
Monday, April 06, 2015

April in Paris

never knew the charm of spring

I never met it face to face

I never knew my heart could sing

I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris,

chestnuts in blossom

Holiday tables under the trees

April in Paris,  

This is a feeling

That no one can ever reprise

I never knew the charm of spring

I never met it face to face

I never knew my heart could sing

I never missed a warm embrace

Till April in Paris

Whom can I run to?

What have you done to my heart?
Thank you E.Y.Hargrave, Ella, Frank and Monk.
Thank you Paris for being so beautiful!
*A little Eiffel Tower April in Paris watercolor in your mailbox if you renew/subscribe to the Sketch letters PBers


  1. charming....just charming.

  2. Oh, sigh, it's all true, & how about that Eiffel, Wow! Thanks you from me who can't be there this spring but who is looking toward next...Glad you are there, loving Paris in all her seasons!

  3. I really loved your post today. Paris at its best .You really showed why everyone thinks of Paris as the city of love.

  4. I loved it too!
    That Eiffel tower pic is in my Pinterest Favorite Photos folder..
    I like the sound of your ♥ singing:)

  5. Love your post today. The second song my mother taught me to sing when I was three was "I love Paris in the Springtime". No wonder I am the way I am. Have fun in Amsterdam. I look at Amsterdam on Livecams as long as several other capitals almost every day. I just keep adding cities I want to see.

  6. Gorgeous pictures. You make us all long for Paris.

  7. Spring. No matter where, it's wonderful!

  8. So wonderfully beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

  9. Allison1:42 AM

    That Paris springtime is REALLYwonderfully joyous. Love it!

  10. Looking forward to your Amsterdam posts, and many thanks for bringing Paris and Pâques to our mailboxes.

  11. Emilie3:59 AM

    Thank you so much for the lovely letter this month.

    It totally brighten my day

  12. Thanks for these wonderful views of Paris at Spring!

  13. What a gorgeous post, Carol! I'll be making a trip to Paris in May and am soooo looking forward to seeing all these beautiful sites. And, I love how you've updated the blog site. I usually read you from my inbox so hadn't noticed the update, so lovely. Best xo

  14. Ditto all the above. Perfect Paris Pictures!! <3

  15. Ahhhh...Carol, I sigh at the beauty of all of this.


  16. crazy4Paris10:53 AM

    I never knew Carol so happy!

  17. THE BEST !!!! Thank you for April in Paris!!!!!!

  18. Good heavens, Carol, I've fallen in love with you all over again.
    I assume you created this post just for me, you romantic devil.
    Well, OK, guess I must share with all your other PB friends.
    When in Amsterdam please give my regards to Vincent, if you see any of his art.

  19. You add such joy to my life!
    Thank you,

  20. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Springtime is a joy everywhere. I used to think that if I did not take a bus trip around the hills that surround Sorrento in spring, that it was not properly Spring...when I lived in Rome. Cherry blossom trees in flower everywhere and under the cherry trees the espaliered grape vines all newly green and under the vines, masses of red field poppies. Capri is covered in mauve wisteria, so romantically covering the stone walls and draping everywhere. There's the charm of Paris : flowers contrasting against old stone buildings and .....sunshine. I never visit in winter. Loved to see all the photos. Love your blog above all others. Gwendoline Blake, Ballarat, Australia.

  21. Love Love yr Spring Paris post

  22. I love Paris in April. I was there in April last year and can hardly wait to get back! Carol, I am LOVING my Paris sketches and goodies. Why did I wait so long? Also, are you still doing Paris pet portraits? I can hardly wait for next month:)

    1. No time for pets and I miss them Debi. Shipping was a nightmare unlike the letters.
      So glad to hear yr happy ;))

  23. Yesterday I received my April Letter and I want you to
    know how special it is. I'm a PISCES so that fish kissing the Eiffel Tour is perfectly me!

  24. Susan J9:58 PM

    You have captured the true meaning of those lyrics perfectly xx

  25. Thank you for all the lovely energy you bring into the world!

  26. Lovely song ... Lovely post.

  27. Very beautiful shots. I wish we had some of that color & sun here in New England!

  28. So charming, C.


  29. perfect :) its great :)

  30. Oh my! Glorious! Those blossoms are fabulous -- especially around the tower!


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