
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Omnivore World Tour 2014

Last Sunday was the beginning of the annual 3-day food fest at Mutualité-Maubert - the Omnivore World Tour.
Upstairs attendees eagerly awaited multiple cooking demos and the samples on offer.
While downstairs master classes with master chefs like Jean-Francois Piege went on sharing lots of secrets if your French was up to it. Mine was not.
Renown Pierre Gagnaire on Monday demo'd on the big screen.
Beautiful displays of perfect mini vegetables were for viewing only.
But plenty of tastes of my favorite fruit juice in France from Alain Milliat, so intensely fruity, real fruits have a hard time competing. I lurve their nectar fraise. Do try it next visit.
Endless species of French potatoes
Would go perfectly with the famous Bordier beurre.
Bread, butter and salt. The great trifecta.
Kalios is the new hot Greek olive oil and olives sanctioned by Paris top chefs being produced by two French guys in Greece.
Inhale the perfumey saffron from Iran.
Mini verrines of gingered creme fraiche and fruit.
I didn't realize I was tasting raw fish until it was too late...doodly-doodly-do.

That's what happens at these free-for-all degustations.
But raw oysters I'll taste whenever. Miam!
Miniature boxes of chunky Malden salt from the UK so you can bring your own salt (BYOS) next restaurant outing.
Black lemons! For cooking not eating on the spot.
I love French lentilles and you could actually by these Red Label Loire vallee lentils. Two sacs went into my bag.
Fromages d'Italie was again this year dishing out wonderful BIG tastes of Italian cheeses.
You forget how much you miss the strong flavors of Parmigiano and Gorgonzola
Big sandwiches from Le Verre Vole. I had to laugh - a blogger busy piling exotic caviar on little toasts spilt it all over her fancy camera. .


  1. You may think your French wasn't up to understanding everything the chefs said, but I betnext time you're in the kitchen and have a little urge to cook something just a bit differently, it will be your subconscious which has dutifully translated every syllable.
    And the black lemons? I am going directly to Google. I will not pass Go.

    1. I don't think you'll be making black lemonade from those babies!

  2. Those little salt containers are dear!

  3. Yum! And how did you enjoy the raw fish? Personally, I'm a fan of both sushi and cerviche.

  4. Georgia12:55 AM

    Food, Glorious food!
    So much temptation! At least it's not all pastry ;)

  5. I've received my first sketches from Paris and LOVED them.......
    I am so thrilled, showed
    them to my daughters, they loved the whole idea...
    I can't wait for the next one to arrive....


  7. What fun..I confess to having the small Maldon:)
    I would like attending events like this..

  8. cyndi from SD11:23 AM

    I need one of those small Maldon containers.Have you seen them in any of the stores in Paris? Countdown,I 'll be there in 10 days.

  9. Fabulous close-ups of the food, Carol. Nice candid people-shots, too.
    That is one ugly fish in there :)

  10. Food, glorious food - you make it all look so delicious. I would love to follow you around Paris, Carol, but I would become a blimp very quickly.

  11. Carolyn9:22 PM

    Those fruit nectars look fabulous! Where would we find these? Monoprix, Carrefour or do they have their own shop? Very interested in those black lemons....who knew?! Carolyn

  12. Carolyn9:39 PM

    I just looked up black lemons. They are called loomi, or black lemons but are actually limes that a boiled and then dried. Used in middle eastern cooking. The shape doesn't look like any limes I have ever seen however. I wonder how one cooks with them? Would like to try them!!!! Thanks for showing us!

  13. A delicious post! More shops to add to my map for Paris. I'm looking forward particularly to visiting Alain Milliat! And what a great idea to have a one-month subscription to the letters. Perfect for gift-giving, which is what I have just done! Bises!

    1. THANK YOU Marie!
      Yes a perfect lill gift in it's Paris Map envelope and gift card.


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