
Monday, April 17, 2017

Old Paris

Thank you PBers for coming round to my Etsy sale this weekend. And what a glorious weekend it was here. I still love The Old Paris. For some classic 20s French music please CLICK.
A tourist was practicing her selfie shots while two gents could have cared less at Aux Vieux Paris.
The wisteria are out in full bloom.
Serenity now in the gardens
Around Notre Dame
I hope the old timey shops on Ile Saint-Louis never go away.
Nor the classic red table cloth restaurants. What would Paris be without the old standbys?
For charming French windows walk by perfumer Diptyque on rue Pontoise and bd Saint Germain
Perfect swan 🦢 
I wandered over to the weekly Sunday bird market. I bet this hasn't changed much.
So easy to fall in love.
A French family testing out a new addition
Beautiful skies yesterday in Paris.
An old timey band, Borsalino was playing classic French tunes. You can hear them on my link above


  1. I love all this old stuff.
    My kid has been playing a song, "Un Homme Debout," which came out last year as a pop song but is SO traditionally French, with accordion and all. I love that.
    OTOH, it is NOT easy to find a red and white checked tablecloth these days. I keep looking, but find only HORRORS.

  2. How come we visited the birds and not Au Vieux Paris?
    It was a sad day at the bird market..gloomy etc..I can't say that was my favorite spot..

    I would have preferred Au Vieux Paris..

    You captured it beautifully!♥

    1. Next time ask moi darling
      They are both on ile de la Cité

    2. That part I remember;)

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU! You captured so much of the best Paris in this wonderful very feeling post! Last year at this time I was there. This April those memories are in all of my dreams. Cheers from your fan from rural Oregon

    1. Hi Oregon!
      This is what I love about Paris too.

  4. What glorious wisteria pictures. I never would have noticed the woman posing in the corner if you hadn't pointed it out. Lovely old Paris. Who can pass it up?

    1. I'm going wisteria hunting today.
      I thank PARIS IN BLOOM for the heads up (literally and figuratively..)

  5. Your wisteria clad shop fronts are to die for!

  6. Mary H6:00 AM

    I want to go see this Paris when it's sunny and perfect!!

  7. Love the wisteria and the lavender storefront!

  8. I love the old Paris. And the wisteria, oh, be still my heart! Thanks for posting this beautiful visit, Carol!

  9. Kathy H10:37 AM

    I can picture myself under those lilacs (sneezing probably-have allergies) - loved the musical addition!!!

  10. Where is the french bird market

    1. Ooops I shoukd have said..
      On Cité by the metro the marche des fleurs

  11. That wisteria is entrancing as is old Paris - your blog is so apropos today as I just received my copy of The New Paris by Lindsey Tramuta. Methinks the old Paris will always be there despite many modern changes & they seem able to coexist without any detriment to the most beautiful city in the world.

  12. Barbara F11:07 PM

    So nice, thank you.

  13. Love the pastel colors, looking like old hand colored photos from the turn of the century.

  14. I took this exact walk 3 1/2 weeks ago --- and lamented that I wasn't seeing the wisteria in bloom...Thank you for making that happen!

  15. It must be fate! I have my first wisteria blooms ever on my plant in 4 years!

  16. Beautiful photos,Carol. I especially like the tree shadows in the park, and Notre Dame. The bird market is a very nice little photo essay :)

  17. Lovely post! The sunshine looks lovely, unfortunately I couldn't seem to get the music to play for me...enjoy :)

    1. Blogger will not let me upload videos 😬
      Only available on Facebook and Instagram Kirrabelle

  18. I am so happy to be getting your monthly Paris dispatches again. The surprises delight me! I've mean to respond to your note before, but my manners desert me as I age. Yes, I did get the first one you sent. Thank you!! And also, the wisteria in your above photos is so dreamy!!! Thanks for giving us tastes, sounds, and colors of this beautiful city.--Nora


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