
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Guerlain Creations

There are dozens more Guerlain photos to show you from my visit on Tuesday. A lovely thing was to leave with these surprise gifts. I tried to match the strawberry red of the lipstick #68 in watercolor...
Strawberries/fraises are out in full force in Paris starting with the 'Stonehenge'-sized Gariguettes in the Metro. Honestly have you ever seen fresh strawberries advertised in the New York subway?
It's probably too early to taste but they look so pretty and a sure sign of Spring.
Yesterday I spotted the first Frasier gateau in Storer's window on rue Montorgeuil.
Back to Tuesday's visit. Who knew Guerlain invented the stick dispenser? Before Jacques Guerlain came up with the idea everyone carried around little pots of color. We must indeed give thanks.
Our guide on Tuesday was Guerlain's inhouse historian. This fabulous large black onyx tortoise perfume bottle was recreated for the new opening.
If you can't afford the 45k price tag you could buy a somewhat similar chocolate tortoise at La Mere de Famille for a mere 13,50€.
Another heavenly special creation - this bejeweled giant bottle of Shalimar
For another whiff of exquisite gems go to the new exhibit at Musee Maillol of Le Tresor de Naples. I'll report on it soon...
I got more detailed photos of the Guerlain bee bottles in Galeries Lafayette yesterday
Looking up, the Belle Epoch ceiling is the perfect setting for bottles with the scalloped 'hive' pattern don't you think?
More hive pattern on fans from the new Créations collections.
Designed by the girls at La Maison Duvelleroy.
Another addition, silk scarves made of the heaviest gauge silk from Italy.
The Shalimar/Taj Mahal story is beautifully illustrated in this pattern.
Yesterday I was feeling brave or maybe just fed up with gathering papers for my upcoming visa appointment so I returned to 68 Champs-Élysées for a Flash makeup session to match my new gift 68 lipstick.
Head Makeup director, Olivier Eschaudemaison is world renown for his innovations and artistry. Why not get a little renovation myself..?
I was lucky to get one of Olivier's personal team members/equipe, Maxime to do me over.
And it took every brush in his makeup case.
Pictures of yours truly coming up. 
You may want to scroll fast.
Maxime did wonders with my eyebrows. I was advised to spend future Sundays practicing. Will do!
 Scented fine leather gloves (first brought to France by Catherine de Medici from Italy. Her italian chefs are responsible for introducing macarons to France) are in the Créations Collection.  Top nez/nose/perfumer of the house, Thierry Wasser chose 2 perfumes for the glove linings: his La Petite Robe Noire and Mitsouko. I drew his portrait here and here. You can return in 6 months to refresh the scent.
By the way there are still some Guerlain #68 scented touches (paper perfume testers) and labels you can sew into your coat or dress available, if you hurry up and buy a subscription of PB monthly Paris letters on Etsy. And THANK YOU La Table de Nana for the lovely post on the sketch letters!
Last night while walking over the bridge, along came a bateau mouche lit up in #68 strawberry red! ❤️❤️💋


  1. Louisa M3:49 AM

    Bravo for you!
    Looks divine

  2. You look gorge. I'll be inspecting your brows when next we meet. Start practicing.

    1. Sadly ze eyebrows washed off in the pool.
      I must have ducked...

  3. Swooning again! It is always about the details and you gave us many in this post. You look fabulous!

    1. Tanks Theresa!
      I think i need a re-makeup session.
      They do their magic so fast.
      One should be filming to get it all down instead of relaxing and letting it happen.

  4. You look fab..
    You always do.
    I love that little pot rose..
    They know what they are doing there.
    I doubt I would stop for a makeover now here.
    Before college on weekend I worked in the cosmetics dept of a fine was so nice when people asked for my advice..and I got great samples..Now people say.. you would benefit from our Touche Eclat or Soins Pour Peaux matures..
    Geesh I'm only 60.I swear after 59 we disappear here.
    Fine by me actually.

