
Friday, May 04, 2018

Hôtel Lauzun, Ile St. Louis

If you thought the RITZ PARIS AUCTION was luxurious you haven’t seen a thing.
A reserved Saturday guided visite to HOTEL LAUZUN, (the only way you can gain entré) blew me away. Some background on the DUC DE LAUZUN. 

Quite the gent with very expensive tastes in both women.

And decor.

A series of gold embossed doorways lead one unto the other, each more fabulous than the other.

Not one inch is without decor d'or.

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Note the scallop shell/ coquille. They are everywhere in the mansion.
As is lapis blue color, a very rare blue back in the 17th c.

Bleu, bleu, blue

The wall decor is from the school of Simon Vouet, one of the Versailles creators.

Louis le Vaux and Charles le Brun also had their hand in Hôtel Lauzun's magnificent creation.

Our excellent guide c/o The tour was in French with a smattering of English thanks to a teenager onboard. The tour lasts about an hour.

Which is about all you can take of this over-the-top luxe before coming up for some air.

Charges run about 21€, including entry to Lauzun. Not every Saturday is available. You must book ahead so do not just show up at 11:00 on a Saturday and expect to enter. There are many, many tours available. Google 'visite Hôtel Lauzun'

Here's our bored teenager (probably dreaming of a Berthillon ice cream) exiting Hôtel Lauzun, 17, quai d'Anjou. Sheer heaven. Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this post, forward to a friend. Subscribe to Paris maps or letters in your mailbox + souvenirs at ETSYBonne Weekend!


  1. The exterior sure doesn't give away the opulence inside--no telling whether it's sumptuous or whether it's been given the "épuré" treatment.
    It IS a little over the top, but imagine how many artists it must have sustained!
    Love your watercolors, as always.

    1. You're correct. The exterior is discrete as are all the hotel particulier on Ile St. Louis.
      They are not advertising their sumptuousness.
      Thank you ❤️

    2. PS there is an exquisite gold dolfin to the right of the entry that drops a hint.

  2. Over the top:) Love your paintings w/ the portrait and cherubs:)

  3. It reminds me of parts of the Louvre. Was it built in the same time period?

    1. The creators were the same mecs: Le Vaux, le Brun, Simon Vouet

  4. did you have any of the feeling I had at the Hermitage? "ah, so this is why they had a revolution!"

    1. No, it never occurred to me Jane 😄❤️👍🏻

  5. Love the watercolor, Carol. ❤️ Beautiful.
    I'm so glad you get to do these wonderful things and are willing to share with us.
    I live through you!

  6. Lynne C11:34 AM

    This was unbelievable. It’s over whelming the richness of the designs.

  7. Cyndy S11:40 AM

    Wow! Who knew? Thanks for giving me a new to do list

    1. I knew it was there a long time. But Robin thankfully told me how easy it is to get inside.
      A dream come true really.

  8. Chef Ann11:42 AM

    Beautiful Carol!

    Merci beaucoup! I have learned so much through you.

  9. On my list for the next trip, thanks, Carol, for always giving me new places to visit and for keeping me connected to Paris when I'm not there.

    1. You're very welcome S. Make sure they are open. Check theor calendar before booking your trip!

  10. Wow! What a place, I think one hour would be enough for me! I love your watercolors. I really like your final photo looking out the window, with the green trees, wooden window panes and the gold balcony railings....what a view :)

    1. I know...the old glass nicely distorts the buildings in the view...a keeper ❤️

  11. I Thought I recognized that gorgeous place .What a delightful post . I too attended the Ritz sale & preview . What crazy prices !!
    We are back in Canada till mid Oct so will live our Paris life vicariously through your posts

  12. The amount of embellishment was so dizzying that I had to keep coming back to your watercolors to make sense of it all! Thank you for your inside looks at secret Parisian places!

  13. Carol - I LOVE this! Next time you do an activity along the Seine let me know and I'll join you! xElaine

  14. Lovely photography and watercolours....your blog is always lovely!


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