
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Desperately Seeking Guy Untereiner & Tomi Ungerer museum

Friday I ran away to Strasbourg (2 hrs on the TGV). went looking for artwork by  Guy Untereiner. He lives tucked away in the tiny town of Drulingen.
Maison Bossert (15, rue des Bouchers) carries his Alsacien images made into tree decorations & whatnots, + his latest Noel book.
I wanted to immerse myself into the biggest, oldest, first (1570) Christmas market in Europe.

What a beautiful town!

Like Amsterdam and Venice, Strasbourg is surrounded by waterways with connecting bridges. For Christmas the streets are all pedestrian - a very relaxing stroll.

Strasbourg's Gothic cathedral fits perfectly into the old town

Inside is jaw-dropping. The height!

As soon as the Christmas lights go on, people come out.
A pleasant family crowd sipping their spiced wine (hot spiced apple juice for the tea totalers). Giant cheesy pretzels 🥨 
crepes, sausages sold at 11 Christmas markets. You'll never go hungry in Strasbourg.

More upscale, the Maison Kammerzel  stand by the cathedral

Foie gras tastes

Foie gras sandwiches inside a pretzel 🥨 b Very YUM!
Endless number of patisseries and boulangeries in town. How did I miss this 'Citron Noisette'?

I couldn't resist a crêpe with sugar and cinnamon inside. Do you remember slathering butter/cinnamon/sugar on toast? Then putting it under the broiler? 

These Alsacien girls, painted on a nearby tea salon wall look so like the crêpe lady.

An Alsacien granny at the extraordinary Tomi Ungerer museum

Anything with a bird, I'm hooked.
I celebrated Christmas early this weekend & loved every minute of it. 
Arriving with no hotel - no problem. The tourist office at the station fixed me up quickly. Strasbourg is an easy town to enjoy on your own & on foot🦶 Do it!
If you'd like the recent December map included 
In a 6-pack of Paris maps, just click. 
There are ducks 🦆 on it. 


  1. I followed a blogger who lived there and I loved her beautiful posts..she no longer's been years actually..but charming through and through..just like you are showing us..Love his decorations .
    You're both wonderful artists!

  2. Just lovely. I was recently reading about this market ... How nice to be able to venture out into a different world! Merry Christmas!

    1. Geri, I hope to venture out more over for small fun jaunts outside Paris

  3. Yes, please do show us more of Strasbourg, dear Carol.

    Every one of your posts is a gem, but when you take us just a little bit outside Paris to a smaller place with its own rich identity, I am even more enthralled.


    Lots of Happy Christmas wishes to you and Bear. xo

    1. Will do Frances!
      I really Loved Strasbourg...a lovely and whimsical place.
      Right up my alley

  4. Maureen8:56 AM

    Carol, it has been decades since I was in Strasbourg. At the time my German was fluent and my French rusty and I kept mixing the two, which amused the people being spoken to, ha, ha. Of course, they all appeared to be comfortably bi-lingua and with their history they would be. It is a magical town and even more so at Christmas I would imagine. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee Nouvelle to you and Bear.

  5. Merry Christmas, Carol! Yes, I'ed love to see more of Strasbourg! Your posts on S. make it look so inviting!( as I know it is! ).

  6. Carol,
    I just love these Strasbourg stories and photos. It's such a beautiful (and delicious) city. I remember taking the canal boats, floating around the city and thinking it was the perfect view to capture it all. I learned to make the wonderful Alsatian Tart Flambee and it has always been a great favorite. Thanks for taking us on your adventure!


  7. What a lovely town! I would love to visit there around Christmas one day. Thanks for sharing your visit, I love reading all your blog posts wherever you are in France!

  8. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Good Evening Carol.
    I'm so happy to see my father's work on your website.
    If you want to contact him you can send an mail at this email address:
    Thanks for your interest in my father's job.

    Louise Untereiner Aka


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