
Friday, January 10, 2014

Musee Jacquemart-Andre

Some exhibits are a definite don’t miss.

Well that's my thoughts on soon-to-close Désirs et Volupté at musee Jacquemart-Andre.
Mind you the entry way is quite auspicious at 58, boulevard Haussmann 75008

In fact almost all the entry ways in this stretch of Haussmann are consistently gorgeous.

If Cara Black had been along we would have entered looking for murderous potential.

Inside the museum the doorways can't be beat for grandeur on a fabulous scale.

Who would not like to waltz through these portals?

They do caste a spell on you.

Even Bear was impressed.
Upstairs the exhibit was another matter unless you love over the top melancholy.

This satin ribbon did attract. These British Victorian painters certainly knew how to paint their fabrics.

And flowing drapery galore.

A violin chaise on the boulevard was a pleasent reflection.

Still too much dolefulness can wear you down.

Languorous hanging about is hard to relate to these days.

Though I can relate to this sad woman observing her recently failed work of art. Haven't we all been there at one time or another

Bear was feeling quite doleful when he spotted polar bear skin rugs in some of the paintings.

One place you can never go wrong at the Jacquemart is in the gift shop.

Teas, tea mugs, Boissier old fashioned candies - what damsel wouldn't be delighted?

Plus a shopping bag to match. By the way the museum tea salon is every bit as enticing.
Cheers, Carolg


  1. LOVE the Jacquemart-Andre but not the damsels in distress paintings at all..

  2. In that first photo, you look like the woman's better angel, perched over her shoulder giving advice she badly needs. :-)

    1. ;))
      I LOVE the way you see things Jeanette!
      Very imaginative

  3. I love those entrances, reminds me of "Last Tango In Paris."
    That painting is a bit much :)
    Hello to Bear!

  4. I am intrigued with your painting of the highly ornate nestled cups from the not-very-inspiring museum. I like it a lot.

  5. Sorry this one was a disappointment Carol. I haven't made it to the Musee J-A yet though, it's still on the to do list. It does look very pretty.

  6. Lol!!!!!!! At the Bear comment about the rugs. Perfect.

  7. Wasn't a complete a complete waste. You got some fun pix and a lovely painting of the Tea cups.

  8. Love your painting..the gold is so pretty..
    All the tea paraphernalia would please me..
    Bear is obviously not afraid of heights...

  9. I loved the Museum Jaquemart Andre - saw an exhibit by the Calliboite brothers which was stunning.

    1. Parisbreakfast8:06 PM

      Now that was a terrific exhibit!
      Loved it

  10. Perhaps you can reassure bear by telling him those polar bear rugs were fake...made out of honor of real live bears. Would he buy that?

  11. This is one of my favorite museums in Paris! I passed on this exhibit when I was there in December too, just did not look too good.

    Hope you have a great week.

  12. I heard a similar bad review from someone else, too bad since I'd like to visit the MJA. Cross our fingers that something better is coming next.

    1. 14 Mars
      Watteau à Fragonard
      Les Fetes Galantes

  13. I don't know if I agree -- I love the paintings you showed, although they are a bit in the dumps. And I think we could all do with a little bit of "languorous hanging about." This was a spot that was on my list, and of course we didn't do homework and went by on the day it was closed. We were going to go back and just ran out of energy. Ah, the joy of BEING there and saying "If I don't go this week, next or the week after or next month is fine." So, it remains on the list (and after seeing your photos for tea and the gift shop if nothing else!) Quite ravishingly beautiful...


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