
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Chateau Villandry

I did not paint any landscapes at CHATEAU VILLANDRY.
We went Saturday morning before going off to PICNIC IN THE VINES at Chateau du Petit Thouars.
A direct bus from Tours train station (1.50€) gets you there in 10-15 minutes.
Solli was dying to get lost in the famous Villandry Labyrinth garden known as the Maze
While I made plans to get lost in the local boulangerie comme d'habitude...
 We usually split up to pursue our different objectives.
Don't get me wrong. The gardens at Villandry are absolutely spectacular and enthralling.
I had high hopes of painting their topiary hedges. But after a few futile attempts I'll leave all hedge painting
To the Master of Hedges, IAN SIDAWAY. Do take a wander through his landscape watercolors. They're the top, no pun intended. This is of course, his watercolor.
Me, I'm sticking with desserts, even if there are deleterious consequences...ahem.
Serenity now...
Some of the best views of the gardens in my opinion
Are upstairs from the chateau balcony.
Lovely atmospheric rooms
You can wander and dream you're a princess or prince.
Fantastic bouquets inside the house too.
Terrific color combinations
I was reminded of them in the Villandry boulangerie. Though the proprietress was none too pleased with my picture taking of her tartes. Was she Parisian?
CHATEAU VILLANDRY is a dreamy definitely must-visit in the Loire Valley.
By the way, do you dream of receiving LETTERS FROM PARIS?


  1. Thank you for the photos!! I will be in Tours in July and Villandry is on my to-do-list.

  2. Such great outings..Bear reminds me of Noah one of my grandsons..his mom..takes him everywhwre..they will be in Paris avant moi;)
    The green dress and all the greenery♥
    Love your pastries..always.

  3. I can see why you didn't paint landscapes -- who would have time! This is pretty darned magnificent!

  4. I always enjoy your tours, the gardens looked beautiful. Designed to be appreciated from the windows! Like a living tapestry

    1. Exactly TWSP. You got it.
      Afterall one must protect one's dewy complexion from the sun.

  5. Great shots of the topiary, and I agree one must taste the delicious patisseries

  6. Thanks for the mention, loads more Loire stuff to come, back in Paris in September hope to meet up then.

  7. I always thought that topiary was invented to do a practise run on the ladies' ridiculous hair-dos at the time. Fancy that room with the view. Planning to finally get there in August - looks stunning! Thanks for the tour, Carol.

  8. I loved Villandry when we were there as their gardens are the most spectacular I've ever seen. Dumb me, I never thought to check out the local pastries. Next time.

  9. Amazingly beautiful post showing an amazing place!
    That garden is incredible....the interiors certainly aren't shabby, but that garden is a wonder!
    Beautiful summer photos!

    1. Yes, it's the grounds that are enthralling.
      an A-Mazing experience!!
      I should not have missed the Maze though...

  10. The floral arrangements are breath taking...the grounds are beautiful....

  11. Ian's ink drawings are also magnificent!

  12. The amazing thing for me is that it's practically empty! A place so famous is usually overrun with tourists.


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