
Monday, March 11, 2013

Dimanche in the Marais

Dimanche 10 mars Sunday - Marais
On Sundays a good portion of the 3rd and 4th arrondissement (the Marais) is only for pedestrians and bikers in Paris. Shops are open plus some galleries
L'espace des Blancs Manteaux always has something going on...paintings, crafts, fashion shows.
The dog of the day was minding the front desk and selling catalogs...
The streets are full of flaneurs/wanderers.
Yummy mummies are out strollering
Browsers browsing
Buskers busking
An intersting note of green in a jewelry window...
The weather took a step backwards to winter yesterday but this flaneur has on her Spring color coats are always in.
A Paris mum is giving her bebe it's first macaron lecon...
Pascal Caffret has opened two macaron boutiques in the Marais and both are jammed packed.
I'm secretly humming my Paris theme song - Walk On By and praying I resist. That's dimanche in the Marais. 


  1. Dimanche there even on a grey day was more colorful than mine..Then get out and do things !
    Love the macarons..I am not brave enough to wear as many colors as the turquoise bag lady..But I like it on her..You captured that girl perfectamundidly in your aquarelle:)Love how you got rid of the busy featured the green macaron.Her stance is spot on..Cute cute.

  2. 'Walk on By' I'll remember that!! Adorable post, thank you!!

    1. WALK ON BY
      not buy!!!
      so hard in Paris :))

  3. Heading back to Paris for my birthday in mid May. I try to go twice a year. Can't wait to spend a lazy Sunday meandering around the Marais as well. Love your blog.

    1. Meandering is the word I was searching for...

  4. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Walk in and buy! One Macaron in every color. Merci for the Marais walk about. I'm drooling on my keyboard now.

    1. Shhhhhhh...
      Yr a bad influence and I am so easily influenced...

  5. It always amazes me how you manage to capture pictures of the window shoppers.Your sketch of the girl in the red coat & black hat is fab, Only a Parisienne could look that good in a wooly hat.

  6. Dimanche in the Marais. Sigh...I just love the whole idea of it.

  7. Carol, dimanche in the Marais looks like lots of fun. It was mildly warm here on Sunday in Soho, and the streets were very lively. Somehow, what you show of Paris looks more appealing.


    1. L'herbe c'est plus verte...
      So something like that was said in my WICE conversation class by a Francophone..
      I bet the Frenchies would love to be in Soho...

  8. I love your illustrations! I've been trying to get back into my art and thinking about doing watercolors. Your blog is such an inspiration for me, being a lover for all things French!

  9. LOVE LOVE LOVE your illustrations/sketches.x

  10. I wish I could draw like you(: and Paris updates from you are always sweet and interesting...we get the famous cookies here in the Calgary farmers market place and I do like them but my favourite is still the German cream filled pastry(((: Even if I am Czech and love everything French (((:
    hope your spring is better down there...hugs Z

  11. Ah, Sunday mornings, when the true flâneurs come out to experience the city. I am sure Baudelaire's smiling in them! (Viennese have adopted Baudelaire's meaning of the word into their own language, like many other originally French words.)

    You are a true flâneur, with a camera and a sketchbook, to capture the essence of what life in the City of Light really means.

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  13. Lovely post! Do you happen to have addresses for the Pascal Caffet boutiques in the Marais? His website doesn't list them. Merci bien! (I'll be in Paris for four plus days at the beginning of May. Perhaps we can meet for un p'tit n'importe quoi?)

  14. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Gorgeous post. Spent two glorious weeks staying in Marais last May. Loved Sunday browsing, although at the time didn't appreciate how exclusive some boutiques were. You've captured it nicely.

  15. The Marais looks wonderful, I really considered staying there on our next visit, but decided to go with the 6th instead. I love all the very impressive scarf tying you captured, both on mannequins and on the street.

    1. It's not too late to change yr plans?
      I love the Marais..I couldn't say it's less touristy but different because there's more history there and an older part of Paris. Lots of wonderful free city museums that are mostly empty too. And so easy to walk over the bridge to Saint Michel and the 6th..

  16. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Marais on Saturdays is even better. I love sitting at l'Etoile Manquante and observe the Parisian wold going by... The best observing spot in the whole Marais if not Paris!

    1. I had a shot of that cafe but couldn't fit it funny
      A great place indeed

    2. FYI all of Paris is open on Saturday but on Sundays just the Marais so...a great drawing card.

  17. Love that Paris them song!
    I would buy a catalogue from that dog.

  18. I was there once, & it was on a Sunday. It seemed exotic. Love how you're getting around to the different neighborhoods.

  19. Hi Carol..

    Just to echo Marie's point. It would be great if you could share the address of Pascal Caffet in Marais. I called their boutique in Troyes and looked online and could not find anything.. Given that I live in the Marais, it is quite frustrating :) not to be able to visit the store

    1. I wish I could tell you exactly Sansunder. I didn't see a card anywhere
      They are on lower rue de vieille Temple on the right hand side if you're heading up

  20. 'I'm secretly humming my Paris theme song - Walk On By and praying I resist.'

    Haha! Hilarious! Love it!
    I can't get 'Nightfever' out of my head whenever I wear flares. Damn.


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