
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

12 Paris Addictions

The other day I said I never gave perfume the time of day and now I'm addicted to it.
I still stalk Paris dogs as always. There are so many of them...
I may decide to specialize on just dogs on Paris transport...
Buses or Metro. It doesn't matter.
There's a plenty.
Shooting backs is still an addictive pastime
No one knows the color wheel better than the venders in the Marchés. Red and green are happy compliments. I'm addicted to their good color sense.
How did I ever live without Lebanese food in New York. The savory flavors balance out all the sweets here.
I tend to window gaze/leche-vitrine more than I eat pastries here. I didn't think that would be the case.
Last year's daily addiction to Metro vending machine potato chips came to a recent halt.
When I saw this infographic I had no problem quitting chips and going cold turkey.
I have been and will always be addicted to Metro posters. Cherry tomatoes get a movie-sized announcement. Bravo !
What's on in Paris and surrounds is inside the Metro station not in your Semaine de Paris. An iris festival is in Auvers-sur-Oise and I'm going.
I want to go see the Caillebotte show just 20 minutes out of Paris. A must do.
I am addicted to vanilla. I gotta have a daily shot or else. That's just how it is. You try living in Paris without vanilla. Never happen!
This is called 'la tete de Paris' - the  roof views. Countless times I go to the window for a look. I need binoculars. Yesterday it thundered and went deep grey.
Then the sun popped out. Then it went grey again. Then the sun came out. Like that all day.
I bought a Bateaux Mouches ticket on your recommendation PBers and never used it for a whole year. Then Carolyn took me on a night cruise. Spectacular! What was I waiting for?
Now I watch boats go under the bridge at all hours of the day and night and can't get enough of them. I'm addicted. Who knew? What's your Paris addiction? ;))


  1. How about the aromatherapy shop on Blvd. St. Germain for a chocolate scent? Just an idea, I haven't gone in the store. Love the cruises---if I'd known that you'd never gone, we would have taken you!!

    1. Is that the one at Odeon? I never thought to go there..where you make your own cosmetics to the left od Starbucks?

  2. Aaargh one wrong flick of the finger and my whole comment disappeared..

    So I will start by the end of what I had said as that's how I got erased..
    First Google led me to this..

    For your chocoltae scent..

    I love scents and have been known to buy for scent remember by scent alone..and to long by scent alone.
    I would love that cruise le soir..and much slower than the vaporettas I am sure..

    Love vanilla..

    Chips..salty things I should say..are my downfall way more than sweets..
    I steer clear of oily chips but do cave in if they are offered:)
    I enjoy painting backs..thus no faces..

    Your addictions are all healthy!

  3. Carol, this post has an appeal to more than one of our senses. Of course, your photographs are sublime. I am a fan of perfumes and other scents (like vanilla) that are treats. Somehow, I still associate the best parfums with France. I do hope that actual flowers do still play a part in their creation, and that the labs haven't begun to spin a chemical web.

    It's lovely that the Metro posters offer tributes to the cherry tomato. The French approach to graphic design is so sophisticated, clever and amusing...the posters are also actually informative!

    Those views in different lights from your window are sublime.

    I think that I last sampled a potato chip (essential in my southern youth) way back in that last century. I can still taste them in my mind, but don't need to actually get them crisping their salt between my teeth. Bravo to you for your own escape.

    Glad that you enjoyed that Seine tour. There really is something about seeing a city from a riverside, if that city has a riverside. Even more wonderful in the evening lighting...if the moon is full. Think we all have a full moon showing up pretty soon.


    1. Last week there were homages to GREEN SALAD in the Metro!
      What next?
      Hard boiled eggs?

  4. I love the dogs :) You can't go wrong with the cuteness!
    The view out of your window, and the river scenes are terrific, too. You are so lucky to live on that island!

  5. Metro posters. I've always been totally mesmerized by them.

  6. Hi Carol. I bet you can easily find more addictions! The back and forth "ping pong" of rainy and sunny is amazing ..... Every 20 minutes is new weather....always.... Paris skies are addictive! Great Post!

  7. Anonymous2:24 AM

    If you have anytime free from all that's going on in Paris, I suggest a trip to London for the great Matisse show in the Tate Modern and a theatre matinee with Angela Lansbury in " Blithe Spirit". Both unforgettable !

