
Sunday, May 14, 2017

ParisBreakfast May letter..a work in progress

When Spring rolls around Parisiens get delirious about plants for their petit balcons.
Not sure why this surprises me. Maybe in New York only the 1% have a balcon to fuss over.
Look at this! Scented grass (rosemary, verbena etc.) for your petite terrasse.
Every Parisien's dream, La Compagne à Paris (the country in the city) There does seem to be a Green revolution going on in Paris.
At my local whatever shop Bü, all kinds of DIYs
I have yet to try any. My thumb is every color but green.
I went back to Grand Palais' Jardins exhibit for more plant immersion.
Mainly the gift shop, now a plant store plus all too many gorgeous books.
Spring green tea tins to die for. Who cares what's inside. So many beauitful things. You Must go!
Time 'to tend my own garden/jardin' as Voltaire said. Get back to the drawingboard for the May letter art.
My ongoing obsession with hot air balloons (and sheer terror of extreme heights), why not paint flying flowerpots viewed from a Paris balcon?
Taking things a step further...
'Paperdoll' time. Let's cut and paste and move bits around!
1st version, Bear approved his likeness. Whew. I heard noises outside my door. Must be the concierge. It was my proprietor (landlord). I invited/shoved him in for an opinion.
"No good" he said. "The revised Eiffel Tower is wrong, wrong, wrong". 
Oh. OK. Time for a do-over. Must stick with original Eiffel Tower!! You can see the final letter on Etsy. 
By the way the green bug thing is from Grand Palais' gift shop.


  1. Love where the letter is going. I had forgotten about the garden show. You had done a blog about it. Just not enough time for everything then forget something I am interested in. Next time. So happy with the photos you took. I have to get the three of us together.

  2. Foodwalker8:32 PM

    Love them! Your delightful floating flower pots. You are so cleaver and creative!

  3. I hope to someday have a balcon in France. Maybe I'll become quite the gardener then. Great photos.
    I'd love it if you'd join in with Dreaming of France today. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

  4. Those slate tiles are YUMMY..

    and la maman qui porte le bonnet avec son bébé regardant la Tour♥
    ET les mongolfières "tomates"..Wow!

  5. I so want to go to this and still haven't got around to it! Looks super - and love the look of the shop too. I adore the look of these little cute signs for the garden. Gorgeous artwork as ever, Carol. I have that one with the Eiffel Tower and tomatoes. Very clever x

  6. Lovely and interesting post, Carol. Now seriously considering whether I can pop over on the Eurostar to pick up some scented grass for my London balcony :)))

    1. Oh please do pop by Karen!!
      Eurostar is at rock bottom!!!

  7. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Pay no attention to your proprietor.
    The scene on the balcony is lovely!
    Wendy in Maryland

    1. Ah but sometimes I'm too close to see it. I need another point of ciew!!

  8. Mary R9:13 PM

    If that balcony view of luscious tomatoes flying around the Eiffel tower was such a divine idea, why not flower pots? I'm enchanted!

  9. Gwendoline9:18 PM

    Your blog is still the best Carole.

  10. Your work just gets better and better. I love what you do.

  11. My granddaughters in Mississippi are loving their Paris letters! We are looking forward to our trip to Paris the 1st of July! Thank You!!

  12. Fabulous as usual. Thank you

  13. Lovely letter! Spring in Paris looks lovely.

  14. Lois Bender4:06 PM


  15. Post cards from Philly4:08 PM

    Loving the "look" of your charming technique, especially with figures


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