
Sunday, May 08, 2016

Musee du Jouet et de la Poupee Ancienne, l'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue

Happy Mothers Day dear PBers!
Among all the antiques in the flea markets of l'Isle-sur-la-Sorge is a hidden treasure easily missed.
In the town center on 26, rue Carnet near the Mairie is a wonderful personal collection.
Musee du Jouet de la Poupee Ancienne opened 13 years ago but the pieces date from 1880 through 1920.
The doll collector, sweet Madame Huguette Jeanselme, in her 90s, is onsite to share stories.
A hat makers shop setup with chapeau, threads and silk flowers.
A perfumers shop filled with miniature bottles.
The Dione quintuplets dolls intact and complete in their gift box.
These old dollies have such character and mystery
Pure poetry.
This serene, sleeping dolly
With a twist of a knob on the top of her head, she becomes instantly grumpy and tearful.
Wonderful old children's photos line the walls. Doesn't this French girl look like Eloise at the Plaza?
Is this Madame, the collector as a little girl?
A huge gypsy caravan with all the accoutrement on the inside, pots and pans and what have you.
My favorite of course is the old ice cream cart.
Did your mother make doll clothes for your dolls? Mine did. She studied fashion design, so went at it with gusto. Maybe you didn't like dolls? I was addicted and wasted endless hours gazing longingly at unobtainable dolls in Wanamaker's, Philadelphia.
I hope you're having a lovely Mother's Day. As Bear's Mom, I spent mine painting the watercolor rose above over and over. Spring has finally sprung in Paris and the banks of the Seine are cluttered with picnickers. Here's a berry tarte from last Sunday, first of May with lily of the valley decoration.
I'll return to l'Isle-sur-la-Sorge to show you the real flea markets soon PBers, but if you should get the chance to visit don't miss the charming Musee du Jouet!


  1. The tarte from last week....not even stale! :-)

  2. My grandma made dresses for my dolls and myself, and then quilts with the remnants, from flour sacks, which used to be printed with bright florals. So I have a couple of quilts that represent my childhood.
    Love your photos. And the hand-written explanations at the musée.

    1. Lucky you! Precious memories. I wish I had saved my dolls...

  3. Be aware, Carole, at Ile sur la Sorgue Marché! One of the vendors told me that most vendors now get their merchandise from China!
    But...there still are amazing things there, for ex: I have a silver necklace that always gets me complements and royal blue espadrilles at a ridiculous price - $7 or $10 as I recall! Also, yesterday's book title is a good one - but not the right one about Roussillon. Lisette's List is by the same author, Susan Vreeland. Trust me - it is GOOD!

    Enjoy le Soleil et le Marché! Mary in Oregon

  4. Well Mme .Jeanselme is really lovely!
    What a collection..and the Dionne Quintuplets..over the years I have read and watched so many stories..Canadian girls..Ontario ..French Canadian parents I think..not an easy life..

    The twisting head doll!

    Yes I loved dolls..from Chatty Cathy to Thumbelina to Barbie.

    Some small collection dolls and then different collection dolls.
    That was a market we loved..the water wheel.. the town centre..everything enthralled me♥
    My mom didn't sew dolls clothes ..I did.. for my girls dolls..nothing exceptional.

    1. Just the fact you made their dolls clothes is exceptional Monique!! I'm sure they adored them.

  5. Well that's a wonderful discovery, Carol. Of all the market stops I've made in Ile-sur-Sorgue, I've never visited this museum. Looks charming!

    1. Its tuck away in an alcove just a 5-minute walk from the tourist office and on a main shopping street.
      Your girls would love it.

  6. I'm so pleased you included this museum, Carol. It's been at the top of my list for L'isle sur la Sorgue
    as I love miniatures. A month til I'm headed to L'isle. Has the new little guide to Provence been
    helpful? More more more please😎

    1. Marjorie Williams Provencal Markets was my main guide. more fun and informative than the others!!
      So glad you plan to visit here Bobbie.
      Hours: 10h30 - 13h
      14h - 18h
      Open every day Monday - Sunday

  7. Dear Carol, you certainly discovered a magical musee. I can imagine that Madame must have adored having your visit her collection. There is something so fascinating about the world of miniatures! xo

  8. I have my moms sewing machine too..she loved her dolls and took care of them. She had ones from Europe and after Lee and I got hold of them ....the shop is just fabulous..

  9. Jillian S11:36 AM

    Wonderful post!
    Merci Carol

  10. Carol, I've not been to I'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, though it is on my travel list. The poupee musee reminds me of the petite poupee musee in Paris with its entrance through the alleyway and small courtyard off a main street.
    Enjoy spring in Paris. I know it is gorgeous!

  11. That museum looks like a true find - the dolls are so charming and I do love doll houses. My friends and I built our own out of orange crates, made the furniture and had so much fun playing with them. More fun than with the store bought doll houses we had. I still have the doll house that was my mother's before me and lots of the furniture. Did she have any paper dolls there? I still collect them and found several on my trip to Paris last year.

  12. Ruth S1:06 PM

    Ah Wanamaker's! There will never be another store that fills all the floors as did Wanamaker's!

    Wonderful dolls you showed us here. Thanks!

    1. Wanamaker's was my home away from home. I started browsing early...

  13. I adore your beautiful watercolors. You inspired me, a non artistic researcher, to learn how to draw. Thank you for opening my eyes to a whole new world.

    Forever Indebted,

  14. Susan B11:11 PM

    pure enchantment!

  15. Amazing, these little pockets of enchantment in the world...The woman herself is wonderful.
    I made my own doll clothes too, age 12...

  16. "Meet me at the Eagle!"
    Your very mention of "Wanamaker's, that iconic rendezvous of delightful stare value, brought back a flood of memories.Not only was I dragged through its aisles as a child, waited under that monstrous carved bird endless times,
    had lunch in their "Tea Room" on the eighth or ninth floor... but finally-- worked there twice during the Christmas rush.
    Thanks for the memories

    1. Thank you Don,
      For reminding me I used to read all the magazines at Wanny's and never buy a thing.
      Their tea room had chicken consumme before it became chic broth.

  17. Amazing photo essay, Carol.
    To me, it's a delightfully eccentric post :)


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