
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Mandarin Oriental Paris

Another afternoon tea, another tarte citron.

This time at the absolutely divine Mandarin Oriental Paris . 251, rue Saint Honoré 75001

The hotel opened 3 years ago in Paris, one of 10 Mandarin Oriental hotels throughout the world. Their symbol is always the Asian Fan. This one specially created by Chanel's embroidery maison Lesage.

The butterfly is the symbol for the Paris hotel and can be found delicately placed throughout the hotel. It's a treasure hunt to find them.

Butterflies decorating various and sundry. Their sumptuous bouquets are by Baptiste Fleurs.

Deep magenta purple is the signature color theme throughout. All the main areas were created by Sybille de Margerie of SM design - an homage to the eternal feminin

As you enter you're facing a serenely quiet courtyard - the heart of the hotel. Parisians love their terrasses and this a special one. Easy to pretend you are not in the center of a major city of the world when you sit here..serenity now.
Everywhere flowers tie areas together and lead you to the next space. Simply lush.

To the very modern Bar 8 designed by Patrick Jouin, designer of Christophe Michalak's Choux d'Enfer near the Eiffel Tower.

The 8, a magic Asian number and an infinity symbol.

Nearby one of France's top, top chefs,Thierry Marx has his own  innovative, exclusive restaurant, Sur Measure - seating only 40 guests each night.

The avant garde interior is designed by Patrick Jouin, the space sculpted with almost couture-like draperies. Many fashion houses are in the vicinity. What fashionistas wouldn't love the Mandarin Oriental with it's sleek, elegant design.
We go up to see a room - more 'Blade Runner' than 'Marie-Antoinette'. Fabulous!

An atmospheric Dita von Teese portrait by artist-photographer Ali Mahdavi graces the entrance of one suite.
French artists work adorns walls, elevators, everywhere - here a Man Ray negative blown up huge.
The bedroom is lush yet so comfortable.
The bathroom...what can one say? This hotel is fabulous. I'd stay here in an instant.
Time for our afternoon tea in the Camélia restaurant.
We decide to eat in the serene, green courtyard
Time for an iced mint fizzy spritzer bien sur.
The special tea menu is served only on weekends by the way.(45 euros)
My afternoon tea companion, Swedish blogger Solli Kanini joins me in wonder. The attention to the smallest details at the Mandarin Oriental. We're in awe. We were guests of the hotel.
Tea is served uniquely in 3 golden stacked bento boxes. Subtle Asian touches are everywhere.
Much like a Japanese kaiseki meal, each bite is petite, exquisite, elegant. To finish, a pastry from Pierre Mathieu's cake shop in the hotel. Solli has a fresh peach tarte and you know what I have. We left walking on air. Heaven. This is a don't miss experience PBers. I'd love to go back for a cocktail and I don't even drink.


  1. Can I call myself a stowaway if I secrete myself in this hotel? I guess I'm more likely to be called a criminal....however, please forgive me (you know I have dogs on my mind), the "plates" for the desserts remind me of dog bowls! :-)
    In love with the little frame you cut out with the butterfly in your watercolor!

    1. It was a butterfly cutout from the hotel's shopping bag but it came out looking reversed like I pasted it on...funny

  2. Such lovely and delicious teas you are having. I just had a tea at my home. Just breakfast breads. Still fun. Have a great week. Will be going to one of these teas the next time we are in Paris.

  3. Good evening. I am trying to get my photo sized correctly which is the watercolor you did of me. Hope it worked.

  4. Enjoy those teas! Are you healed completely?

  5. Leslie1:12 PM

    Love you tarte citron watercolor series!
    Maybe THEY should be in a letter?

  6. Your story of tea experiences is super!
    Enjoying it!

  7. The butterfly cutout is very intriguing. If I focus on it differently, I can see that it is a cutout. Other wise, it does look like a dimensional cutout pasted on. Interesting. I think this is the most appealing of your elegant teas. What magnificent flowers! The mass of pink hydrangeas is breathtaking!

