
Thursday, March 07, 2013

Paris Nights

Mercredi 6 Mars Paris Nights

If you get to the pool late (but at least you got there enfin)by the time you come out at 5:15 not much will be open for long like museum exhibits. Where else to head but the Apple store at the Louvre? Their wi-if is super strong. I'd love to go post there daily. I'd be done in 15 instead of an hour...
By the time Apple kicks you out at 8pm Paris is dark and probably drizzling like last night on rue de Rivoli...
What's a drizzle or two when it's Paris right? And you're passing monuments by the dozens like the Jean d'Arc golden statue at Place des Pyramids. Shoot shoot shoot!
To catch Place Vendome you'll have to shoot in the middle of the street. But no matter. At 8:30ish traffic is light.
WH Smith has long closed at 7pm so turn down rue Cambon and head for rue St. Honore for a bit of leche-vitrine/window drooling.
At rue Royale you could get run over so wait to cross the street to get your shot. Whatever does the Madeleine have to do with the cookie Madeleine if anything at all? It seems like there should be a connection like a monster madeleine cookie sitting on top..?
At place de la Concorde wait in front of Hotel Crillon for the #42 bus. It comes in 5! What's not to love about Paris public transport?
The #42 will continue to hit more highpoints like the l'Arc de Triomphe at Champs-Élysées. Shooting through the window is allowed!
Next up Place d'Alma and cross over the Seine to the left bank.
Enfin 9:00 pm and the Eiffle Tower is winking at you through the bus window. Perfect ending to a day in Paris. All photos shot with my iPad mini which I've been using since Jan 26 when my Canon broke. I'm absolutely crazy for it!


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Love these photos! It's so hard to get a beautiful image of Paris at night, but these really do capture a little of that magic. The eiffel tower sparkling is one of my favorite things :)

    1. No it's so easy because there is so much light everywhere.

  2. Merci for this beautiful nocturne foray into Paris.
    Hope you were not too cold!

    1. The weather has changed and its mild now in the 50s

  3. Great night shots! So you like your iPad Mini? I'm thinking about getting one this summer.

  4. I love your opening sketch, then your great selection of night photographs.
    That tablet does a great job with low light - the photos look perfect!

    1. oh they're so grainy but who cares!
      I love night shots especially in Paris

  5. Great to see Paris at night, through your eyes sitting on a bus, via your mini Ipad. Great publicity for them... maybe you could try and get a Press free entrance pass from Apple. worth a try !! or print one yourself. I'm sure no one ever looks closely at passes especially if it's hanging round your neck.

  6. That statue of Joan is one of my favourite monuments in Paris! I love your sketches of it too- you're so talented. Thanks for these glimpses of Paris Nights- I've rarely seen Paris in the dark, I've always visited in the summer and the days are so much longer of course.

  7. okay Carol, you are killing me with these pictures...that's my hood you are walking around in...know every street like the back of my hand...ah Rivoli..

    just starting reading the new Cara Black far so her books.

    1. I wish I could say I know areas of Paris like the back of my hand...maybe someday. Still everyday is a new discovery here and I love that.

  8. Wow, wow, wow. (Woops. That sounds like a dog.) These photos are wonderful!

  9. You make me want Paris sooooo badly, as she is especially beautiful in the Spring. Mais, c’est pas le moment. Too much at once and I cannot financially justify it, so I will vicariously live through you :) Maybe in the Autumn, along with a fabulous expo...

  10. Ok. That's it. I have been holding off for the iPad mini, but now that I have seen these night shots of la Capitale, I am going for it! My 50th birthday is next Tuesday. How perfect is that?! :-) I never did care much for the size of the *big* iPad, but it looks like this cute and very capable little guy would be the perfect complement to my trusted MacBook Air laptop... Merci Carole. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

    1. no only does the ipad take great pics but with the Blogger app you can upload in 2 minutes or less.
      Doing the post in Blogger on the ipad is in HTML but not so bad.
      Way faster than my computer
      Plus you can instantly send pics by email or Facebook etc with the ipad.
      It's changed MY LIFE!!!
      Also it fits nicely and lightly in my little Le Sportsac so I take it everywhere with me.
      Plus the Apple guys are sweethearts. Just go in early with a list of yr questions :)

  11. Love the night shots Carol..well done..and your aquarelle:)

  12. EVERY post since January 26th has been shot with the iPad mini!
    The Canon is gathering dust on the shelf :))

  13. This was a wonderful post. I really loved the travelog -- and you've proved once again that there is no such ting as an ordinary day in Paris. Lovely night shots, in the Long Island on a drizzly icy Thursday for sure.

  14. I do remember, Carol, when you were flummoxed by your iTouch. You have come a long way! I knew you would love those Apple products! I have an iPad now you are making me think I need an iPad mini - especially for my trips....

    1. So true Roseann..I finally got the iTouch while in Paris when I needed a flashlight to see in a hallway then everything cleared up for me

  15. Love the drizzle photos! Beyond a dream for me :)

    I found "Bringing Up Bebe" at our local Library and snatched it up- loving it so far! Glad you recommended it :)

    Manda from Eat Cake

  16. Carol,

    I love coming to your blog each day for my daily Paris dose. I finally get to go back this summer and show my husband the city I loved to live in. Your daily posts constantly give me good ideas, especially the #42. Thank you!!


  17. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Your travelogue bus routes are great!!!!
    Lois GardenSpiritNY

  18. Love the gold touches on your sketches today! I've often wondered how they keep the gold so bright and shiny on the statues and monuments here. The 63 bus route is a great tour of Paris, too. Try it sometime!

  19. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Your photos -- and drawing here -- are fabulous.
    So spontaneous and captivating. They bring out my longing for Paris!! Curious about the mini too and wondering if you have a "regular" Ipad to compare...I have that version but am tempted by the mini...!
    oxoxo Patricia, Minneapolis

    1. The mini is my first iPad and I'm so glad I waited.
      I should do a post on it and the advantages for me.
      Weight being a big one + price
      Soon to appear on PB!

  20. Nice to discover your blog and meet someone who is not afraid (or is that crazy enough) to stand in the middle of the street to get a wonderful photo.

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  23. Your Paris night, so lovely...appreciate your sharing it...this time of year, I think, especially lovely...

  24. Raining in the desert (a rarity)~ so lovely to look at Paris at night in the rain~ with sound effects. Beautiful photos.

  25. Funny seeing the streets almost empty at this time of day when most people are having dinner! Now why didn't we think of putting a cake on top of the Madeleine? Lol.

  26. Love that night scene of the Eiffel tower.. great shot. Glad you are in love with your iPad. Two friends of mine have one and are also in love with it. One friend wishes she had waited for the mini tho. Oh I just got a new book you might be interested in.. Danny Gregory's "An Illustrated Journey"..Was absolutely delighted to find YOU in it. :))

  27. OOPS.. I think I put you was in it.. instead of you were in it..:)

  28. Lovely photos and your sketches are great, Carol! Paris in the rain doesn't sound too shoddy!

  29. Congratulations on the iPad mini.....I can't decide if I want that more than an iPad with a camera....yes I am using one of the earliest models, with not a single malfunction in sight! My friend's new puppy ate her Kindle, thus kindly allowing her to go with the iPad. Maybe it's time for a new dog....


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