  8. Cool dogs!
    and, of course Vanilla and irises!
    all very blissful
    but you do seem to be having gloomy weather.

  9. My Paris addiction is your blog, CarolG! An everyday must; often a couple of times to read the comments. Best blog on the Internet pour moi! :-)

    1. Oh my!
      THANK YOU Artist Lady !!
      Most kind

  10. Not one mention of your addiction to spontaneous urban hikes with me. Quelle dommage. I am also addicted to the good color sense of the marketers. They make wild asparagus look positively haute couture.

  11. My Paris addiction is "Paris"....just can't get enough of it! Anytime and anywhere...

  12. Patricia9:25 AM

    Thank you for celebrating the simple joys that surround us daily...My heart is full for I will soon have nine days in my beloved 6th Arr. apartment (free from our Parisienne friends!). The Carrefour de rue Vavin et rue Bréa is a lovely quartier...4 minutes by foot to Jardin du Luxembourg! I will roam and rove the garden, read and the parade of life.

  13. Enrica9:57 AM

    Macarons, markets, jardins!

  14. I didn't like perfume so much until I lived in France. I found it intoxicating, although I've kept my collection very small.

  15. I love it ! all these colors !!! bravo Caroll

    my addiction in Paris is all
    the market dehors partout
    dans tous les arrondissements !!!

  16. Standing under the Eiffel Tower when the lights are twinkling. My life lifts with energy.

    1. I can be on the other side of town and the twinkles still do it for me !

  17. merveilleux, tout simplement génial, merci beaucoup pour les magnifiques photos

  18. cyndi from SD11:16 AM

    La Tour Eiffel is my Paris addiction.I love how you can be walking about,and look up,and there she is.But,when I can't be there Paris Breakfast keeps me going.

  19. Just walking around Paris does it for me! Can't believe they have Driscoll raspberries at the marches.

  20. hot mint tea from the Mosque, vanilla and olive oil macaron from Pierre Herme, fresh figs - these are a few of my favorite things...

  21. Carol,today's post is absolute magic!
    Starting with (of course)(I'm prejudiced having two adorable Yorkies)those precious pooches.Callibaut!
    The Seine!The views from your apartment!
    Wow! As I said: magic! NO better way to start or end the day!

  22. I think I quite understand every single one of your addictions. We missed the bateau as well -- not enough time -- but it's always good to have a list for the future!

  23. I visit Laduree at least once every time I go. The atmosphere is worth the expense. Berthillion ice cream, savored on a bridge watching the boats go by...
    Are you going to be doing tours? You mentioned a while back you were planning to do that. I'll be there mid-September.

  24. There was, 10 years ago, a water cruise that went through the locks and talked about how the streets were built over the river. Very interesting and I had a friend who took the sewer tour and found it good.

  25. Vickie5:16 PM

    fantastic insight, photos, and intimacy. Thank you for taking us along! I'm so glad you experienced the bateaux mouches and hope that you will now consider Batobus. An annual pass is 60 euros, a terrific deal to get you to so many places easily and relatively quickly and it does have night hours, too.

  26. My Paris addiction..La Varangue , 27 rue Augereau.(Philippe's restaurant) the roast beef is the best I've tasted both sides of the pond...and oh his chocolate cake...there are no words...we eat there most nights when we rent an apt. in the 7th. We have been 3 years in a row...I am hoping to get back sometime this year! It's really nice to visit with you every time I read your blog....thanks Carol!

  27. Bonjour chère amie,
    Un très joli partage de sentiments, d'impressions, de parfums, de couleurs qui font que vous aimiez Paris...
    Gros bisous ♡

  28. Lots of wonderful addictions, but, oh that view!! I could look at that for hours.

  29. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I think Paris is addiction enough!

  30. You seem to have a wonderful view from the window! The night pictures from a few months ago, really did seem to capture
    the atmosphere of " Rear Window"!

  31. Now, try the Canal St. Martin!

  32. Addictions. I cannot choose just one
    thing. I'm addicted to Paris, completely and entirely.
    The last time I was there was 20 years ago~ and
    unlike Amsterdam, or Frankfurt or Munich~Paris did
    not feel changed. Paris absorbed all the passing of
    time and remained, Paris.

  33. What, only 12 addictions???? I'm sure I could develop 12 addictions in just the time it took me to de-plane!
    I am still patiently waiting for a shot of the adorable French Barbet...?


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