
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ile Saint Louis Map

With endless drizzle and the Seine rising, one might need a tiny break non? A bit of 'luxe, calm et volupté' perhaps? A couple of Sundays ago Bear took me for petit dejeuner to the newest salon de thé, CAFE POUCHKINE at 18 Place de la Madeleine 75008.

And very luxe it is too.

Divinely Empire

Enough to take your breath away.

Their desserts are extraordinaire.

As is the tea salon staircase.

The basic breakfast formule will not break the bank Bear was pleased to notice.

Ta da.

Naturally I got the chocolat chaud, my poison of choice. But they had forgotten to bring ses confitures!

Never mind.  Enough mini jams arrived quickly to calm frazzled Bear.

I thought I'd paint onsite but lost my courage with all the grand Empire decor. I made just a few scribbles. When no one was looking, dear Bear snatched a jam jar (confiture de mangues, citrons verts, fruits de la passion) and tucked it into my purse for painting later.

So much better to make a mess at home.

That little jam jar became quite the instigator.

Normally I don't keep jam at home. There are bears on the premises. Suddenly there were two large jars of jam in residence. I told myself I was going to paint them. Ha. They were empty in one week. I was wondering why I was not feeling so peppy of late and started imagining flu coming on and other dire illnesses. It was eating all that jam of course. We're now safely back on jam quarentine. By the way if you've never tasted Corsican clementine marmalade (on the right from Carrefour) you haven't lived.

If you're wondering where to go for a classy petit dejeuner or afternoon tea try cafe Pouchkine. I know you'll enjoy it too. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this newsletter, forward to a friend. 
Cheers, Carolg et Bear


  1. So lovely..definitely on my list!!!

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Pretty place but come to Milano to have a real hot chocolat in Marchesi or Cova ..

    1. I love Milano..will look up those places. And the gelato!!
      Grazi tanti

  3. I would have snatched all those jam jars (they can't reuse them if you open them & one must taste them all). Another spot on my list,

    1. OMG!!
      But where is their pourbel/garbage?
      Heavenly Dumpster diving!

  4. The jam is bad enough but then what you put it on is over the top! Better to have a painting of jam jars, I think.

  5. Marie Isabel2:53 AM

    Carol, when I saw your new post about Le Café Pouchkine, this incredible place you're showing us! What would the Queen Marie-Antoinette say when seeing this marvel? And they're serving hot chocolate, her favorite drink...

    1. I am sure Marie-Anroinette's salon de thé was every bit as gorge...or almost...

  6. I ♥ this post.
    I would take that formule petit-déjeuner and ask for the napperon?:)
    The watercolors..little jars(LOVE those jars)..
    and your black ink work.

  7. I love these notes and the monthly “letters” I receive. Was thinking some day, year (??) it would be lovely to post an email article, perhaps with pics (?) highlighting your favorite cafes, breakfast and dinner places, ice cream/glace “stops” etc. For those of us who make it to Paris every few years it would be a wonderful guide to have on hand.

    1. But there can be no 'favorites' in Paris, Trixie...just too many place to enjoy

  8. Bonnie2:15 PM

    Bear is precious.

  9. Do you need a reservation for tea? Looks utterly divine.
    I love your posts.

    1. It never hurts to make a reservation Mary2 especially on weekends.

  10. The desserts in the Café Pouchkine look amazing and I love your little glass chicken!

    Have a wonderful day!

  11. I will be in Paris a few days next Month!!will put on my to do list. When one has only a few days so hard to decide what to do. I enjoy just to flâner.

  12. Patricia10:58 PM

    Beautiful, wish Chicago would have a tea salon as lovely. Your posts start my day. Merci.

  13. Thanks for sharing your visit to this amazing place, I love the breakfast and ALL the cakes/desserts, ha ha!

  14. I'm especially admiring the silver tray. I always have trouble with silver! And all those pretty jam jars. Oh, it all looks just delicious. I think I need to go bake something!

  15. Having suffered through a week of sleet and freezing rain and worrying about how the UPS man would be able to navigate my driveway to deliver my latest art goodies, I absolutely inhaled this post! What a beautiful place! And the cups with their fancy little "frames"!
    BTW Ilve found that if you ask to buy one of those tiny jars, they almost always give you some free ! Yes, even more than one!

  16. I almost forgot - you sent me scurrying immediatement (?) to Amazon for my jar of marmalade and lo and behold they have it! Tuesday is croissant day at Longears.


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