
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Paint Like Eugene Boudin, musee Jacquemqrt-André

A little painting-sketching leçon today so you can draw like Eugene Boudin even if you can't make it over for the exhibit at Musée Jacquemart-André by July 22.

The day I visited the Boudin exhibit the sun was shining brightly.

Today it's continuous Paris drizzle but never mind. This is perfect to get you in a 'Boudin' frame of mind.

If there was another 19th century outdoor painter so in love with umbrellas I'd love to to know about it.

Is it only French rain that makes such nice shadow shapes?
Probably. This one mirrors exactly

The rough dog sketches of Boudin

That later turn up in a beach scene painting.
*Note at least 2 umbrellas.

Another rough preparatory sketch of Boudins that I copied above, first with tracing paper and then into watercolor. 

No umbrellas in the finished painting but these are working class so.

Another pencil sketch of beach loungers with their umbrellas and a good one to copy. Boudin loved to throw in just a touch of red to liven thing ups among all the neutral colors. Plus red paint was quite pricy back then so you had to be judicious with it.

Boudin, himself sitting out on a dock. He was really the first to get everyone out of the studio and painting in 'plein aire' including his good chum Monet. Do note his umbrella of course.

At the museum shop you can get a full painting outfit a bit more upscale than Boudin's supplied by the delightful left bank art shop Charvin.

The museum shop does not have any Boudin umbrellas on offer but they do have this darling lampshade for about 69 euros. Just practice tracing Boudin sketches and in no time at all you can make your own?


  1. Thank you for the Boudin lesson, Carol! Even though all I draw are doodles, and those badly, I always learn from your lessons, trying to absorb your tips and apply what I can to photography.

    I LOVE your photograph of the shadow shape - reflections in the water puddle! The red (Birkin?) bag makes such a perfect splash of color.

    1. Ha! I didn't even notice the red Birkin bag!
      Very sharp eyes M.

    2. Serendipitous how the shadow shape image pairs with some shape and colors, especially the red, of the painting above it.

    3. Not serendipitous.
      I always go for sequential color touches or patterns
      makes it more fun to put together too...storyboarding etc.

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The style is so YOU!!!

  3. Another great exhibit visit! How terrific it must be to have so much to need more days in the week to cover it all.
    I agree about the French rain, or maybe it's because we actually *walk* in it in Paris and are able to observe those lovely reflections. (Here in Dallas, it's all about the car.)
    Nifty little feature on the iPad mini...I might just need one of those. ;) x Katie

  4. Anonymous9:34 AM

    love Boudin and the Jacquemart-Andre and it ends July 22 so I can see it!

  5. LOve the top aquarelle and the one in progress..I wonder if my Android does that Ipad lightbox trick..great explanation and thanks for sharing lots of Ipad users out there..
    Personally I love that lampshade:)

    And how right and observant are you? That shadow and le chien.!
    Now I love Boudin too.
    That rough prep sketch looks like a masterpiece already..
    Charvin would be such fun to visit..
    How did I miss your paintbox..Always thought it was WN Cotman pocket set.

  6. Lovely post. Boudin has long been a favorite of mine, so the show here was the cherry on the sundae! Thanks for the lesson, too. I'm going to try tracing some of my dresses---as I have other plans for them!

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Oh, thanks for the iPad tip! Going into practice next week in Provence. Boudin (and you) are wonderful!

  8. Ooh, I've been dying to see this exhibition and so looking forward to it even more, Carol. Love how you can cheer us up in this awful Parisian weather with the brollies and your watercolours.

  9. What a terrific exhibit -- I would love to see that one in person! Yet another reason why I need an iPad mini (or maxi!). You do tell a story so well -- and I have no idea why I get so jazzed whenever I see art supply photos -- but I love that last shot!

  10. iPad as light box! Brillliant! There was a recent article in the Wall St Journal about the default paint color for Parisian apartments (bit of tongue in cheek) which is supposedly a lovely warm cream color to look good even on the "many" drizzly gray days.
    Have put the paint box on my wish list...some day when I need a treat..

  11. Carol, love this. Thanks for being a constant source of inspiration as I vehemently try to find the path back to the creative person I used to be long ago. I want the lampshade! I got the HD app! Love it. Also, went to Kremer's website, very educational, I am viewing one of their on-line courses now. Silly me, I thought I must buy Sennelier!
    Thank you, thank you . . .

    1. Oh just start tracing ( on the cheapest paper possible like Utrecht )
      It's The best warm up for getting in the mood...
      I do it all the time
      A light box helps but you can use a window up in a pinch

  12. After yesterday's heavenly caneles,I didn't think you could capture my imagination again so quickly(!) but today's wonderful post did--and how!
    Boudin is a favorite of mine;Carol, you find the most wonderful exhibits,art and otherwise!
    Thank you!

  13. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Thank you for giving me permission to trace! I was just thinking of doing that with my I pad mini here in Italy! Diana
    I love this little machine:)

    1. All the best artists traced like Da Vinci etc so feel free D

  14. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Loved your post today 'How to paint like Boudin' I'll have to try the tracing trick.
    Must only be in Paris that the rain makes lovely shadows , it's poured with rain all day here & the shadows certainly didn't like the ones you captured :(

    1. Barbara,
      Paris has such shiny streets when it rains...
      it helps reflect those shadows nicely..
      Why it's an artist's town ;)

  15. Hi there! we loved your post :)

  16. Love this!!! Love love love it!

  17. Anonymous10:14 AM



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