
Monday, November 20, 2017

18e Rendez-Vous du Carnet de Voyage

Sometimes you hit it lucky. In the pitch dark Saturday morning, 6:00am I was desperately trying to find Gare de Bercy train station from line 14 exit. I saw a woman ahead and asked her the way. Of course I didn't understand a word but followed along anyway, wishing and hoping. The words Clermont-Ferrand were spoken - my destination and town of the annual November Carnet du voyage (travel sketchbook) exhibit. Remember last year's post? Not only was Françoise going but she's a terrific sketcher! She fills a new beautiful sketchbook on every trip.
Françoise was meeting her friend Jane, who does walking sketch tours in Trouville! I'd taken a picture of Jane's poster last June but was a day too late. And Françoise and Jane were staying at my hotel Republique. We talked sketching/watercolors for 3+ hours and arrived in no time.
130 carnetistes (sketchbook artists) had stands displaying their work at the Polydome center.
Everyone is friendly and chatty - Santi Sallés.
I love shooting the tiny paintboxes. Lord knows how they achieve so much with so few colors?
This spanish artist, Hugo Barros Costa told me proudly he never cleans his paintbox. I heard that a lot...
He was in New York for a year teaching at Parsons and produced a terrific book, NEW YORK GRAPHIC CHRONICLES.
Most sketchbook artists have books for sale either self-produced or published.
There is a mind-boggling huge area of artist's books to buy.
Then you bring it back to the artist to sign, usually quite elaborately. Bring a hairdryer.
Artists are drawing, painting, coloring
French artist Marielle Durand is giving a visitor's sketchbook a crit.
Artists have glass display tables showing the range of their work.
So many sketchbooks.
Meet my architecture Professor Jeremy Soheylian. I love his book. You can get it on his facebook page.
He signed a print, 'To my best American friend'. I think I may be his only American friend...
The town of Clermont-Ferrand is in the Auvergne. Many Auvergnoise left, came to Paris and opened all the cafes and brasseries you love to frequent like Cafe Flores and Les Duex Magots.
The volcanic black lava cathedral in town is worth visiting night or day, if you can tear yourself away from the exhibit.
I was so inspired by everyone madly painting and drawing. Back in my hotel room I had a field day painting pastries. Rendez-Vous du Carnet voyage show IS inspiring. Françoise and Jane never stopped sketching. We have an open date to sketch out my window and later in June in Trouville.
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  1. A Really, really interesting blog today!!!!

  2. Fabulous!!! What a wonderful perspective into how these things get created.
    It makes me wonder if there is anything like this in Oregon or even in the USA?
    How very cool that you met and chatted with the artists like that. Fun! what a nice train ride. Thank you for all the fun !

    1. URBAN SKETCHERSis a good place to start for you.
      Not sure if anything exists like this exactly...
      Pls Come to France next year!!!

    2. I will try to make that happen! I dream of it every day.

    3. Also, thanks for the Urban Sketchers tip. very cool.There is one in Oregon!

  3. You make me want to paint!!!Unfortuantely I have no talent and yet...You make me want to paint!!!

  4. I remember last years post well. How wonderful to be so immersed in your own wold of painters.

  5. Very well done !!! I really enjoy ;-)) Bye bye

  6. need to be an "exposant"..e" next year!

  7. Well, of course I thank you for sharing all this!!! I would be overwhelmed, my heart would be beating so fast!! Nice serendipity of meeting the 2 artists on the way!
    So, you have been studying architecture..
    I also enjoyed going to some of the links, especially official Rendez-vous du carnet link and some of the artist links!

  8. I guess there IS this sort of thing in the US but I have no real idea. It just seems divine!

  9. So fun for you but I think you should have been an exhibitor yourself - next year?

    1. It is a lot of work!!!!!!!!!
      I was exhausted just walking the show..I'm .still in recovery here 😀

  10. Serendipity waits for you once again. ...I think you should have a book, no?😉

    1. I would LOVE to have a book Geri!!!!!
      Working on a concept now :))

    2. I sure hope it's going to be a coloring book.

  11. Miranda2:12 AM

    Thanks for taking us along again on yr adventures.
    Love the range and depth of these drawings. Like taking a trip each one.

  12. What fun! I know I would lose my mind with all those fabulous artists' books. Now it's your turn!

  13. Jill Butler1:23 PM

    Oh so yummy!!!!!

  14. Anne K1:55 PM

    Oh My Lord. FANTASTIC !
    And did I tell you your watercolor letters to my Granddaughters were fantastic and Loved.

  15. this is AWESOME! and it's held every year this time?
    maybe you could go next year and sell things yourself!

  16. I loved reading this post!! Thank you! Your blog is always a delight, I hope I can meet you someday in Paris! :)

  17. Hi Carol - I've really been enjoying your posts and sketches! I even looked up Urban Sketchers in my city! I used to sketch way back in my school days. I love the ink sketches with water color. Stunning! I'm going to research this!!
    Agree - you should have your own book!!

  18. How great to meet two fellow visitors on the trip there! Thanks for sharing your Carnet de Voyage trip again with us this year. All you watercolorists are amazing, I don't know how you make that small box of paints into the amazing pictures, it's magic to me!
    I went to Clermont-Ferrand for a visit on my school trip to France ages ago, however I'd forgotten about the black cathedral. I look forward to getting your book someday Carol (you definitely need to do one!).

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