
Monday, February 03, 2014

Salon du Marriage

I've always wanted to go to the Paris Salon du Marriage...
I have a feeling these wedding shows are the same the world over.
You see one and that's it unless you're getting married again...
Nothing was left out. Of course wedding cake makers were on hand.
Table settings with the requisite red roses
The venders were Very busy...
I've never seen so many wedding rings!
And they were selling up a storm.
Gowns? They had em.
And you can try on and get them fitted right there.
Monsieur is not left out either.
CHOCOLATES! with the happy couples name on them in many flavors bien sur.
Pick the chateau of your dreams for your wedding. And then honeymoon at Sherwood Parc whilst dressing up as Robin Hood and hiding in the woods. Why not? They were on site too.
For some happy couples total exhaustion set in by the end of the show.
Never mind. Thai masseuses were ready to get you back in shape for more shopping. Or so you could run out of there and never look back.
Makeup artists were happy to give you a preview of your best face forward
The perfect getaway cars were lined up outside Porte de Versailles where the show was held. Same site as the Salon du chocolat. I'll stick with chocolate next time.
Wedding photographers mustn't be left out.
Nor a paper maché pup to go under the table amidst the rose petals...


  1. Anabel7:15 AM

    Looks like fun in a Hellish sort of way...
    One time should do it

  2. Exhausting fun, indeed!
    Sweet, the little papermache' puppy under the table. ;-)

  3. That man in the chair has teh best hair:)

    I loved going wedding dress shopping with my daughters..It was fun.. Now there's a place they say no photos please!

    Hmm well I want a souvenir of this day~ So I am taking one.
    So there.
    That's what I felt like saying:)

  4. I agree---not my favorite venue, but what the heck! The French are not nearly as over the top as the American wedding business. Can you imagine?

  5. Weddings, weddings - very topical. Golly, you're brave going there!

  6. suffocating :(
    @ Table de Nana: t'as raison.... :)

  7. Considering the fantastic local bakeries, the cake looked too predictable. Does Laduree do wedding cakes?

    1. Oh of course they's a huge part of their business and very pretty too. I've shown it here several times with Marie-Antoinette figures on top.

  8. I'll marry the girl in the second photo :)

  9. Carol,

    Christiane (your friend in California with whom I work - wears the same marvelous glasses that you do) mentioned your blog today, in passing, as she was describing your beautiful apartment in Paris. So I thought I'd take a peek.

    Little did I know I was going to be entering into semi-foreign territory (not that I haven't been to weddings - I was even the male lead in my own). All that fluff and lace and jewelry and cake (well…that's alright)…is just a bit too much to relive, as the first couple of times (yes, I did it twice) about took all that I had to get through all the shopping and choices. Not that any of my input really amounted to anything at all. In fact, now that I recall I wasn't really consulted very much. Oh well.

    You made it all about as interesting to a man as one could make it. Which goes to show that you are adept at painting with words, as well as with whatever medium you create with visually. And your photographic skills are quite good, as well.

    Keep up the good work. I'll be back to see where else you take your readers as you have a "Paris Breakfast".

    Thank you, Carol!

    - Steve M.

  10. Love all your pictures of the wedding show. We "do" weddings at the gardens and the last magazine dropped off at our door last week was all about weddings too.

  11. Rick and I decided to cut to the chase and just do our wills for each other and skip the rest of the legalities -- so I haven't been to one of these. Thought of accompanying Kevin's finacee and then I thought it was probably too much fluffy for me. On the other hand, I'd love a piece of that pink cake...


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