
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tea Salon Map

The Tea Salon map is in la poste📮 
Everyone is talking about Barbie exhibit at Musee des arts decorativ, but do not miss HOLLYWOOD STARS at Musee de la Poupee!

Franchement I found Barbie too big, too expansive and too impersonal.

I loved the room of 9,000 outfits pinned to the wall. Well go to both if you love dollies.

For me the Hollywood Stars exhibit was so much more lively

I loved the detailed tableaux

Intimate and not mobbed.

So much character to the dolls selected.

You just want to look and look

Period dolls from the 20s, 30s.

Hollywood Stars is on till 3 September

Take Metro 11 to Rambuteau. Its hidden in a little passage to the left of rue Rambuteau. Afterwards browse all the pastry shops on Rambuteau and have tea and a cupcake at Berko

Speaking of tea, I've been steeped in it chasing down Paris's salons de Thé for the April map letter. Have you visited the ever-charming Le Valentin at 12, Passage Jouffroy?

Just across the way is a favorite shop, Pain D'Epice. at 23, Passage Jouffroy 75009

In need of the perfect tiny China tea set? Pain d'Epice is your destination de jour.
They even had a French gent taking tea

More than I can say for the new April map. Bear is the only gent present malheureuesment. You can see the rest of it in my Etsy shop.
April maps shipped out yesterday from Paris. Ta Da!


  1. Anabel7:56 AM

    Gorgeous stunning divine !!
    Not a Barbie fan either.
    Gimme Grace any day.

  2. It looks a great expo but even my girls would much prefer to go back to Le Valentin instead. Love this place, particularly upstairs, where you can relax and sit back on their sofas and enjoy the huge choice of teas and cakes. The April sketch letters look fabulous!

    1. I Must go upstairs at Le Valentin!!
      I think they may be from the Lorrain. Some of their cakes are definitely of the region..

  3. How exciting.. we have a Barbie exhibition here at the moment..she seems quite popular:)
    Love all the outfits on the wall.
    Princess Grace?♥
    Not only are your maps collectors items..but the envelopes too..w/ your gorgeous stamps

    1. You give the Best compliments Monique!! Haha :)

    2. La vérité~Toujours.x

  4. Carol, I admit to not ever quite getting the Barbie bit. Something just seemed creepy about it to me. However, the movie star dolls are something else! That looks like a great exhibit.

    And the tea room...I think I would become a regular visitor there, and the same goes for Pain d'Epices. I love the web site, to.

    Your creativity continues to flow so beautifully! Best wishes to you and M. Bear. xo

    1. You would love all 3 places dearly Frances. Right up your alley

  5. Hi Carol, I'm usually lurking here at your blog, but just wanted to pop in and say hi. I love this post and will be arriving in Paris 9/1 so hope to make it! Would love to see it all and enjoy tea afterwards. I have a friend I'll be traveling with that is hesitant to stay in Paris for the week we had planned, due to the violence. What would you say to her? Are you feeling safe traveling the metro, dining out, having your freedom like you usually do? I cannot imagine coming to France and not staying in Paris, one of the most beautiful places. I would love to hear your thoughts for those of us that might be a little hesitant to visit soon. Thanks for your wonderful blog and posts, you and Bear keep me smiling always.

    1. "Bonne Courage" is what the French say.
      If you could see the enormous lines for ice cream today you wouldn't give it a thought.
      Its the first really sunny day today.

    2. Thanks Carol, great to know! Have fun!

  6. I ADORE this museum, and its little park, with the most romantic spot for a chess game outdoors. And I spotted a delightful, stylish, cashmere-coated Parisian grandmother with her young granddaughter, slowly moving from vitrine to vitrine, with much conversation. And clearly they had tea and cakes on their agenda, for afterward.

    1. The little pocket park was dedicated to Anne Frank in 2007. The pink magnolias were just blossoming.

  7. Went to the Musee de la Poupee on our last trip but this exhibit was not yet on, what a shame as it looks very interesting. Love the paper dolls shown in your pictures as I collect them. Also visited Pain Depice but missed Le Valentin (next year) and Anne Frank park. Can't wait for my map to arrive.

    1. It just opened last week. Let me know when yr here next time!!

  8. I've always loved the tall tube filled with water and Barbie heels swishing around at FAO long gone from KC. But those celebrity dolls are amazing!

    1. In NYC? How come I never saw that? Maybe I wasn't looking at the Barbies. Their giant fluffy tigers and bears caught my eyes...

  9. thanks so much for posting these wonderful pictures

  10. What a great opening photo, Carol. And then so many more cute, playful images.
    I love your photos.

    1. Thanks Nikon!
      Better than looking at my rug with a couple of paper fish on it :))

  11. I saw a Barbie show at the doll museum in Colmar once...I don't think there were as many, and I found it pretty fascinating...Carol, have you seen the large book called Mind the Map: Creative Mapmaking and Cartography? Love that Bear having tea! I loved my tiny tea set when I was a kid...

  12. I'd never heard of either exhibition, so thanks for the introduction to both- they do both look intriguing, although dolls aren't my thing. But if I was in Paris then I would definitely go to both- Paris makes you do things you don't ordinarily do I think. I love that room of Barbie outfits too. We did go to the Musee de Poupee last visit, sadly nearly two years ago now, they had a snow globe exhibition on at that time.


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