
Sunday, January 04, 2015

La Legende du Cristal - Baccarat

Last day at the Baccarat exhibit at the Petit Palais today. I raced over. Sometimes it felt like I was in a giant ice cream parlor.

Still utter magnificence on a very grand scale.

This was a DON'T MISS exhibition in Paris. It's hard to keep up.

I arrived at 10:05 and already crowded.

Not too different

From the masses in the past awestruck

At various Baccarat grand exhibitions held over the years. The Petit Palais celebrated Baccarat's 250th anniversary.

Old Parisian paintings give you a feel for the light these chandeliers caste.

Simply glorious!

Then and now at a World's Fair in 1925.

Every potentate and ruler in the world wanted Baccarat at their table.

These ruby-colored glasses were made especially for the Czar including a special glass for vodka. Mid-19th century the "Russian style" of table service took over, setting down all the required glasses at once, rather than previous "French style" bringing out each glass as needed. Who knew?

Gorgeous shadows caste by gorgeous glass.

What to say..?

My favorite was this simple elegant tea cup.

Wonderful preparatory watercolors were shown next to the glass.

Pieces of all sizes and grandeur.

Finally the last room was a chance to experience 19th century lighting in all its glory.

Such beautiful spaces in the Petit Palais.

Hard not to think of the unforgettable upside-down Christmas tree in Galeries Lafayette this year. Both exhibits come down today. And hard not to see these Dalloyau pastries sitting in Baccarat dishes. Subscription letters 💌maps and watercolors  🎨are in my Etsy shopFrom Paris with love ❤️ Xxx🥂🐻


  1. What an interesting post..I had of course heard of this "cristal"..
    The young girl on the left in the mirror could almost be you?
    Watched an interesting movie last night involving a lot of fine art..Best Offer..Geoffrey Rush..
    The paintings..the antiques..the setting..s..sublime.
    I love that Petit Palais..
    Meanwhile here in QC..freezing rain after quite an accumulation of snow..
    Definitely a stay home day..

    1. Nope. Red glasses is on the right. Tried hard to avoid reflections through a glass darkly. I would love to see that movie

  2. Absolutely to the RIGHT!! The even YOUNGER..prettier girl:)!
    I think you would like the movie..

  3. How beautiful all that crystal looks, I'm sure it must have been breathtaking seeing it all under one roof. Loved seeing the upside down tree in Galleries Lafayette. I've only ever been to Paris twice and the 2nd time 20 yrs ago it was beautifully decorated for Christmas and the tree was upside down, is it always this way ? I'm sure you will know :)

    1. Breathtaking is a good word for this exhibit. Beautifully displayed..sparkly like diamonds and the lights in the streets of Paris.

  4. Just read the comment by Monique, did wonder myself if that was you reflected in the mirror :)

  5. I love the vintage photos and prints, Carol, especially the one of the "potentates."
    Your shot into the mirror is a gem, too.
    Quite a place to take photos!

    1. Such grand to imagine being there.

  6. Foodwalker6:15 PM

    The Cathedral in Veracruz Mexico has gorgeous Baccarat Chandeliers.
    Also fabulous representations of the stations of the cross. Each one, just carved hands in various positions. Hands bound, clasping a cross, etc.

  7. Carol, I do admit that I am not a huge fan of glass, either historic or contemporary creations. Yet, I really enjoyed seeing this post. Thank you for the brilliant illumination!


    1. Seeing exhibits in Paris has nothing to do with personal tastes. It's best TO JUST GO!
      Never a disappointment.

    2. In fact the firsy big thing I learned here was to disregard my likes and dislikes.
      Life is much more exciting that way. And fun.

  8. I love the picture of all of the chandeliers floating like clouds in the dark room!!! Would have loved to have seen this! You did a good job of ducking behind your iPad in the photo :)

  9. I have some Baccarat wine glasses. Would have loved to see this exhibit! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Isn't it amazing how many exhibits there are in Paris and how well-attended they are! I have never visited Paris in December but the Christmas decorations look breath-taking. I love to just look at the pastries in Paris. Each one is perfect.

  11. cyndi from SD10:32 AM

    Beautiful...and it never hurts to include a shot of pastries.
    Have a wonderful New Year.

  12. Joy in TX10:49 AM

    Fabulous! Can’t get enough. Thank you for every detail and your commitment to blogging for those of us NOT in Paris, France.

  13. I doubt that they are all Baccarat crystal but my heart lifts to go into churches in France that have lovely delicate lit chandeliers.

  14. I planned on going here but so glad I've seen it through your artistic eyes here, Carol. Never mind that teacup, I have my eyes on that chair... Looks so grand, everything!

    1. Naughty! You should have gone. Very hard to capture it all. The eyes have to travel" as Diana Vreeland said.

  15. Angela1:01 PM

    This is my all time favorite.

  16. Absolutely inspiring - breathtaking actually .....
    Thank you for your post today

  17. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Your brilliant photography reveals the genius and artistry of humanity down through the ages. It is stunning to see what humans could create without the benefit of todays technological advances and so it boggles my mind why we haven't been able to recognize the critical need to preserve and protect our wonderful World and live in Peace with one another. I know this is a comment without a ready answer but as we enter a new year I hope. Just that....I fervently Hope.

  18. I would have loved to see this exhibition on my last visit, but sadly ran out of time. I knew it would be beautiful. I have a gorgeous Baccarat necklace that my boys bought for my birthday two years ago. It's purple, and luminous and special. I'm glad you made it to the exhibition for us. I always like peering in their shop windows, it's always so beautifully lit and displayed.

  19. Beautiful posting. Your pictures are exquisite. I love the glasses with red. I have to content myself with bohemian crystal. You are off to a great start for 2015.

  20. absolutment exquis! merci mille fois!

  21. Oh, what glorious opulence! Simply dazzling!

    I'm reading a new book on Paris (new to me, anyway!) and in its chapter on Ile St. Louis, he stopped and made reference to a plaque on a home only one or two away from you, I think! It made me smile!

  22. Please do take care, dear Carol. Terrible to hear this morning's news from your beautiful Paris.


  23. Je suis d'accord avec Frances, sois prudente!!!! Et ça c'est comme des rêves!!

  24. magnifique billet!

  25. Somehow, I don't think Rick would have come home with that hat for me! I'd say she's a lucky woman!


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