
Friday, July 29, 2016

Fashion Forward, Jacques Callot, Paris Tomato Letter

This week I've been painting and drawing like mad. My print shop had the nerve to close for vacation last Saturday so all Paris maps and Paris letters are done and even shipped out! Hooray. In August tomatoes always catch my fancy. I tucked into the envelopes a flyer from the musee des arts decoratifs for the 'Fashion Forward' exhibit with the perfect tomato red dress on the cover.

On Wednesday I dropped into the Louvre's Department of Grafiques to gaze at miniature drawings of Jacques Callot (1592-1635). I'm a long-time fan of his fluid lines so it was pretty thrilling to see them in the flesh. I only got through about 100 drawings of the 1600 in the collection. The more I looked at them, the more they seemed like perfect fashion illustrations.

If only I'd had the appropriate costume to wear whilst viewing.

Surely one of these elaborate waistcoats would have done nicely from the exhibit at Musee des Arts Decorativs

300 pieces of men's, women's and children's wear are on display from the museum's collection. Note the mariner's blue stripes...always a French favorite.

More stripes.

The background wallpapers and tapestries in these intimate tableaux are just as stunning as the garments.

Accessories are included. You must have a fan when it gets hot in Paris. There isn't much relief from the heat other than standing in front of the yogurt case at Monoprix or a trip to the movies.

Even 19th century paper dolls are displayed.

I loved the mirrored floor reflecting the evening striped gown.

Even some Barbies have crossed over from the exhibit in the opposite space.

Just when you're thinking 17th through 19th century clothing is far more elaborate then contemporary wear.

You are led into a huge display that proves that thinking is so wrong.

Fabulous gowns

Elaborate embroidaries
Historic silhouettes.

You can wander fore and aft so no back view is missed on these creations.

At last the tomato red dress from Comme des garçons. Forever outrageous. A work of art even if she does look like a tomato.

The gift shop is always a don't-miss at musee des Arts Decoratifs. Not everything is pricey either. This drinks pitcher tempted me (17,50€). I ran off to the pool to reflect. Fortunately they have cold showers to halt impluse shopping.
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
If you like this post please support it by buying my Paris letters and watercolors. Or pass on some one you think might enjoy it.


  1. I love the juxtaposition of the modern silhouette w/ the historic silhouettes..
    It's warm here also..
    Not complaining..until you have tasted a QC harsh can't understand appreciating no frozen extremities..
    Il y a un juste milieu..
    but so far I am standing the heat.
    Your tomato and Callot designs ..lovely..

    the paper dolls..

    Thinking about going to Ottawa to see the Vigée Le Brun exposition.

  2. Carol, your tribute to the beauty of tomato red is great fun...and full of cultural history, too.

    What a talent you are! I am so glad you made the deadline imposed by your vacationing print shop lads. Perhaps they will send you post cards from their holiday destinations as a tribute to your Parisian letters!

    I love the looks of that study room.

    And also the costume displays that allow you a 360 degree viewing.

    I'm also pleased to report that after and overnight rain that lingered into this morning, our really challenging heat dome has been cracked. Now it's just ordinary NYC July heat.


    1. A heat 'dome'!! How dreadful.
      Very glad too that it's subsiding Frances.
      Its cool here at nights in Paris. Positively breezy.
      Come to Paris!

  3. Miranda8:27 PM

    The mannequin in the pink stripe gown appears to be bending down a bit to oblige the person taking her picture! She's come alive!

  4. Jacques Calot! I am glad to make his acquaintance! What line! I drool.

    1. When you come to Paris we'll go together and drool.
      Just not on the original drawings. I felt like a robber stealing looks..but then perhaps he liked all the attention..wonder when was the last time someone drooled for him..?

  5. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Thankyou! Didn't make it when last there. ( and read a disparaging review which was clearly opinion only! )

    1. Those critics are jaded. What do they know anyway!

  6. Diana P10:43 AM

    Thank you that was wonderful! We are very hot here in California so a nice trip to a fashion museum was great!

  7. I just ran to the kitchen to see if our heirlooms look anything like your tomato dress. Always enjoy Paris Breakfast and you!

  8. Kathleen H11:00 AM

    Would love to go there!!!

  9. Hahaha! Cold showers to halt impulse-shopping! I love it! I'd be over the moon to see that fashion exhibit in person.

  10. Loved all of the photos but, as a collector of paper dolls, I was enamored of those in the exhibit. Such fun.

  11. My passion is historical clothing, and my humble attempts at recreating them. Thank your sharing Paris with me, this exhibit is so close to my heart. I wish I couold jump on a plane just to come and see. Posts fill me with joy. Merci Meci Merci. Vanessa M de L

    1. You Must come!
      Musee Arts Decoratifs cafe is called LA LOUP.
      You will feel right at home..

  12. Great post thanks Carol! I hope you get a bit of a holiday too if the print shop is closed?
    Last year our local Art Gallery had a exhibition of fashions similar to this, it was great but a LOT smaller. Of course Paris has such a large and fabulous exhibition. Your self restraint shown in the shop is impressive, I love art gallery gift shops.

    1. I take a picture of things I want and TRY to tell myself I will think about it. It usually doesn't work but yesterday I did walk put of a GROM Gelato shop without buying a pistachio = major achievement. Must practice that one more often. I have low impulse control.

  13. Piper L4:19 AM

    I love visiting Paris via your breakfasts.

  14. Gorgeous photos as usual! I especially love the fashion Barbies!

  15. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Do they have signs that say Ne droolez pas sur les Callots or something? Defense de droolez? Is there even a French word for drooling? Very funny post and enjoyable photos & narrative. Tres amusant et Merci tant.
    Diane in Denver
    (Hi Frances)

  16. Can't get my emails sent to you, so:
    Imagine my confusion when the Great British Baking Show had the contestants make “religieuse” ….and they looked like a tower of eclairs:

    when what I expected was this:

    and 3 other of your posts confirmed the familiar little bun with a top knot.

    What can the Brits be thinking?

  17. Love that opening watercolor, and then the photos :)
    Unbelievable batch of beutifully lit and composed photos of the exhibit, Carol.


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