
Saturday, September 15, 2018

David Dewey watercolor workshop, Rockland Maine

First day DAVID DEWEY WATERCOLOR WORKSHOP in Rockland (really Owl's Head) Maine. We head to the dog rock at Owl's Head Beach to paint.
David explains,'Let the color release into the shape'Leave bits and pieces of white in the rocks'
David's palette is always a work of art on its own...a vintage enamel butcher's tray is the best to see your color mixtures. Check ebay.
David's motley crew of old-as-the-hills paintbrushes.
How ever does he make those light-as-a-feather marks and washes with that crew is part of the fun of watching David paint. 'Use the brush to drop color into it' 'The first touches of color down tell the story'
An early stage of delicate washes making the foundation and structure of the painting.
'The shape is formed by the colors that are there'
'Your painting is always on your palette first' David reminds us.
'A touch of dark anchors it. Let the white paper reveal the color. Know where to be clear and where to be vague' 'there has to be light in your darks, so just don't go black'
I paint the facing big Etretat-like cliff across from Dog rock
First thumbnail
Later stage
Rock time
Really fun finding all the colors lurking in these rocks
I do 5-7 small watercolors to everyone else's 1-2 full-size paintings. Comme d’habitude
My palette/paintbox trying to reflect my watercolors..
David likes this one
The crit end of day. Always exciting to see what everyone has done.
Dinner at the fabulous McLoon's
An absolute must if you're in this part of the world.
Et volia. This lobster was picked out of the baskets just off the warf and steamed to order.
Top that! I Love❤️❤️❤️ Maine!!


  1. WOW! First that lobstah has me yearning to be there - not much beats a Maine lobster right out of the water. Second, fascinating to see the end of the day artists renderings. They are all so very, very different. This sounds like a fun workshop. Enjoy.

  2. I know how you treasure this time..and rocks☺️Enjoy every moment.

  3. Janine8:51 AM

    Wonderful artist. So creative!
    Thank you,

  4. Mahlon8:51 AM

    Wow, in our home town So close and yet so far.

  5. This is such a fun post! I really like David's palette/reflected into the painting, and your first rocks photo. It would be so fun to see everyone's painting, so many different styles and views. It looks like you had such a wonderful day!

    1. The whole 5 days was terrific. Very informative yet liberating.

  6. It sounds just wonderful, Carol. All that seascape, all that paint. And wonderful thoughts about creating the watercolor too. I'm thinking it could be the perfect workshop!

    1. David dewey is a very special teacher. He shares everything and is very generous with his knowledge. Also a great colorist. His book, THE WATERCOLOR BOOK is well worth checking out (the old edition is better printed).

  7. What a great experience. Thank you for the lesson!!!!!!
    I usually look at your e-mails on my iPhone, this time on my lap top. WHAT A DEFFERANCE!!!!!
    Wish I didn't live so far away.


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