
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Martin de Candre et Domaine de Mestre

Do you love French savon/soaps?
For ages D'arcy has been promising me to take to visit
Artisanal soap maker, Martin de Candre at Fontevraud in the Loire.
Last weekend I did a total immersion
Heavenly aromas of honey, lavender, camomille, geranium, rose, citron.
Light parfums of the same scents.
Everything is 'fait maison' made on the premises. There's a soap museum as well to visit.
And, can you believe an expert barber
To make you look like as elegant as a Roman coin. Sebastien de Petit Thouars has been made-over. Their products can be ordered all over the world. Makes you almost wish you had a beard...
The main house is both a divine restaurant and the family-run hotel of Benoit et Marie-Amelie de Courcy.
Le Domaine de Mestre
Luxe et calme greet you at the entrée

Tthey have a new chef onboard
They have asked me to illustrate their new menu.
I said I'd be Delighted, as long as you pay me in SOAP!
A quick look upstairs is
Just as lovely as the whole property
Stay in one of the biggest beds in the Loire or did they say all-France? Or did I perhaps mishear?
Do visit Domaine de Mestre. Get a trim, bath in lush soaps, eat dinner and sleep divinely no doubt.
Are you enticed?
Bon Weekend!


  1. Oh la la la la LA! I am so going to visit... someday. NObody makes better soaps than the French. I am never without them (first thing I pack for travel is a small French travel soap, even if staying in a nice place). Do we get to see what you come with for le menu?

    1. Dear Shopping Monkey,
      You can order from them online by the way.
      Of course I will show you, but I have such an urge to paint their soaps...not menu material I'm afraid.

  2. Heavenly destination! The sight of all those scented things sent me scurrying to put on a splash of my new fragrance!

    1. Ah Ha..that's why I went into Roger & Gallet today and was splashing Cedrat hither and thither.
      The power of suggestion.

  3. J'aime les savons..and was happy to find a new one I had bought and forgotten about..scents..♥
    What a dreamy place Carol.

  4. I have visited l'Abbaye Fontevraud, but missed out on seeing the soaps, the hotel, and the restaurant. Next time....... Thanks for the post.

    1. Well I missed l'Abbaye Fontevraud and I didn't have time to buy a single soap.
      Let's go back together Harriet!

  5. Really splendid post!

    would love to go there someday

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I was fortunate to visit and stay at this place when I visited l'Abbaye. Yes, I purchased soap too! You brought back such a wonderful memory, thank you! If you go, be sure to enjoy a dinner while staying, if they still offer that option. French soaps are the best.

    1. Yes the restaurant is very much still running and has a new chef.
      I hope I get to eat there soon.
      Lucky you!

  7. Lynne S10:16 AM

    Oh, this is extraordinary. Great you will be doing some work for them. What a gorgeous place. Did Bear come along, or does he stay home for times like these?

    1. We were running to the train
      I didn't even get to buy any soap.

  8. Dorothy in Kansas10:21 AM

    You so delightfully capture the magic around you.

  9. Sarah N10:56 AM

    I loved reading about these beautiful soaps (savons?).
    Are they sold anywhere in Paris? I loved the ones wrapped with the colorful bows. They'd make wonderful little gifts!

  10. Ruth S.11:43 AM

    I'm adding this to my list.
    Anything Citron I love, so I will try to get there in May!

  11. Can't wait to see your menu!!!!!!!!!!!! What a prize they have found in you!!!!!!

  12. beautiful walled garden with the roses. Smart of them to hire you to illustrate their menu, they will have a stellar carte to present their clients!

  13. I so want to go there and stay overnight and eat and smell soap and look at the menu that will be beautiful and sit in that little garden with a kir and, and and.

  14. Ugh, beautiful as always! Your posts never fail to woo me!

  15. Your opening watercolor is a real stunner!
    The fifth photo in - the "light perfumes" - I love the blue color that the bottles are made in; the shade of blue.
    Looks like a nice spot for a side trip!

  16. Looks amazing, a real gem to stay , eat, sleep in lucky you


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