
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Le Perigord à Montmartre

Last weekend in France was one of those 'bridge' weekends so the holiday ran over into Monday. It was also four gorgeous days of the annual May tasting the divine products of Perigord à Montmartre.

4 days of eating as many

Strawberries as possible

Even fresh strawberry juice made on the spot.

And the spot is right under Sacre Coeur in the 18th

Please take the funicular when you go up.

You will need every ounce of energy to taste everything on offer.

For the 10th edition there must have been over 40 stands of producteurs. Many have won prizes for their specialties. I bought a can of goose rillettes from this prize winner...note the red metal plaque. One taste and I couldn't say no. Course there isn't much I can say no to...ahem. My downfall.

I somehow resisted the honey
But I tasted plenty

I haven't used up my brew made in the Luxembourg gardens yet.

I did buy a cake of honey soap though.

Temptation again at the chestnut counter. The same Perigord fair takes place in winter. The chestnuts roasted on the spot are heaven.

I did buy a bag of shelled walnuts. Plus cepes, strawberries in the cup and in the box, the rillettes.

There's a very homey feel to the fete. This isn't la Grande Epicerie at all.

Much more fun.


Tasting, tasting. There is so much tasting at this fete. A rarity at Grande Epicerie.

I tasted but just admired the red caps.

No truffle tastes me thinks. Please mark your calendars for next May PBers. This is a don't-miss annual fair, usually 3-4 days long so you can return for more strawberries.
I did fall hook, line and sinker for this poster of Sarlat. Have you been? Do tell. I'm very tempted to go and paint there now that I got my feet wet in the Luberon. Should I go?
Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast!
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  1. Bonjour!
    I have indeed been to Sarlat. I spent a week near there in 2008 with some friends. We went there for the market, for dinner, to see the town at night when all the street lamps come on. It is beautiful. And the duck is delicious. Very fond memories. So... YES, you should definitely go!

    1. Thanks Teresa!!
      You convinced me :) It didn't take much. It looks spectacular.

  2. I could hardly see anything after that first gorgeous cup of strawberries...thanks to all the gods that it is strawberry season at our farmers market and I stocked up! Now all I need is the cream. Why are all the supermarket berries those gigantic tasteless things? The local berries are always quite small, but huge in flavor.

  3. Great tip the funicular!Looks like an event I would have loved..Her béret is so cute on her.from the back..w/ her little red coat.I would habe bought the soap too! I am such a COPYCAT.Love the goose in your much personality.

    1. I'm a total copycat! That's why I bot the duck rillettes. The woman next to me bot them. Haha

  4. Sarlat was a great stepping stone to Lascaux II and other prehistoric sites... I also visited the hospital at 2.30am with a sick kid. It had excellent service. (I always get the night trips to the hospital)

  5. Glad the good country stuff came to the city!

    1. That's what's great about Paris - all the regional fetes and fairs. Last night they closed off rue de Montparnasse and p we ate crepes and cidre at tables set up in the street while a band marched up and down the street playing bagpipes and people danced in the street! Its FETE DE LA BRETAGNE for 2 weeks! So fun.

  6. Dear Carol, there is much to learn from this post. I have made some notes on my calendar.

    1. Keep taking notes Frances :))
      Now when are you gonna book yr flight???

  7. I recall sighing over those lovely French strawberries more than once on your posts. I've never heard of Sarlat ... You should go; especially since a poster above me mentioned Lascaux nearby! Sigh ....

    1. This is one of my fav fetes in Paris geri. Lots of Perigord posts on PB.

  8. Butch1412:09 AM

    yes do go to Sarlot.......close to the Dordogne region and the cave paintings....right up your alley. Always enjoy your posts. Jealous of you living out my fantasy!

  9. Sarlat - Please do go~ would love to see your paintings of castles.

    1. You read my mind Bugs! Exactly my intention. Looks dreamy to paint.

  10. Sarlat is beautiful and well worth a visit but i think the picture is of Beynac. Not far at all but not in Sarlat.

    1. Thanks Anthony? You're absolutely correct.

  11. The picture is definitely not Sarlat-le-Caneda! Sarlat is a delightful and picturesque town with lots of nooks to discover and for you to paint. Traveling to nearby places might take loads of time, however. I loved the area, but we had a private coach.

    1. Just checked is probably a surrounding chateau or fortress.
      Still looks good to moi.

    2. Or one of the nearby hill towns. You would have a great time painting just in Sarlat! I'd love (and do love) to see your pictures!

  12. Never been, but u should go and tell us all about it. I “relish” each detail of your adventure. This morning, I simply DROOLED.
    thank you,

  13. Just love your posts! Of course you should go!!

  14. Hi Carol. Been following your blog since maybe 2007! Definitely go to Saarlat. We got married in the Perigord Vert and took our guests on a day trip there. Been there twice, and we get our foie gras from J. Groliere in town. It's one of the larger and more organized "beautiful Medieval villages".

  15. Connie3:38 PM

    You must go and paint!!

  16. Go go go to Sarlat& tell us everything! And a million Merci's for your wonderful blog--it satisfies mind, heart, soul...& of course eyes

  17. We used LaRoque-Gageac as a home base and drove over to Sarlat on a market day. You can't go wrong in any of these picturesque towns! Definitely go!

    I hope you had some Cabecou when you were doing all that tasting. I fell in love with Cabecou and white asparagus soup during my visits in that area. Now I'll be daydreaming about the Dordogne the rest of the evening!

  18. I did enjoy Sarlat and the market is wonderful. All of that area is picturesque and just begging for you to paint it, Carol. We also stayed for a week in LaRoque-Gageac which is truly charming and unique. Other than Paris, the Dordogne is my favorite part of France and there is so much for you to paint there that you would have to keep returning.


  19. Wow! I would love to go there, it all looks amazingly tasty. Would love to try the ice cream. I think Sarlat looks like a pretty good place to visit :)

  20. Must head out now and go find some Goat Milk Ice Cream!

  21. Doreen1:12 AM

    You should absolutely go to Sarlat, Carol, one of my favorite places in France. I recommend le Jardin B&B.

  22. Fabulous, Carol - from the opening watercolor, to those great shots of the church with the great perspective and angles.
    The people shots, too, and the colors :)

  23. Oh dear, that looks wonderful! Our berries aren't quite here yet -- not the real, in-the-garden version (just the store berries that taste like styrofoam packing peanuts!) Biggest sigh!

  24. I absolutely love down-to-earth gourmet festivals like this, especially when you can taste. Always feel the more they give you tastings, the more you appreciate ... and buy ;-) Lovely taster here, Carol. Absolutely must go next year!


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