
Saturday, June 06, 2015

Aix en Provence

The colors in the Aix marché!
To die for
It's the berries! When is the rash going to hit?
Veggies waiting in front of SPOK
'Luxury Junky Menu'!!
Aix bikes are loaded...with color
The ballards are different shapes from skinny Parisian ballards..
Which bag to get? Hmmm...I got the black dots and am wondering...I wanted to buy her dress too. Ha.
Someone else is crazy for French ice cream.
It's just 10:30 too !
French dads are nuts about their kiddies
These two are not together even..
Relax relax relax
Wear a flower print to the flower marché
Breakfast eating one oyster as it was opened 'a la nature'.
Paris breakfast at Patisserie Weibel.
The strawberries need much more work..
A designed arrangement of sandwiches in a boulangerie.
And of course the famous Neptune fountain at la Rotnde.


  1. Oh my! Provence AND a French vintage shop in one place ... My dream is Provence for the lavender harvest and exploring Aix and hitting the Paris Flea.

  2. While I've been enjoying the strawberry season, I keep thinking they must be so much better there! Lovely post. Sorry for the doubling up but Google issues:(

    1. They are, they are Geri. More flavor..sweeter.

  3. Love how you've been living it up in the South, Carol. Oysters for Breakfast? Pourquoi pas?

  4. Better than England!

  5. Was wondering what your opinion of removing the locks from the bridge was

    1. HOORAYYYY !!! So happy ;))

    2. @Parisbreakfast , I was happy to until I saw what they've replaced it with...very'll get a shock when you see it..

  6. Lynn C.2:12 PM

    This is luscious. What a day, in spite of the heat.

  7. Thank goodness for the AC in the Apple store by the Rotunde fountain!!!

  8. Lovely post Carol!! I love the photo with the daddy and his daughter, great shot!!
    By looking on your photos I can only say one thing....enjoy!

  9. With these 2 posts being so colorful, how about a girls weekend next year in Aix? You plan...I'll come!

  10. Oh what a post♥
    I would have bought a bike bag ♥

    ALMOST..Diane Keaton there:)

    Love the loooong hair..

    Always love your café art..
    That little girl..what style!Adorable!
    I am walking into the concept store..maintenant.. in my head!
    Have to see what they replaced the locks w/.....

  11. You have beautifully captured the color and the rhythm of Southeast France Carol. Thanks so much for this...I love it! Enjoy every moment of your stay.

  12. I need one of those adorable brimmed hats with a black ribbon! Not that I'd look nearly as cut as that little girl, but I see they look good on all ages!

  13. Your watercolors are delicious! Sweet strawberries! We picked our first and they were like biting into a sugar cube! Divine!

  14. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Love your blog and pictures, love how you catch the right moments on pictures, and certainly love the colors in each pictures you took. Thanks for sharing.



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