
Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nice Letters?

I think I'm in love..
So should I?
Move to Nice?
Can I sell my watercolors here?
At the Cours Salaya Marché in the old town?
The colors here are my colors..warm and REDS.
I've been trying to place the yellow
You see it everywhere.
Its Socca yellow! My dinner last night cos I couldn't find the restaurant on the map and the other was closed and, and. But I discover the nooks and crannies of the old town. Utterly delicious.
Isnt this a living Matisse? i must get to his museum here!!
What they are wearing. Long, loose, print, flowy. Relaxed.
This whole town is relaxed. And joyous. The colors must have that effect.
Last night at Place Massena.
Should I get this bag? Def Nice colors. Should I move to Nice? I am definitely coming back. Soon. Forget Provence. The Riviera is Fab!


  1. I love Nice and would love to live there. Have you seen the Marc Chagall muse? It is wonderful! I love their colorful pottery also. Have fun for me!

  2. Oh do take the bus or train to Eze if you have not done so! There is a garden at the top with a dreamy view of the ocean and would make the best watercolor painting!!!

    1. Thanks Jane. I looked it up. Maybe next trip.

  3. Susan G8:54 AM

    I think you should go and leave the bitterly cold Paris winters behind. Don't think of it as a change but a pivot! :)

  4. What a lovely post. Next time you are down do let me know (in advance) and I'll come in to Nice and say Hello OR you hop a train to Menton and I'll introduce you to my village, Gorbio. Beautiful watercolours as always .... xxx

    1. Ah ha...I was in Menton yesterday and read about Gorbio today. It looks lovely Jill.
      Next trip absolutely!!
      Thanks Carolg

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    yes move to nice !so nice to be near the ocean or sea. follow matisse with your beautiful watercolors and photos and wonderful quips. we might miss your paris posts but then you can move back again

  6. oh to be in your shoes! choices choices- I think the colors in the first picture say it all-maybe a 6 month there and a 6 month here(Paris) look at that green in the 1st says a lot-the bag is lovely-

  7. Yes - definitely get the bag! Love your watercolors. Have you been to Menton? If so, your impressions?

  8. Oh my !!! I have made a significant move from NYC Metro to SE Florida ... for me, the heat is an issue but perhaps the South of France isn't the inferno that it is here. You are so blessed to have these amazing choices in your life. I think you would definitely sell your charming watercolors there btw. My dream has always been Provence at lavender harvest ... I can't wait to see the posts I've missed. Today is the day I chose to enjoy them so I couldn't resist putting my two cents in!!

    1. Its easily an inferno in the cote azure! I got the weather report all wrong!! Def not in the 70s. More like 90s. There is far more AC here than Paris.

    2. No AC in Paris is a very strong bad memory of a very hot August nite without even a 'ventilatuer'!! Desk told us they gave the last one away😖Now closed Hotel Louve St Romain on Rue St. Roch. Thought I was going to die. We actually stayed there twice we liked it so much but that second trip was a terrible heat wave. More AC is a definite plus!

  9. ...and yes to the bag💕

  10. I would love to see your watercolors of Nice!

  11. I would love to buy your watercolors of Nice. J'adore ce paradis.

  12. Suzanne P11:14 AM

    Nice looks beautiful! Love the warm colors too. Hope your able to visit the Matisse museum. Love his art. And last but not least I would so totally get that bag. One of a kind. Love it.

    Enjoy your day!

  13. Cathy R11:51 AM

    I love the photo you took of the people in the shallow pool. It's beautiful! Your love of Nice shows through. Maybe a pied a terre there for you?

    1. I'm starting a Riviera fund Soon Cathy!

  14. Betsy D12:16 PM

    Nice seems beautiful....more relaxed but still all one loves about France. Plus the Mediterranean water must be lovely.

  15. Clarity Artists1:36 PM

    Ah, yes to Matisse, and, of course, a yes to the bag! :-)
    Love your work, always.

  16. Claire3:00 PM

    I love your emails! Nice looks tempting, old town, artist heaven, and the purse; but I am still captivated by your sketches of Provence, so evocative!

  17. I love Nice! And is you..I would live in Provence and visit Nice and Cannes....belle aquarelle!
    Eze is supposed to be sublime.
    I loved Menton too.

    1. Wow You've been everywhere Monique! 4 days is not enough time to do/see everything. They make it extremely easy with the wonderful transport system. Provence is too far away. Someplace closer. On verra bien...

  18. You are captivated by the sights, sounds, and smells of Nice. I can imagine there is a joyful and carefree spirit that is contagious as well. I am glad you are having a fun time. Continue to enjoy every minute.

  19. If you DID move to Nice, would you consider running a travel ketch/watercolor workshop? I'd come.

  20. Nice looks lovely!! I've never been, so thanks for sharing your great photos. If you can get good SNCF deals just visit regularly from Paris? Enjoy and I agree that you should buy the bag.

  21. Live in Nice but make trips to Villefrance--my favorite village on the Riveria!

  22. You would love living in Nice. Our house is not far from there and the weather, the sites, the colors! perfect. I think your work would sell well here too! Don't miss the Matisse Museum. The setting really lends itself to the art. Once of my favorite places to go. Hope to see you here!!

  23. I love Nice but there is not nearly as much going on there as there is in Paris. The Matisse Museum is great, not too big, and the Chagall Museum is also lovely...again, on the small side but wonderful paintings. The colors of Nice plus the sunshine make it very enticing, no???

    1. I only got to the Picasso museum in Antibes! I Must go back 😬😬

  24. Interesting problem; I'd probably move - but you'd lose your island.

    1. If you've been to the Riviera...that ain't losing much..except for Notre Dame...

  25. Karen S2:44 AM

    I'm laughing at your "Forget Provence! Nice is Fab!" Who lives that way?
    You do! Lucky Girl!

  26. Like the long, loose and flowy.

    lg :)

  27. Anonymous4:12 PM

    You should go to Nice at will have that beautiful beach deserted and all to yourself...and the sea and sky will be that amazing blue.


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