
Wednesday, June 04, 2014

La Taxi Tour of Paris and my left foot

Yesterday I went to the orthopedie to get a verdict on ze leg.
And I got to go outside the house! Thank you very kind Taxi Bleu.
Even if it was a grey day.
Paris is Paris and dependably uplifting.
Here is my right foot waiting for the news.
Look! L'Arc de Triumph is having a bit of work too...a comrade in arms cast. 
Notre Dame is in good shape this year. No cast.
I took a picture of my darling doc but he might sue me if I showed you so you'll have to settle for my feet, sorry. The doc let out one of those very French whistles (sort of a toot-toot when something is easy-peasy). He told me I just have TWO WEEKS more with the cast! Woo woo. Then I come back for a boot. I was clapping big time. 
*FYI in Paris supermarkets the ham case has at least 50 kinds. At least the butcher says this is the best one. Miam miam
Here is the artful diagram yrs truly created so she could sashay into my bank, get the money and waltz right by reception.
Somewhat better artwork of French Girl.
Remember French GirlI used to stay with her and admire her Frenchiness close up. She is still as Frenchie as ever.
FG brought me goodies from Monoprix yesterday. I hope someday to figure out how to order online.
Bonjour French Girl.
I wonder if my new boot/botte post-cast will look like this? Me thinks not. I am busy begging P Hermé's people to send me macaron brochures to put in your June-fraise Paris Sketch Letters. Keep your fingers crossed PBers.


  1. am sorry to hear about your leg!
    It sounds like it will be a pretty quick recovery,however.
    As long as someone can deliver patisseries, you could actually enjoy your
    'rest cure'!
    Hope you are on both feet soon!

  2. I like pretending I'm you. Might have to switch out my D&G's for some red glasses. Ooh fancy!

  3. How nice of Janice to impersonate you well enough to do your banking. The aloof attitude
    of the employees, may have been very useful for her, as you don’t exactly look like twins.
    Don’t over-exert yourself too much and Take Care.

    1. You are correct. We don't look alike, but the French seem to only recognize a huffy air of indifference. When I adopted this, they waved me through without question.

  4. Laura S2:58 PM

    You must have been greedy for the Paris monuments and street life. Even with grey skies it looks lively

  5. 2 weeks!!

    That to me is fantabulous news..
    And how darling are those 2 filles?

    And you art work of FG!
    Love it..

    I really enjoyed PLs..and was happy when some of my readers/friends..e-mailed me to say thanks for the recommendation..they had loved it too!
    Take care.

  6. Good news! I told you that a break can be better than a bad sprain.......
    Nice pics of Paris, Janice, & French Girl!
    The book looks like a nice find, too.
    Can't wait to see you in the boot :)

  7. Only two more weeks! That's wonderful! Quick healer, aren't you?
    I'm glad Janice and French Girl could come by and see you. You can figure out how to order from Monoprix! Just do it.

  8. Great news about the boot. Glad your 2 good arms & hands are working well so you can continue doing things you like, like your blog & your art while healing.

  9. There really is a silver lining to every grey cloud! I know, I'm being way too chipper about it. I sympathize, I injured my left foot half way through a cruise 2 weeks ago. It was not fun hobbling around while my foot was all swollen and painful. Nothing broken, thank goodness. Maybe you can get some extra painting done while you recuperate?

  10. cyndi from SD6:55 PM

    I saw your pic on Janice's blog as you were venturing out.Hooray,only two more weeks.It sounds like Janice has been just the kind of friend we all need.
    take care

    1. Saint La Janice !
      A real doll and she writes emails that have me ROLF or is it ROFL...yes that's.
      Extremement funny girl

  11. Bravo to you, Carol, on your talent at quick healing. Please also give Janice a bravo from NYC for her being une amie, vraiment.


  12. Hurrah! Just two weeks and you get DAS BOOT
    I'm so happy for you, I know you must of been very relieved. The book looks like a page turner too.

  13. Surely you will get a chic boot with a choice of colours.

  14. Boswell7:56 PM

    Believe me I feel your pain...broken ankle tripping over my sheepdog...pins & screws and a cast to the knee. Hint 1: Stairs up & down on your rear, Hint 2: rent a knee walker if you can- see pic- the steerable one is better for navigating on the streets- they have hand brakes- sure makes life easier!

    1. My Very kind Boswell,
      I don't think they have those in Paris yet. So far I didn't see any :(
      To trip over yr beloved Sheepdog seems very unfair..
      Or maybe not so beloved anymore?

  15. I did not want to make light of your situation, but with your view have you thought about "Rear Window". I did the other day. Good to know just two weeks of the cast.

  16. So very happy things are going well for you! The quicker recovery, friends, outing etc.
    Take care.

  17. Glad to hear the good news! Fingers crossed for a quick recovery! Mary

  18. Switchboard2:13 AM

    Two weeks will go by quickly, and if the boot is
    similar to the ones we have here, it will make your life so much easier! Ours have Velcro
    fasteners, (or they did 20 years ago, when I had to wear one), and you could take them off
    for showers or baths. Walking is also much easier with them.

  19. Only two weeks !! that's great news!
    Best wishes and try to have some fun all the same.

  20. YAAAAY! so happy this will be over soon ... you know with all you amazing creativity you could spruce up the 'boot' they give you in no time .. and having good friends is a wonderful thing ...

  21. Two weeks is a short time and Paris will wait. Janice's blog was one of the first that I read because it was recommended by Canadian Living magazine. The story of Christophe was such a romantic one and my friend and I discovered that we passed the butcher shop often when we were going to French conversation class. Isn't it wonderful to have Paris friends?

    1. I am i deed very lucky to have met La Janice in Paris. She may be the funniest, funist person ever.

  22. I got Janice's blog post yesterday and was so glad to know that you have good pals there to help you out. Had to laugh at the bank map.

  23. I'm so sorry about your leg, Carol - I didn't know about it as I haven't been receiving your blog lately. Is anyone else having this problem? You do have a good excuse to sit with your feet up & eat bon-bons & let your friends take care of you.

  24. So glad you only have 2 more weeks with your cast. Your brushstrokes of strawberry colors are so lovely. By the way, I have not received your posts in my email since May 30th. I tried re-subscribing but received the message that I was already subscribed. I looked through my spam mail, but you weren't there either. Thought I should let you know in case anyone else is having this trouble, too. I was afraid you had not been posting because of your leg, but I am very glad to see that is not the case!

    1. Blogger can be unpredictable at times..its so big..wish I could help

  25. Carol,this is great news about 2 weeks left in your cast!
    I said it before but I'll say it again: you are incredible to
    be painting ,taking pictures and just getting around the way you are!
    Thank you for introducing us to Janice.She is a lovely woman and friend! Another reason to know that no matter what happens to us,there are always many blessings to be found in life!

  26. So very glad two weeks (probably now closer to a week or week and a half) for le boot! You're lucky to have good friends to care for you -- and your wonderful sense of humor. You have landed on your feet -- even the bad one!

  27. Usually, as I read, I pretend I am you, glitzing all over Paris and France, painting on site, indulging in every gorgeous sweet (even the ones you only paint!) I may continue to do so, but without the cast! Bon recovery!


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