
Monday, March 18, 2013

Omnivore Paris 2013

Dimanche 17 mars Omnivore Paris 17 - 19 mars

The Omnivore festival de la Jeune Cuisine is being held at la Maison de la Mutalite 17-19 March. Hurry over and goute
First in the door grab a delicious taste of Swiss Moevenpick ice cream - I've heard so much about this ice cream and every word is true.
More squares of delight - Le Beurre Bordier - taste a 'flight' of 6-7 flavors to fine tune your taste buds.
To taste all the Fromages d'Italie you must do it in the correct order or forgetaboutit.
The whole 3rd floor is dedicated to le tasting marche. I fell instantly in love with these hairy free near-cousins of the Kiwi grown in Sud ouest France - le Nergi.
'Bebe' kale was at Omnivore thanks to Kristen's Kale Project I'll bet. You can eat the bebe version raw. Who knew?
A plethora of exotic veggies were been transformed into an exquisite dish
By top chef Frederic Jaunault MOF, a sculptur of fruits and vegetables
We got to taste a mini version of this...there was ice cream on it.
In the big theatre downstairs constant food shows of international chefs creating savory dishes.
Upstairs la scene sucre will kept me glued to my seat - here master pastry chef Christophe Felder.
Hurry up on over to Omnivore Festival.
You still have time to catch the shows and goute, goute, goute!


  1. White plates. I'm getting some this week. SO pretty in that beautiful presentation! Lots to love here...

    1. White always works for food presented in an elaborate style like this.

  2. cyndi in SD10:30 AM

    Oh,this event is my cup of tea.And how beautifully shot as always.I am hoping that there will be something like this in April when I'm there.Carol,can you suggest a site to find upcoming food events in Paris?
    Merci beaucoup

    1. Just Google Paris events and the month and lots will come up. I do like Heather's Secrets of Paris. Newsletter especially.


  3. When I first saw those bins of ice cream up there, I thought they were paints! Shows how long it's been since I've dipped my brush into anything. Hahaaaaaa. Love it...

    1. It's why I love ice cream...I mix them up too

  4. Le beurre bordier and wood mini board duo would be mon premier choix..oh the butter is beau:-) I would not even hesitate:-)
    Have eaten kale chips maison..3 afternoons this wee:-)
    In the soup the rest tomorrow..
    Love the aquarelle:-)

    1. I'm an ice cream person first and foremost
      I worry about this Summer how I'll resist the temptation..?

  5. Another magnificent event. I'd love to go omnivore there!

  6. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Love it! Thanks, took Tony on the tour this morning as well. Did I tell you how much I enjoyed your journey into "stripes?" Brilliant. You have such an eye and energy to venture out every day to capture it all! Enjoy, K

  7. I really like the ice cream shot, and your opening sketch, and the shot of the camera on the boom, and that final pic is a beaut!!

    1. The camera on the boom!?
      U always see stuff I miss completely !
      I guess it's an interesting abstract composition?
      It was Really hard to shoot in there with the mini iPad it was sooo dark.
      And then I started coughing like crazy from the rug cleaner or something and had to run out before disturbing the audience

    2. Anonymous4:25 AM

      Yes, camera on the boom was a very nice composition, I thought.

  8. This event looks like heaven for taste buds. I recently discovered le beurre bordier - they only had algues flavor at the cremerie where I found it (and i love it) but am very excited to try vanilla and piment!! Wish I had known about this event over the weekend! I'm going to need to start looking at Paris calendars more often!!



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