
Monday, October 28, 2013

Marche Batignolles Biologic

Saturday I finally made it over to the marche Biologique des Batignolles in the 17th arr, near Place de Clichy. I seem to zigzag between the intensely healthy and heavenly excess in my food adventures. This week will be a plunge into the deep end of heavenly chocolate and sweets at the Salon du Chocolat, so why not shore up with a little healthy balance?
It appears many producteurs here show up at the marche Raspail organic the following day on Sunday. This setting is a bit easier to navigate. Four rows of purveyors on an esplanade in the middle of the boulevard. More zigzagging of course.
I've been flirting with fresh figs for weeks in the marche. Le noire de Sollies AOC from the Var are very fine indeed. I'd read somewhere they should be a bit firm. At organic marches in Paris you're allowed to pick out the fruit and veg yourself unlike other marches. I roasted these split with portobellos and cherry tomatoes drizzled with Balsamic, honey and topped with Za'atar. Plus Longley Farm Cottage cheese and roquette...sigh.
Fresh hazelnuts. Nothing like them! They're crunchy yet not the least bit dry like other noisettes I've eaten. They don't shake in their shell either.
Look for the letters BIO and AB and AOC when you're buying organic. Some of the most simple vegetables here have a CV as long as your arm.
Fresh time.
An Italian purveyor who goes to Raspail as well.
At Raspail the lines are always so long
For these onion-potato pancakes. No line so I bought. I'll be back for these.
Such beautiful radis.
The colors!
Les légumes oubliés are trendy and hot. Black radishes like these. Rutabagas, Jerusalem artichokes, blue potatoes, beets Chiogga.
Kale is super hot.
Chefs were buying it up in the market.
Who else would be buying flat after flat of unusual veggies?
Plus they co-ordinated with the tomatoes.
To market, to market to buy a fig..
Today it's off to the Chocolat Salon Professional and a dive in the deep end. It's sink or swim in Paris.


  1. What lovely market pictures, although I wouldn't let the veggies seduce me away from the chocolate! I've never eaten a fresh fig, only dried figs. I must fix that. I'd love it if you'd play along with my Dreaming of France meme every Monday. Here’s my Dreaming of France meme

    1. Fresh figs are altogether a different experience.
      Well worth it.
      One must have balance. It can't all be chocolate and whipped creme everyday.

    2. I picked figs off a tree in Italy and they were the most equiste figs I had ever tasted..
      That little doll:) And you aquarelle..
      Tout est beau .
      Loved a little dish we ate last night Baked acorn squash..stuffed with Kale sausage.. and a crsipy coating of panko and cheese and walnuts..Yum..
      Kale is very very good and hot here too..smoothies..chips etc..
      Fun post as always~

  2. Fresh figs and goat cheese? To die for! Yummmmm. Better than chocolate, although I'd love to go to Salon au Chocolate with you!

  3. The produce looks so beautiful & I'd love to try the onion- potatoe pancakes.

  4. Bonsoir,

    Un petit tour agréable au marché... Humm!! les figues. Comment y résister ?... Je viens de manger la dernière figue qui restait à l'arbre. Je l'ai dégustée lentement pour mieux me souvenir plus tard de ce doux moment de plaisir !
    Vos photos sont merveilleuses mais j'ai un petit faible pour votre illustration...

    Gros bisous vitaminés ! ☺

  5. I've got ripe figs on my tree. I lose a lot since they ripen late and the frost gets some (and the squirrels), but they are good fresh and good baked.

  6. Everything you pictured looks scrumptious! Wish I could find chioggia beets in my int'l farmers market, if only now and then. I love beets, just roasted and drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, s&p. After reading about za'atar in David Lebovitz' blog, I did, surprisingly find it in my market, labeled "Zatar."

  7. God, it all looks so good. One of my favorites is fig smeared over warmed brie. I'm salivating here, but on the road, so it's torture knowing I can't cook...thanks for the tour, Carol. Love the wc!

  8. I have no doubt you will come up from your dive with both hands full of glorious chocolate goodies! I can't wait!

  9. When I get in a market like this I lose my head. Same with the bakery. Buy some fennel - it is so good.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I enjoy reading your posts
    Just returned from short visit to Salon du chocolate,
    and continue feeling Paris via your wonderful posts, thanks :-)

  12. Barbara L7:21 PM

    Love how you manage to make a market look so fantastic. I must go to my local market with my eyes closed or maybe I've become accustomed to my life in France.
    This Friday I must look around with fresh eyes.
    Barbara Lillian

    1. The French are awfully good at setting up still lifes.

  13. Everything looks good, but the onion potato pancakes seem like something I'd really love to try :)


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