
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Yesterday in Paris

Yesterday morning I admired these stripes on Metro 9 heading  back to the dentist.
In Aix I ate rock-hard grainy, healthy crackers and broke the new filling he put in last week!
I asked, "What should I be eating? Compote de pomme?"
His response, "De l'eau".
At least since I've been seeing Dr. Krumholz (2 weeks) Haribo bonbons have been completely eliminated from my life. Miracles can happen!
Taking Metro 9 back and all doped up, I decided a little R an R in les Grand Magazins (Printemps and Galeries Lafayette) couldn't hurt.
Printemps is still celebrating their 150 years.
They have a yummy new pop-up Maison du Chocolat tea salon downstairs.
I go instead for healthier Cojean next door.
I usually get their chewy salads. Definitely a good place to grab a bite while shopping=Guilt-free.
Liquid lunch is the way to go. Not taking any chances with the newly repaired filling.
A quick flirtation with Pedone gelato across the street would be OK for the teeth but not the figure.
Back to browsing the lovely pricy merch. Love these striped sneakers.
Caught! Shooting every design in the Les Nerides boutique in Galeries Lafayette.
She gave me courage to shoot their adorable Alice-in-a-teacup earrings = blurry :(
A real French Alice crossing my bridge yesterday morning. Tailored white man's shirt + schoolgirl's navy blue pleated skirt + ballerinas + bedhead. All you need to pass as a Parisienne. Ha
Love, love, love these Marc Jacobs watercolory purses.
Another. Just 185-195€. Dream on Carol...
Every summer L'Occitane (pronounce that LOX-EE-TAHN) presents their 'La Collection de Grasse' and I fall in love again with their watercolory stains. 
I'm working on figuring it out.
That was yesterday in Paris.
Bon(ne) Week-End PBers!


  1. Morning, Carol!
    Love my glimpses into your Paris world.
    Hope the teeth woes get resolved.
    Loved the chic girl in the white shirt.Greetings from too hot NYC

    1. NYC is too hot? Paris is perfect. Please come!
      French girls love the 'Alice' look. All that's missing is the ribbon in the hair..

  2. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Thank you for sharing your day in Paris! I feel like I took a mini vacay to start my day. Those Marc Jacobs bags are FAB! Good luck with your teeth.
    Maureen at the Jersey Shore

    1. A mini vacation to the dentist ?
      Fortunately he's very nice and browsing post-appt. makes up for the pain easily.

  3. So much of you in this post..Occitane..the sneakers..the bags..
    I don't even like to see the word dentist:(

    1. OMG Hahaha but he is a 2nd cousin twice removed and very nice. A big change ;)
      Even if he has a drill in his hand..

  4. What a post.... share your love for MJ - and the colours, and the designs.... and obviously your love for the dentist!!!! I am passing through the Valley of Pain/Embarassment/Whincing (tick what feels appropriate) with an ultra-expensive multibridge. Friends told me to rather get a middle class car but hey ho, I want to be able to continously bite my stuff and not to rely on straws for my food.... In a month's time all will be well and only the state of our windows will tell the truth (we need the money we set aside to repair our windows for my new 'biters'....)
    I wrote to celebrating Printemps because I absolutely wanted to buy one of their posters; I didn't even merit a mail reply. SAD SAD.... I so love their rose-coloured themes and the poster would SO suit my home, the Roses!
    In Grasse, I always buy the perfume 'sur place' and YES, Occitane's colours are divine - but you know that and you do so well yourself!
    Have a fab weekend and enjoy every moment - with or without straw! K

    1. Why ever not? What dopes!
      They spend a fortune on the promotion and no free posters?
      I will check next time I'm there for you

  5. love the sneakers!!!

  6. Does monsieur le dentist know what you do for a living? As in, push sweets? :-) Thak heaven it was a bio cracker that did the damage!

