
Monday, May 01, 2017

Fete du Bonheur, le 1er MAI

Happy 1st of Mai! A national holiday in France, their 'labor day'.
I spotted the 1st lilly of the valley (muguet) on Friday while researching Paris fleurists for the May map.
And the 1st fraise de bois of the season..the tiniest, sweetest strawberries. PS Marjorie Williams will be signing books at WHSmith from 6-7 pm 248, rue de Rivoli Metro:Concorde on her terrific guides, MARKETS OF PARIS and MARKETS OF PROVENCE. I'll see you there (red glasses).
Today I headed out to visit Place Dauphine for the first time. Lilly of the valley everywhere.
Tables set up on every street corner.
Au nom de la Rose had sprigs (brin) mingled with their famous roses.
A perfect day for flaneuring (aimless wandering) in Paris
I love the small park behind Notre Dame
This shady grove is one of my favorite quiet spots in Paris.
At last Place Dauphine on Ile de la Cité. Google says its a 19 minute walk from my house.
What have I been waiting for? Have you been?
A classic bistro at Place Dauphine, Ma Salle à Manger.
I passed the perfect May shoes.
In Diptyque's window the perfect Françoise Sagan quotation for a day off...
"My favorite pastime is letting time pass, 
having time, 
Taking my time, 
wasting my time, 
living out of time."
An Ile Saint Louis neighbor wastes time on his balcon, while Bear dreamily studies the clouds. Are they nimbus, cumulus, stratocumulus? Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast.  If you'd like to receive Paris letters and mapin your mailbox, stop by my shop. 
Happy 1st of Mai!


  1. Allie in NYC1:19 PM


  2. Miranda1:21 PM

    A perfect Spring day in Paris!
    Feels like a Sunday

  3. Marilyn2:20 PM

    How I wish I was there today!!

  4. I love your artwork, your blog and Paris! Have you printed your art on scarves or on shirts? I would love to "wear your art"!

  5. thank you, you are making my day.

  6. Mary R1:45 AM

    FYI: International Workers Day from Wikipedia

    Since its establishment in most countries by agreement of the Socialist Workers' Congress of the Second International, held in Paris in 1889, is a day of homage to the Martyrs from Chicago. These anarchist trade unionists were executed in the United States for participating in the days of struggle for the eight-hour working day, which originated in the strike that began on May 1, 1886 and its peak three days later, May 4, at the Haymarket Revolt.

    From then on it became a day of protest for workers' rights in the general sense that is celebrated to a greater or lesser extent throughout the world minus the United States, Canada and very few other countries. Instead Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September in a parade in New York and organized by the Knights of Labor (Noble Order of Knights of Labor).

    1. Thank you Mary R!
      Its also the one day anyone can set up a table anywhere and sell muguet in Frqnce. No taxes either.

  7. I'm always reverential to your incomparable art, Carol! Love the sense of humor and cuteness of your posts.

  8. ♥ C'est bien beau ..tout!!

  9. A belated Happy May Day to you, dear Carol! The custom of honoring les muguets is such a delightful tradition.
    Love those clouds...once again Bear shows impeccable taste. xo

    1. Oh I knew I mispelled 'muguet'
      Toujours le meme choise...

  10. Kathryn11:42 AM

    I can almost smell the Lily the Valley; the sweetest perfume. Thank you again, esp. for the Sagan quote. Gave me permission to sit and gaze.

  11. Kathleen11:45 AM

    Tres jolie all - I like that saying by Francoise Sagan...might become my motto, too!

  12. Sigh. Will pick a few lilies of the valley now. My sister sent me pink ones! Thank you.

  13. Love all of your blog today, Carol. I loved being in Paris on May 1st and taking the muguets back to our apt - a special memory. Place Dauphine is another favorite place & I always eat at La Rose de France once while visiting.

    1. And to think I was dithering whether to go outside. Thank goodness I did.
      A perfect Paris day!
      So glad you were here for it Suki

  14. WineWalker1:41 PM

    Wonderful! Thank you

  15. Suzanne1:59 PM

    As always I love your posts about all things Paris. Your wonderful photography makes me feel like I am there in person.

  16. Clarity Artists2:15 PM

    Ah, the classic bistro at Place Dauphine, Ma Salle à Manger,
    that's the image for us today!

  17. My birthday is May Day and often I am in Paris but this year we are arriving a little later. I miss the muguet and love all your pictures!

    1. Bonne Anniversaire Kari!!
      The muguet stay around for a while, especially the chocolate muguet !

  18. Thank you for the shout out and amidst such a lovely post. Beautiful photos. I could smell the flowers!

  19. Happy May 1 (or May 2, as it is now!) Love the lilies!

  20. You have a unique perspective. As you observe, you are picturing.

  21. I wish I could come to the bookshop with you! Too far from down here in Australia. Thanks for sharing the beautiful spring Paris photos. Size 38 is ,y size, I want those shoes!! Happy May Day Carol :)

  22. Shelton H7:34 PM

    These are always beautiful pictures with piquant and clever captions.

  23. Mariangela2:58 AM

    Tres belles ai nome de la rose

  24. Happy May Day and season of wonderful flowersin France! I am so worried about the election and am holding my breath for Sunday.I really hope you to not get the mess like we got in the USA.I know this isn't a political blog, but since you are there as an American I sure hope everything goes well ,so you can stay there and keep creating the best blog on the internet.All the best to France and to you and Bear. Fan from Oregon


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