
Monday, February 17, 2014

ParisBreakfasts at Les Editeurs

This is Paris at 7:15 am when I left for the pool. Seeing this is enough to get me out of the house even if it's pitch black out.
My 5th straight day hitting the water at Art Deco Piscine Pontoise (built 1934).
Still the time slots can be rough if you're not an early bird.
7 - 8:30 am
12:15 - 1:30
4:30 - 8 pm
Post-pool I was remembering my tourist days when I used to hit the cafes for a lovely petit dejeuner...
Now I rarely go but it seems a better choice than hitting the boulangerie. And I've always wanted to stop in Les Editeurs. An early dip gave me courage.
And a coffee and croissant didn't look so steep.
I could pretend to draw or something.
Inside is glorious, tres chic.
I know zip about coffee even though I once visited Cafes Richard's coffee plant near La Defense and I've painted a mountain of coffee cups.
Ordering a cafe creme is not the done thing evidently but an espresso would have me spinning.
So I had to get the 'Petit' Petit Dejeuner. Sometimes you really miss being a carefree tourist in Paris, back when  you didn't have to think about electric bills etc. 
*By the way I forgot to mention I FELL MADLY IN LOVE IN VERSAILLES!
With this 17th century-style type face. It was on the awning of the worst possible tourist snack bar but so what. It's pretty fabulous no?
Even if I don't know how to order coffee in a Paris cafe.
I know how to get out my pen and start scribbling like a possessed calligraphie maniac.
The waiter was very forgiving when he saw my attempts at French script.
The typeface on the windows at Les Editors is tres elegant.
And even better when you flop it to get the full effect.
Outside I kept seeing French script. Just look at that S! It's classy.
At Monop I swooned over these cans of Cassoulet. That's what happens when you fall hard for a typeface in Versailles. And it helps you cope with Paris' irresistible pastries. There are worst things that can happen no?


  1. Your French Script is great! Don't let anyone make you think otherwise..hope you were wearing your Red glasses and Red lipstick in Les Editeurs

    1. Being able to scribble French script may have some advantages...I once fell for a guy with beautiful Gothic handwriting. I am too easily smitten...

  2. Seeing Paris just before Dawn is worth getting up and out. Love the cup and pitchers for the hot chocolate. I have a weakness for tea and coffee sets. French script is on a lot of french decorating here. Have a good day.

    1. That's it isn't
      French coffee cups are out of this world
      I would have spent a fortune to have Breakies at Les Comptoir accross the street - beautiful big checkered cups to die for...for hotel residents only evidently...

  3. Les Editeurs is a great place to be we love it Carol...glad you do too.. Paris at Dawn - divine of course and the lovely French script is gorgeous

  4. Dawn doesn't show it's face until 8 am here.
    Everything before is night time and it's the right time to see Paris. Just spectacular!

  5. I love all that gorgeous script too. It's heating bills that prevent me from going to visit Paris for awhile, but Boston awaits (I know, it's not Paris)...Love your glimpses of the city & your delight at living there...

  6. Oh wow! I always thought the IN thing was B/Fast @Tiffany's Who wouldn't want to have B/F sitting in one of those RED club chairs. fabulous. & I always say anywhere looks better at the crack of dawn !

  7. You reminded me of how wonderful it is to get up and out at dawn in Paris.You may have your eye on the electric bill, Carol, but you are richer and more life-affirming than all the 'Koch Brother' type billionaires put together. Seriously.

  8. Cassoulet...delicious from the South of France! Nice day full of activities.

  9. Wow! That pre-dawn view is almost enough to get me up early .... what is going on at les piscenes during the off-hours? Team swim practice?
    Love your nostalgia for your old tourist days! And as for your comment about pretending to draw...I am so self-conscious about drawing in public, I would be tempted to pretend to eat while drawing !!!!

    1. Les scolaires fill the gaps and get preference at Paris pools. Right now it's vacance for 2 weeks so the grownups get a break.