  7. Perhaps I should re-phrase that: enable sweets-aholics like me?

  8. And: if you had stuck to ice cream, your filling would never have broken!

    1. Point well taken, though I had Plenty of both.

  9. I love those earrings (my weakness) but am probably glad I didn't see them when I was there.

    1. Not Galeries Lafayette ma in floor
      Next time S

  10. Carol,
    I am in South Africa and carried along yr waterbrush as you mentioned in a recent post. I had never used one before and now I see why you love it as I stood on our balcony and painted the bay and mountains. Thank you for the hint.

  11. Love your page. The photo of the young lady photographing jewelry was interesting. Merchants in SCA locations like Santa Barbara and Solvalg prohibit and instore photography. The reason is many Chinese manufacturers sponsor tourist trips in exchange for photos of artsy items from paintings to jewelry and furniture, anything that they can then take and copy. I guess Paris has not seen that??

    1. I was surprised how methodical she was...that explains it.

    2. I KNOW that this is the reason that taking pix is forbidden.... I also wouldn't dare taking photos of stuff like this, or people, and I know from my own experience that my photos have been stolen and I even saw them as (expensive) cards for sale!
      I took photos of a classic band playing fabulously right next to the Comédie Française and I've asked if I was allowed - then they said YES if it isn't for a commercial reason.... So that's fine, but I also definitely don't look Chinese/Japanese but typically touristy! Although I live now in the Paris region for over seven years.... Maybe we should all be more aware of this going on and maybe even tell off. But I know, I don't dare doing that either. I make, what we call in Switzerland 'the fist in the pocket', or 'being a coward'.....

  12. I really enjoyed this story :-) You are a true artist to weave dental work and beauty together. Thx

  13. Well the gelato would be wonderful treat, for the teeth, The classic question how do the French Women stay looking so svelte. All your photos they all look great, slender and elegant.
    Well at least I have part of the "French Girl's" ensemble, I have the bed hair,,,now I'm working on the rest, but sans the gelato.

  14. Carol those watercolor wallets are gorgeous ! Thanks for the stroll and hope your tooth is better

    1. ;)
      Its just folded paper held with a bit of cord..
      Thanks cg

  15. Janice C.10:46 PM

    Thanks for sending your Paris adventures - I always enjoy your illustrated stories.

  16. A lot of great photos, Carol.
    My favorite is the girl on the phone outside les Grand Magazins.
    And the shots inside Printemps - especially the over head one. Very creative!
    Great stuff!

    1. Everyone says to shoot yr food overhead. I'd rather do a floor instead.
      So many pictures are shot blind and praying like gal on the phone outside.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What is that second to the last photo? Fat Collection? Collection of the Fat? Grasse is fat, no?

  19. Chere Carol, may I tell you again how much I loved your Aix photographs, and the explosions of sunny colors they included, along with that holiday pace. are back in wonderful Paris, and I will send you sympathy on that tooth encounter down south, but also applaud your ability to continue to share with us so many Parisian sights. L'Occitane does have a wonderful sense of style with all of its packaging...and the products themselves are wonderful French ambassadors.

    Gotten quite hot and humid suddenly here in Elizabeth has also told you. Perhaps tomorrow I will search out a delicious first ice cream (cone for me) to start summer. Bruno's Bakery on Laguardia Pl used to be my faborite spot for this summer entry into gelato...but it has closed. Real estate interests have stomped on my gelato tradition.

    Your last photos of watercolor testing are beautiful. xo

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "Gros" means big/large/fat, Grasse is a southern region in France where it's known for flowers used for high quality perfumes, therefore L'Occitane's promotion...sigh...

    1. Try reading the text AGAIN A. U got it wrong.
      Put away yr magnifying glass for a little and chill.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Hi, Carol,
      I was trying to clarify "Roseann's" confusion a few comments above...LOL
      I know it doesn't say Gros, for heaven's sake.
      Personally, I prefer Fragonard over L'Occitane. I will be in Saint-Germain area this weekend... ;)


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