
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

Paris Advent Calendrier

All Paris is obsessed with advent calendars in November and I've caught the bug. I made the perfume map into an advent of sorts, but you need 30 24 apertures for the 30 24 days before christmas, starting December 1st.
As a general rule the advent calendar is a house with lots of opening windows. This one is from Patisserie des Reves, filled with hidden candies"
Every year l'Occitane does a whimsical house full of cosmetics. I waltzed out yesterday morning planning to pick one up. Ha! There isn't a single one in all Paris.
'Rupture of stock' they call it. These are limited editions. Grab it when you see it. You snooz, you lose. La Mere de Famille's annual candy-filled house is long gone. Boo hoo
You can still pick up a Nuxe-filled block of Parisian houses. Monoprix commisioned it and they are still around at 50€ a pop. Ouch.
Chocolatier Arnaud Larher's row of village houses looks inticing (29€) and still in stock. Yum Yum
Jeff de Bruge candy shop is almost out they told me. Last one.
Another top chocolatier, Chapon has stacked little boxes lined up like a Christmas tree.
A rather modern design from Maison du Chocolat. Advent calendars are either candy or cosmetic-filled or DIY.
You can buy plenty of reproduced old designs and fill them with whatever you want.
The carrousels are lit up in all the parks at night in Paris.
Le Bon Marché's windows have a snowball theme with flocans (snowflakes). This would make a nice advent calendar no?
More pretty lights
Every year at place Saint Sulpice, G.Thuillier has nativity pieces.
A real house with edible chocolate-covered marshmallows near Galeries Lafeyette. La Grand Epicerie also has edible houses covered in snow.
I know what I'll be doing next November. No more 'Johnny come lately' waiting to to catch the Avent calendars. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. If you like this post and want to support it, buy Paris letters and watercolors (no rupture in stock so far) or forward to someone who might enjoy it. 


  1. What a fabulous treasure hunt!!!
    I think Paris next November sounds like a grand adventure...Advent Calendar hunt and then the sketchbook event !!!

  2. Love it! great job and the cake!! LL

  3. I love all the advent houses. Makes me wish I still had littles around to enjoy it. The perfume one sounds interesting and love the snow village cake.

  4. I purchased nativity feves -24 from a French seller on Etsy last year. Putting one each day in a crèche. your Christmas postings bring Paris at Christmas into our homes. There is a blogger Simply Vintageous that wrapped a picture of Sacre Coeur around the back of a glass vase and then put snow - clock, etc. in the middle on a plate. I am getting out your sketch letters to find the perfect one to use wrapped around one of my cloches. Doing that today. Joyeau Noel

  5. I love the l'Occitane one..and regretted not buying a liitle summer set they had..that advent calendar is very special.
    I like them..a lot..
    My daughters were so simple..that flat thing and a mini chocolate in each..then one year I made them a door sized felt banner..with a wood dowel to felt tree..and 24 little felt things..they stuck to the tree with velcro..and Jesus for the 25th..
    Caroline has it now..wonder if it will make an appearence..all into the Elf on the shelf..he does the craziest things that elf..Paris looks beautiful Carol..I know Montreal does too..I should get there..I don't go out after dark any more;)
    C'est une autre chose que tu pourrais faire..un calendrier de l'avent:) Chaque année..
    j'aime bien ton aquarelle parfumé sais que plusieurs gens..
    n'aiment pas les'aime.

    Blablabla j'ai de la jasette aujour'hui.

  6. You wrote: 30 days for an Advent Calendar. What? Mais, non!

    1. Oupla! I've never been famous for my numbers. Tanks. I'll change it to 24 days!!

  7. thanks for the delightful blog of the season!

  8. Dazzling! Making my heart dance with joy!

  9. What a fantastic post. Beautiful calendar!

  10. Lois Bender12:41 PM

    gorgeous post....
    what does an advent calendar do???!
    count the days before xmas with gifts for each day????
    it's european mostly???
    love your are a walking catalogue!!!!!

  11. beautiful!
    Paris at Christmas.
    So envy you!

  12. Love it all!!! So happy to have scored a round trip ticket in March for $450....Joyeux Noël!!!

  13. I loved advent calendars as a child and bought them for my children and now my grandchildren. But I refuse to buy the ones with chocolate. The little pictures behind each door were enough of a delight for me

  14. Jill Butler art&design9:07 PM

    The caramel house is the one I want ~ how clever are ALL but this one is great!

    1. Which caramel house Jill?

    2. Jill Butler9:08 PM

      Maison au Chocolat looks like or I want it be caramel…

    3. Ha ha keep dreaming.
      Maison would definitely have chocolate inside!!

  15. GwenEllen9:13 PM

    My favorite and I haven't been able to replicate it, was the Advent Calendar made with used matchstick boxes - the little ones that slide out. Each day was one of those painted and then there was a little treat in each box to slide out every day.

    1. Sounds adorable GwenEllyn!
      I've come very late to enjoying these but maybe its never too late?

  16. Thank you for sharing this creative post.
    I love it. Especially the lighted carousel photo.

  17. Great idea, and wonderful post showing us what it's all about.
    Great photos as always - and sketches.
    I love the photo of the "House of Chocolates" display.

  18. These are amazing advent calendars! I would love to have one, as I don't think I've ever had one before. I hope you are okay in Paris with all the pollution? It's on the news here in Australia!


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