  10. Carol, I love these views of what it is to be a morning person in Paris.

    I smiled at your reference to "pretending to draw" ... you draw so beautifully, I cannot imagine how you pretend to draw. xo

    Laduree has now opened on West Broadway. The manager brought us a sampling box of macarons. Very sweet gesture. Even with all our winter chill and snow and ice, folks are queuing up outside on the sidewalk to gain entry to that pistachio green box of magic.

    xo again

    1. Drawing in public, unless it's on the Metro for 2 minutes, isn't my usual pastime, but I'd like to develop the skill and have something to do in a Paris cafe. I'm not used to just hanging out...

  11. Louisa9:39 PM

    Love the color changes in today's post from turquoise to intense RED to engraving browns and back to raspberry red!

  12. The pool is gorgeous, but the hour... That takes dedication!

  13. Lovely photos! Where is the swimmingpool? thanks

    1. On rue Pontoise just in from bd St. Germain in 75005.
      Les Editors at 4 Carrefour de l'Odeon 75006

  14. crazy4paris11:32 PM

    Love sitting by the clock at Les Editeurs and engaging in conversation with neighbors. The warmth of the room, the red, the books. Nothing quite like it anywhere. Sounds like Versailles could get you into calligraphy!

  15. Carolyn3:33 AM

    I am not a morning person. I am not a swimmer. I can't do calligraphy. But I am realllly good at eating croissants, pain au chocolat and café. Wish I was there so you didn't have to eat alone :)

  16. I love your bridge/river view!
    The pool looks fabulous, too - I wonder if any American cities have a network of pools?
    The café with its big red chairs looks great :)

  17. Thank you. I was having a terrible morning and the first picture made me smile.

  18. everyday I can't wait to receive your daily blog. It's beautiful, interesting, real life, with pizzaz. Thank you,

  19. Drawing in public? Why not? I swear I am going to sketch my way around Paris in April. We just have to take a deep breath and do it! Love Paris in the early morning dark.

  20. By all means, draw in public! I've taken to carrying a notebook with me so I can jot down notes about my meal/day/whatever. It gives me something to do besides stare out the window, and judging by the glances sent my way, it makes people curious about what I might be up to. Or maybe they just think I'm weird. ;) x Katie

  21. Ann in LA11:40 AM

    PB makes my morning brighter!

  22. You are an early bird! Love les Editeurs, especially as you can watch everyone queue across the road at Le Comptoir. Never would have noticed that snazzy 'S' if you hadn't mentioned it. Cassoulet? Now that's a good idea to have in stock when you don't feel like cooking. Good stuff.

    1. I'm always suspicious of food in a jar but there's a lot of jared food here!

  23. The cafe, the pool, the script are all wonderful; Bear is, as always, adorable. But, oh, that view in the first shot! Swoon.

  24. Thanks Carol. At the moment I'm in Paris, today I'm in bed, because I'have had good idea to be ill! Have a good day! Helga

  25. Tutoring 0078:18 AM

    The French tradition, though I rarely follow it, and I suggest that you too not bother since it is too restrictive, is to drink café crème only in the morning. Espresso is fine anytime. I don't see the difference but if you are really trying to be French, again, I would suggest you not bother since no matter what you do the French will never really accept you, espresso after 12 is part of the set of extremely hard to follow rules. They also seem to scowl at decaf but I'm not sure of that rule. Ask one of your French friends.

  26. How nice that they have kept the decoration of the old pool. That would offer quite an incentive to me to get into the water. I really don't like having to spend time ploughing up and down and looking at horrible bleak modern design when doing so. And the idea of a nice breakfast after is very appealing, although to be honest I think I might need some sustenance before!

    1. Oh I never go into the pool without something first, hot chocolate, meusli, a clementine etc. etc.

    2. Plus in my New York pool you needed a blindfold for the awful murals. Quelle wreck!

    3. After writing my mystery novel, I went to Les Editeurs. Two weeks later, after I got back home, I was accepted by a publisher! I've gone back to Les Editeurs to thank the writing Gods for bringing me good luck.


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