  8. Presentation sublime..that pastry chef show we are good..shows us great pastry shops in Paris and the meticulous work and craftmanship involved in making all the delicacies..
    Stopped in a treasure of a tea room/shop in Mtl Friday..all the teas in silver vessels..all tea sets under glass.. or on glass.. sublime..
    This reminded me of the shop..
    Love your aquarelle..I see glitter:)

    1. Sublime is the word.
      A very beautiful place

  9. Beautiful! and yes--the hydrangeas are gorgeous! I received my latest PB watercolor this week, Carol--love the way you made the tomatoes like little air balloons over the Parisian skies. so clever, woman--I framed a few of these and have them in my office at work now--so we can all enjoy them. Merci! xo

  10. Great opening watercolor, Carol.
    A really different looking hotel - the Blade Runner look that you mention. I think that the corridors and rooms look a bit claustrophobic, though (maybe it's just the low light).
    The food looks great, though :)

    1. In fact Very spacious
      It's my non DOF ipad doing that I think...

  11. Loved your post :-) Can imagine myself laying in that bathtub..relaxing... watching French TV...exactly what I need right now.

  12. I saw gorgeous floral arrangements there.....
    top, top, top!!!

  13. I'm just loving your afternoon tea series Carol. I'm sure you must be too. Nice that they gave you a tour of the hotel. I wasn't expecting a Blade Runner reference from you- I must admit you made me laugh out loud with that one! What a gorgeous setting for your afternoon tea, and how delicious it all looks.

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I love reading about your afternoon teas though you are making life very difficult for me - my friend and I are coming to Paris in September for 5 days and now we are just overflowing with ideas for fabulous afternoon teas! I have no idea how we are going to choose! We'll just have to eat our way through as many as possible! :-)

  15. I love that you take us places and show us things I would never have the courage to visit on my own. I'm a budget traveler so a look at these places is a special gift.

    1. Believe me I never had the courage to enter before but the hotel staff could not be more gracious in these swank hotels. Absolutely no snobbery experienced ever!? Who knew?

  16. That's a teatime to remember, an exquisite place indeed!

  17. I admit that I am not usually a fan ( pun not intended) of things Oriental,but between the gorgeous flowers and tranquil courtyard and terasse,I am totally captivated.
    I did laugh at the scale in the bathroom, my younger days I would have thought it a super idea--now I'm not so sure(especially after those heavenly treats!)

    1. Gawd, I completedly Missed the scale. Boy do I need one of those. On tomorrow's to-do list!!!

  18. I'm loving your tea series & keeping track of them all for my visit next May. Today, this one went to the top of the list. Looks so elegant & delicious and I'm already dreaming of sitting in that courtyard.

    1. Good idea to place it at the top of the list IMHO.

  19. Rosemary8:30 PM

    c'est trop beau! Do they have a pool? Is that a small espresso machine on the dresser table? if so that is just so cool!

    1. I had so much more to show at MO...
      Oui a gorge pool in the spa
      And yes Netspresso in every room.
      Sharp eyes.

  20. Absolutely amazing! Please continue your tea series, I am really enjoying living vicariously through you!

  21. From the smiling doorman, to the serene interior it must be a welcome break from all the hustle on the street. The food is so pretty and simple but am sure the flavors complicated.
    I like the simple things like the tiny square of what looks like angel food cake, and the peach wonder.
    I've heard of a great bar in San Francisco where they whip you up a cocktail without alcohol
    just tell them what you like and they will concoct something delicious and healthy.
    Maybe there too?

    1. Just what I need Julie - alcohol-free cocktails!
      I'm coming to SF.
      I wish they offered cocktail 'petit fours' so to glasses with different flavored cocktails.
      Seems like that would be really fun.

  22. Greetings Carol. Each time I go to my garden to pick the abundant, fragrant mint for my water I think of you since you gave me this wonderful idea from your posts. Thank you for letting us all armchair travel through you. As a tea lover, adore the tea posts so! Warmly, Catherine in New Jersey

  23. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Mme. Carol, have you done TEA TIME at Hotel Regina? Have I missed that? Jacquelyn G in Bay Area, Ca.

    1. Anonymous9:51 PM

      No never Jacquelyn. Sadly the days of free invites is long gone. Paying guests post on Instagram daily.


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