
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ch. de Vaux le Vicomte - Palais du Chocolat

More chocolate this weekend at the ever so charming chateau de Vaux le Vicomte. This event is on through Monday so hurry over to Melun, a mere 30 minutes from Gare de Lyon.
Vaux is my absolute favorite chateau. I'll take it any day over Versailles, in fact a copy of Vaux le Vicomte yet much more unmanageable.
Miss the crowds and masses of tourists and head to Melun I say!
Do check the hours of the special navette/bus to the chateau. They depart at 10,12 and 2 pm. Then just a 12 minute ride away from the train station et voila.
Yes it was rainy yesterday. but no matter. It's still a glorious experience and I had no brolly ;))
This is a side view of the chateau but I've written about it many, many times if you want the 'full monty'.
2013 is the 400th anniversary of landscape artist, Andre Le Notre who created the magnificent gardens at Vaux,(and Versailles after) so the guest chocolatiers made homages in his honor.
Sadaharu Aoki has created the centerpiece in the grand ballroom.
Before you enter the ballroom you'll get a chance to wander leisurely though out the chateau, without being trampled I might add like in some places...
And very grand it is too
Back to the chocolate salon. MOF Chocolatier Bellanger was very kind...
To provide us all with steaming cups of thick hot chocolate.
Mazet confisier  is too kind,
Providing greedy paws with many delicious praline bites
At Sadaharu's stand you can taste exotic Yuzu and the vert macarons
Chef Frederic Cassel, was involved in quite serious work...
Though some might call it 'child's play' ahem...
Dipping macarons into hot chocolate, then in chopped nuts and lining them up to cool - the ultimate macaron sucette/lollypop.
More dipping chocolate
For the chefs at Des Lis
The results? Pralines amandes, noisettes, fondant et crousstilant enrobe de chocolat au lait et sucre glace. Miam miam
I was flirting madly with their poppy syrup but ended up with a bag of Coquelicot de Nemours hard candies, said to be excellent for sore throats.
Beautiful bars/tablettes everywhere you looked...
And of course macarons
Another of my favorite tiny boxes - these are filled with different flavored caramel from MOF Arnaud Larher.
While it was pouring chocolate inside the ballroom outside the drizzle continued but no spirits were dampened. Why should they be? Monday is a national holiday so the Chocolat Salon continues. Don't miss it. It's loads of fun I promise!


  1. Carol, another fun, mouth-watering post. I love exploring the sweet Paris food scene through your images and text. Your dentist and personal trainer must be very rich, with the amount of indulging you simply must do in order to bring us these lovely posts. Thanks for taking one for the team!

    1. Ahem....please remember I had 7 years shooting at the Beard House as ground training at least as foie gras and champagne goes.
      Yes I go to the pool as much as I can to jog in the deep end. I do not eat EVERYTHING I shoot. I would faint from the sugar.
      the hardest task was working with the pastry chef.
      One can not say NO.
      One does not want to say NO.
      Tough but wonderful work.
      I am tried and tested every single day in Paris.
      who knew? I was not prepared properly.
      I shall perhaps give an induction course in looking in Paris windows and NOT buying.

  2. I can't believe the footseps you take to share everything with us..
    I would have never seen Paris this way if not for you.
    And every make it seem effortless !
    Kudos always.

  3. ive been to the castle but not for a chocolat event unfortunately..lucky lady Pb.
    its also the castle of the french lord called the man in the iron mask

  4. the 14th november there is the special event at H&h..Isabel Marant mini collection will be sell in the store ..i know you love Sonia Rykiel...but Isabel has an interesting style...

    1. I would love to do the H&M Isabel but Ifear it will be Very big crowds!

  5. Oh, the stimulating indulgence of cocoa...!
    Reminds me of "Chocolat" with Juliette Binoche and Johny Depp.
    Suzanne@Le Farm

  6. Thank you, Carol, for this report from heaven on earth. Each image is a gem, showing what can happen when artistic and culinary tradition combines with contemporary imagination and great skill.

    Was that a chocolate watering can hovering over that lavish table?

    I agree with you about preferring to avoid really large crowds, when the choice is provided.


    1. Yes it is a 'chocolate' watering can though no chockies were raining down on us...

  7. Well you certainly didn't let a rainy, miserable weekend dampen your plans! Great idea to head out to Vaux le Vicomte. I also adore this chateau - and perfect timing to see the chocolatiers. Gosh, LOVE what Sadaharu Aoki did with the Centrepiece. Fantastique!

    1. Sadaharu's centerpiece looks nothing like wouldn't ever guess would you..?

  8. Lucinda11:47 AM

    This is great, as usual!

  9. I love the grey, rainy rather grand outdoors contrasted with the warmth within, hot chocolate flowing, little greedy hands filling mouths with bonbons.

  10. Bonsoir chère amie,

    Un lieu extraordinaire pour encadrer un moment prestigieux et gourmand. On en oublie ainsi la grisaille de novembre ainsi le chocolat chaud est de rigueur.
    De très belles photos.
    Gros bisous

    1. How beautifully you put it Martine...
      'la grisaille de novembre'
      One must dress warmly to go trick and treating in French country chateaux or drink many cups of chocolat chaud

  11. Love the shot of the main axis in drizzly autumn color! There could not be a better setting in the world for the chocolate show!
    Did autocorrect change "mof" to "my" chef Cassell or do you have a new arrangement with him to get the goodies hot out of the oven? I would not be the least surprised.

  12. I would kill right now for some good dark chocolate... gorgeous displays! Wish I could have joined! Thank you...

  13. I need chocolat right now or a macaron or caramel or maybe I could be Carol for a day & get my fill.

  14. Kathleene12:04 AM

    Thank you so much for sharing information about the Chateaux de Vaux le Vicomte. I did not know about this Chateau but it will certainly be included on my itinerary when I next return to France. Versailles is magnificent but I am looking forwarding to a less crowded Chateau experience.

  15. The grounds looks so perfect....and the treats are beyond words....I would be so full of chocolates that I would turn a light brown

  16. Fabulous looking chateau and grounds.
    I love the chocolates and your "available light" shots of the presentations.

    1. the light was very warm contrasting the outside chill

  17. What a stunning green the grounds are! And what a day of delights. I do admire your stamina Carol, post Salon. So, so much deliciousness.

    1. Fortunately one gets to draw breath on the bus and train between inhalations if chcolate!

  18. Well, like you, I love Vaux le Vicomte and find it a wonderfully manageable and beautiful venue and attraction. But I never saw it with all this chocolate -- which is probably a good thing! Oh, those macarons -- and the macaron saucettes! One of my 2014 resolutions/goals is to learn to make macarons! I'll let you know how it goes!

    1. It's easier to come to France than make macarons IMHO


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