
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Map of Paris Art Nouveau Bouillons

I'm thrilled to tell you the January map went in the mail 📮yesterday.

Great minds etc. etc. Urbaninsider featured Paris' bouillons this week. A basic rule of thumb 👍 in France (and don't send me the bill/l'addition if I'm wrong) 

When you spot a busy, bustling brasserie in any French town, go inside and eat. Atmosphere will be warm and decor charmingly Art Nouveau period. This one is at the Excelsior.

Seafood is freshly shucked. 

Dishes will be traditional like chicken with wine/coq au vin. 

Service will be fast, efficient and friendly. Prices and bill/l'addition will/should be manageable. Exception is the  Beefbar where you get Japanese Wagu steaks. I have yet to visit. 

I did get to MOLLARD near Gare St.-Lazar for more research. The shoe fits for convivial atmosphere, friendly service. 

The waiter suggested the black rice on my plate of seafood fricasse was..surprise - Beluga caviar! 

Lots of brandishing of copper pans making the crepes Suzette.

Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you'd like to receive Parisbreakfast letters, maps and Watercolors in your mailbox, look in my Etsy shop. I'm off to forage for scallops at the Montmartre Fete de la Coquille St. Jacques. Hooray🎉 Report to follow 🐻Xxx from Paris💋


  1. Even the chefs/garcons are charming n'est-ce-pas? Le homard is ♥ in the arm of the poissonnier.

    1. The waiters are very charming and very funny.
      Theatre of the best kind.

  2. I love the fonts! Oh, so very charming!

    1. Thank you
      I hunted around. So many Art Nouveau fonts to choose from amd many are complicated!

  3. Of course we didn't give up - it'still January after all. It looks charming so I will be anxiously waiting by the mailbox. Love the revival of the bouillon for good food at a good price and great atmosphere; so much eye candy.

    1. So faithful Sukie ❤️
      Much appreciated

  4. Chartier was the first restaurant we went to in France 23 years ago

    1. In fact the Montparnasse branch is very old and only recently renovated and opened last yesr. Its a bit more glamourous than the other Chartier

  5. How wonderful Carol!! Love this! Lucky you

  6. Bonelle8:04 PM

    Beautiful map, Carol! Such detail, love the lobster. This could easily be a bucket-list fun would that be...visiting each bouillon and checking it off the list?! Yum!

    1. Yes I could go back everyday this week for lunch easily.

  7. Lars Larson8:06 PM

    This is what you imagine/hope Paris restaurants will look like before you have ever visited. Beautiful, ornate, great food, friendly service, and to top it off reasonably priced. Wonderful map to be followed for sure!

  8. Thanks for sharing another option for food in Paris. Looks like some fun research. That rose champagne looks good in your final photo, enjoy the scallops!


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