  5. Deborah9:19 AM

    How fun! You look lovely and ready for spring with the pink lipstick!

  6. Carol WOAW..... PARIS suits you so well.
    You are looking wonderful

  7. You look beautiful but then you always do anyway, sans makeup or avec makeup (I know, my french is pitiful, but I'm trying to be parisienne). I recently got my March print in the lovely map envelope - MERCI! xo

  8. You look fabulous! I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to do that! Eyebrows, eh? Suddenly they seem to be so important to everyone.

    1. It was very fast so it didn't take much nerve
      I just waltzed in.
      At first they said no reservations left for today.
      Then went in the back and conferred..
      I think they can tell a live one when it walks in the door so they called for someone quick.

  9. Love your makeover pictures! Oh what fun!!

  10. You look great. You do not need the makeup, but sometimes a do-over makes you feel special. But everything you see and do must give you a natural glow. The last picture has such great colors I am going to print and frame. The more you look the more you see. Have fun.

  11. What glorious colors! I think I should like to have a chocolate turtle today!

  12. Normajean12:52 PM

    You look GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Dianne Dorrans Saeks12:53 PM

    Super-fab...and I love the heritage things and the silk scarves...and the scented you looked great.

  14. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Very pretty. Is the little pot of pink a blusher? I also wanted to tell you, i love your glasses

  15. You look more Parisienne every day! Salut!

    1. Thanks but you know that really isn't my goal :)
      Anyone can throw a scarf on..
      Now I have to think what my goal is being here!!

  16. Galeries Lafayette! I remember the first time I set eyes on that store. It was so NOT the JC Penneys in Great Falls, Montana....thank goodness! And look at you with your strawberry stained lips! So NOT Maybelline from the 5 & dime! Xxxxoooo

    1. No Guerlain is not the same but wasn't the 5 & dime a wonderful thing...
      My 'madeleine de Proust'

  17. I stumbled onto Guerlain buying mascara at Sephora. What a lucky find! All of their creations feel luxurious - perfumed mascara? I feel special every time I put it on. Maybe some more Guerlain will find its way into my life. I'm off to your Etsy shop to splurge on a letter from Paris!

  18. You look stunning, Carol. Saw Cara Black yesterday & she showed up the glasses you convinced her she needed.

  19. You are looking so very soigné! But I think you are not wearing the tube from the top but something pink on your lips instead?

  20. Bonnie L7:06 PM

    My favorite lipstick of all time was a Guerlain. It had a lovely scent of almonds. How wonderful to have gone to the re-opening - and all those freebies! The shade of lipstick Maxime used really suits you; beautiful!

  21. Beautiful post, beautiful you!

  22. Who is this blond beauty all powdered and coiffed?

  23. look fantastic!

  24. I see that Paris is not only affecting your spirit & life, but your looks!! You & Paris are good for each other!

  25. Some beautiful photos in this post, Carol!
    The strawberries, perfume bottles, the Galeries Lafayette ceiling, YOU, and the boat on the river at dusk :)

  26. Did they use pencil or brush and pot on your eyebrows? I am kind of an eyebrow person; and am always looking for the right , just the right one.
    You look so lovely, and happy.....
    and how handy to have that pool almost to yourself; no one deserves it more
    I live in the sticks and am desperate for a makeup counter of any kind!

  27. Fabulous Carol! You look gorgeous!! And I love the colour of your Guerlain lipstick ;-)

  28. The Guerlain Bee Bottle is stunning.
    Nice to see pics of you here:-)

  29. How fabulous you look with the makeover! That lipstick looks wonderful on you. I didn't know that Guerlain invented lipstick. I've been to their HQ on Champs Elysee, it was so gorgeous, I took a picture of their glorious gold staircase. I'm glad that the strawberries are out for you.

  30. Oh, you look so lovely! (You always do but this is really great on you....) xoxo Susan


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