
Saturday, April 08, 2017

Paris in Bloom

Is winter still hanging round in your doorstep? Then you need THIS BOOK.
IF Spring is beginning to show up you still need THIS BOOK.
If you have a mother, you need this book. Georgianna Lane's PARIS IN BLOOM is simply divine.
It inspired me to look for Paris pinks. Le Bonbon au Palais confiserie has perfect pink marshmallow.
They have deep pink framboise chocolate fish! This is a first.
Anne Maisoneuve is ready for Spring with peony Ts.
I thought of buying pretty pink ranunculus to paint inspired by Georgianna's book.
Every picture is a painting, evocative, inspiring, dreamy. I was shooting in Paul Langevin parc under a swath of cherry trees. Bloosoms were falling.
Paris in Bloom has useful information like Georgianna's favored flower boutiques. Quite a few were in last May's flower shop map.
She likes Au Nome de La Rose.
A Metro poster announcing Easter egg events I found yesterday.
No pastries in Georgianna's book, but many how-tos like Creating your own Parisian-style bouquet. And a field guide to recognizing common Paris spring-blooming trees.
There's a DIY tour of Georgianna's favorite locations for flowering trees and plants in central Paris.
Bear and I met up with Georgiannas.
We were lucky to get her to come take a look at our tiny secret garden.
Who knew there were Camellias in my own back yard till Georgianna identified them?
I've been painting Camellias ever since. If you want/need a fabulous uplift, a taste of Spring, inspiration, oh anything ar all, do get PARIS IN BLOOM. (Link above) Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast. If you enjoyed this post and would like to support it, subscribe to Paris letters, maps and watercolors or forward to a friend. Cheers


  1. Miranda B3:40 AM

    Another Lovely Spring post. Bravo!
    And Georgianna makes housecalls! Hooray

  2. It's always lovely to visit Paris through your posts!

  3. My faves..the Spring posts..her book looks so beautiful! Your map:) That t-shirt..hoping to get a bouquet de renoncules Monday..if there are any left..

  4. Clarity Artists10:59 AM

    The fact that there STILL are marshmallows in both glasses, is amazing. You have nerves of steel. :-)

    1. Those are 'artasan' marshmellows. I am still your basic vanilla tube-shape marshmellow addict. Paris has not refined my taste in that one area...

  5. About your flower map: 4 years ago I was in Paris and rented an Airbnb studio right across from Patrick Allain!

    1. Did the flower scents waft up to your window?

  6. See the way the man is walking in the last picture, with his hands clasped behind his back? That's the way my Georges walks. So French.

  7. Pink refreshing…. bring it on! Sick of Grey

  8. Carol, I'm co honored! Thank you very much for a beautiful and fun post and a memorable morning! It was a delight to meet you and see your magical garden. Merci beaucoup for taking the time and for the wonderful map. I'll treasure it and this lovely post. À bientôt! xxx

  9. Winewalker1:58 PM

    Wonderful spring welcome. Thanks for this, Carol

  10. Such a cheery way to start the day - thanks, Carol. I love your peaceful tiny garden & gardenia water colors. Wish I could trade place with Bear for a week so I could shadow you.

  11. Ahh,un souffle du printemps Parisien! Merci Carole!

  12. Thank you for all you do to brighten this world.

  13. Mariangelo11:05 AM

    Bellissimo questo Paris on bloom

  14. I've never been a great fan of pinks, but you have opened my eyes!

    1. I own zero pink clothing, but its still a pretty color.

  15. I've seen this book featured on several sites -- it may be my go-to gift for my Paris and garden fans, since I've already Vivianed them! It's lovely.


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