
Monday, June 10, 2013

Cote Sud Color

For years and years I collected Côté Sud magazines. Oh why didn't I bring my stacks with me to Paris?
It was all round thrilling to attend their Salon Côté Sud Vivre in Aix and as presse no less. It's still going on today so you can run there VITE!
Cote Sud has always been an amazing source of inspiration. And the Salon didn't disappoint.
COLOR COLOR COLOR of such intensity. The most beautiful combinations. These are from Les Toiles du Soleil. That's my fan btw. They have a divine shop on west 19th street in New York. I am marching over to their Paris shop toute a suite to get me some more COLOR! I'm in love.
La Table de Nana asked me if people were wearing linens and balloon trousers. How did you know? And why didn't you tell me ahead so I could blend in.
Jeanette, Mistress of Longears asked me what paints I travel with.
I take my basic Kremer paintbox (although I moved the pans (I only use pans but refill with Winsor and Newton tubes when traveling) into my mom's old paintbox. I do use Winsor and Newton Brt Sienna, Fr Ultramarine, Cerulean, Permanent Rose for their nice washy quality. I take only a small sketchbook 6" x 8" to do color studies and thumbnails in. Plus a bunch of old paint brushes on their last legs but I love Da Vinci Junior synthetics series 303. I use real artist grade colors. Would you buy cheap hamburger for your family? Never! So please think the same way about your watercolor paints.
Honestly PBers...tsk tsk
The natural colors of Provence are just stunning bien sur - small olive trees - I wanted to take one of these home.
The regional Provencal foods at the Salon were simply out of this world and not pricy. I couldn't find anything comparable near where I was staying. Too many touristy joints for the masses so I saved myself for the salon and lived on apricots and almonds.
My raspberry tarte and lemonade. but I also had tartines of tapenade, anchoaide, fig confit...miam miam
I could have really used one of these hats. Next time!
I did buy peach soaps on a rope from Cote Bastide. YUM
There were loads of soapy- spa items made from regional olive oils etc.

Of course the Rose was flowing!!

And PLENTY of ice cream/glace for tired, hot ole moi. Nothing like an ice cream to perk you up instantly is there? Do take a look at Cote Sud magazine for instant perks and mountains of inspiration!


  1. This post makes me want to jump on a train to Aix right now.

    1. Tanks, yes I would like to hop on the train and go right back..

  2. I always love seeing your colors.. they are so rich..and true..never muddy..
    I bought a soap in provence has a hole through it..shaped like a big green olive..a savon de Marseilles and it fits on a holder that is screwed into our wall..LOVE..

    Bought a refill most use the's still almost as big as it was.

    Love those olive trees..I am growing the house..outdoors for summer..They are fime indoors..Go for it!
    What a pretty pretty place.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Sounds like you had quite a trek...hopefully with not to much in tow. How nice to come back to these two lovely posts...I'm reminded of a summer visit to Paris when outside of a L'Occitane shop I was greeted by a lovely young woman bearing a basket of (a very generous) sample of fresh lavender. My dream has always been to be in Provence in July for the lavender harvest. If you manage to get there this year do tell all. Don't know what I've done wrong ... been a long time and I'm unable to use "Geri NJ" apologies, but 'anonymous' will have to do till I figure this out again!

  4. Sounds like a fun/hectic trip! I love the Cote Paris magazines...I'll have to check out the southern version.
    A shop in the rue du Bac called Le Grand Comptoir is filled with colorful goodies just like those sling chairs. ;) x Katie

  5. Thanks, Carol, for the traveling palette info and for all the inspiration. I'd be lost without my daily fix of Frenchness everyday!

  6. What a fun excursion! Love CoteSud . And love this taste of it..pass me the raspberries and cream please. And the sweet olives! Xoxo

  7. Such color!!!
    And a grand merci for showing your travel tools....I am beginning to tire of my tiny (about 3 x 5") Schminke tin...and considering taking the extra weight of my big Schminke tin, which looks a lot like your Kremer.

  8. Love love love your color swatches!

    Gorgeous images, all, my favorite is the outdoor dining scene, out of a 19th century painting!

    1. Haha something is wrong with my iPad
      Taking very fuzzy pics of late
      I'm in Apple now to get a checkup

  9. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Absolutely love your blog. Thank you not only for all the lovely colour but the interesting info you impart. Enjoy you when I spend winters in Paris and now from Toronto where I summer.

  10. Anonymous1:17 PM

    As usual loved all your colors and tidbits....the culmination of all is the ice cream...did I send a picture of my sundae?

  11. Anonymous1:49 PM

    such an absolutely gorgeous and inspiring (art-wise) post. a perfect way to begin the day. Thank you.

  12. Your post makes me want to go there, too. If you buy the pair of olive trees, I'll take one. They are so elegant and restrained. Are they fragrant when they bloom? I know the Russian olives (in Colorado) were heavenly scented.

  13. So many wonderful colors! I love the photos where you include your watercolor tin.

    1. Those were such fun to do Bill
      Iwhy I love Coté Sud magazine. Inspiring!

  14. The colors so scrumptious! I too love seeing your "outils de l' artiste" !
    I want the linen scarves, stripped chairs, olive tree, well,just all of it!
    Thank you as always for sharing as always!

  15. Great watercolors, and photos.
    It is so colorful there!

  16. Anonymous10:18 PM

    This is a delightful way to start the day!

  17. Anonymous10:50 PM

    I love Aix, Rose and the spectacular colors of Provence.
    Thank you Carol,
    Chef Ann

  18. A wonderful post and ending it with an Ice cream cone.. Perfect!

  19. Your travels sound wonderful, Carol!


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