You don’t know how to pronounce it!😆

  8. Georgina11:29 AM

    It isn’t a snob thing. It has to do with not saying “the” twice. The (English) and l’ (French) which is le before a vowel, are the same word in two languages. Your French is improving, I’m sure, but there are gaps! I very much enjoy your work but calling this snobbery? No, non, no non.

    1. the person who corrected me did it in a snobby way then...very sniffy. Like I was an idiot not to know, which I am but who wants it pointed out, except by family members who always note your errors. My French will never improve.
      I don't make enough effort sadly...too busy sketching ;))

  9. Georgina11:41 AM

    And it’s dieu merci, not merci dieu!

    1. I've heard it many times
      French Google doesnt have a problem with it.

  10. Love your newsletter and always grin while reading it!! Thanks! Hope to get there next spring.....

  11. Oh thank you again for such beautiful
    Work. You always lift my spirit.

  12. Kathleen12:38 AM

    That last photo...beautiful...and was that Audrey Hepburn in the train photo?

  13. a truly wonder-full post. Had to stop after the synchronised swimmer video. It's too magnificent! But also, I will - peu à peu - watch all the other vids, it's a question of making time for them, and they are worth it! As for the Musée d'Orsay, I don't know what *that* person told you, it is indeed MUSEE D'ORSAY, and nothing else. And anyway, if somebody corrects your French (which I often wanted to do) it should at least be done with a twinkle of the eye, a smile, or in a kind way, and not in a bossy, teacherly fashion. You have every right to ignore such 'help'. I lived in ORSAY, know the story of the 'gare d'Orsay' and the Musée d'Orsay very, very well, I often said I wanted to LIVE in said museum, such is my love. And of course I always, always, departed and arrived at the Gare de Lyon for my frequent trips to Switzerland - so this post really, really ticks all my boxes. Thank you Carol. You've just made my day.

    1. OK Kiki if you say so. Are you in Switzerland now? I would like to be next to les Alpes chilling.
      Many of the videos are super short.
      Barrys is a worth while funny hour. Pls dont miss his!
      I have the KACY HILL swimming song on repeat. I am a new obsessed fan though I fear synchronized swimming is not in the cards 🏊🏼‍♀️🏊🏼‍♀️🏊🏼‍♀️

  14. Orsay. Who knew? Thanks for that. I love blogs -- you learn something new every day! And I love Orsay too. All my favorites in one place. Except Gillott is missing. I'm sure she'll be there soon enough!


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