
Monday, January 07, 2013

Le Meurice - Galette des Reines

Sunday January 6, 2013 Le Meurice Le Dali Salon de The
I was giving my 1st English lesson to C. when Raids-Patisserie-Louise announces we're going later to Hotel Meurice. We must try this very unusual galette des reines. It's a must-do - no questions asked.
Around 5pm we show up. The saIon is quite grand.But tragedy strikes. The galette des reines is finished!  Louise looks like she's lost a new puppy. We explain we've gathered from various points on the planet (Paris-New York-Lyon) to taste this galette.

Enfin the maitre'd arrives with the famous green galette and Louise recovers instantly.

This is a very good thing, since the hidden surprise favor or feve is lurking inside my slice of galatte
Traditional Epiphanie galette is filled with frangipane - almond paste and almond cream, while roasted almonds add even more crispness and flavour. The unusal burnished green coating on top is made of roasted almonds and mint. Altogether a both light yet intense experience. The almond brings the promise of prosperity for all who bite into it.
The assistant pastry chef, Maxime Frederic comes out and fills in Louise on the details of the galette created by Head pâtissier Cédric Grolet
Guillaume and I drink up our chocolat chaud nature And 

Suddenly another galette arrives care of the pastry chef still warm from the oven. Amazing!

The gold flects reflect the fabulous ceiling mural painted by Philippe Stark's daughter..

There are Dali-esque details everywhere. Plus the Meurice's signature green (also covering the top of the galette). And the dog of the day? Why the Meurice's grayhounds of course! Don't miss Louise's post on our experience. You have until January 20th to taste this unusal gateaux.


  1. The gateaux sounds fabulous...but their sincere hospitality makes the moment even more special.

    1. Yes they were very kind and thoughtful.

  2. Sounds like heaven on a plate. I've only ever tasted 'La galette des Rois' / king cake from our local patisserie.

  3. My gosh you are living life in a royal manner~
    Chic chic chic!

    had never heard of la Galette Des Reines..Thank you..I never got around to making my Galette Des Rois this year...Just put Christmas to sleep today.House feels sparkling..
    And your caricatures?
    Love them.
    How nice were they? Bravo!

  4. The Galette looks lovely! How decadent to have two but when at Le Meurice I'd throw caution to the wind and enjoy it alongside a thick hot chocolate too.
    Happy New Year to you!

  5. You and Louise are leading a charmed life! Not to mention "C" who is getting way more than English lessons!

  6. Lucky lucky you to taste it twice, so very sweet to get all that lovely service from them.

  7. Gosh I love a Galette des Reines! Wish I could find one around here.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Only in Paris...
      Only at Le Meurice Connie
      This is a unique pastry in a town with an endless mindblowing variety of pastries...xxcg

  8. Carol, I know that I have never tasted a Galette des Reines, and thank you so much for introducing me to this seasonal indulgence. How super duper that you found the feve in your serving.

    (Were you allowed to keep that shining little egg for your very own collection? I hope so, because I am already thinking of the watercolor paintings you'll create featuring the feve.)

    You and Louise definitely were treated to lovely hospitality. Tres gentile, wouldn't you say?

    Paris in January is looking so very chic and jolie through your eyes.


  9. Ahhh--always off on exciting adventures, carol--love your wc's!!

  10. I've loved this post Carol .... because last month I had coffee in Le Meurice and I can see the black settee I sat in in your bottom pic ... right by that gorgeous green settee. They served delish little handmade chocolates with my café crème ...... So classy.

    1. Oh I'm so glad I got yr settee in the post Diane
      The things we remember...
      It is a lovely place.

  11. Carol, you were too modest to admit you received the "Feve" twice? (I just read Louise's posts) LOL, I'd say that bodes very well for the year ahead! I'm still not sure about the green topping---I love almond paste though, so I assume it would be OK. Looks like creamed spinach.

    1. Absolutement pas like creamed spinach!!
      More like an ancient antiqued piece of an artifact - thin, burnished + gold leaf
      The texture was crisp, crackly,fine...very thin

      Really I've had nothing like it before but it was fascinating and unique!

  12. That was one very intense dessert! What a joint :)

  13. I'm as green as that galette with envy!! What fabulous surroundings and what good luck to get the feve. Best of all is your drawing in the first pic - just wonderful. xxx

  14. A fun time & such elegance, & you were the Queen! (I want to see a photo!) The drawing of your experience~formidable! Loving the layout, montage of it.

  15. I'm not sure if I like the look of this galette but the Meurice looks amazing. Great blog, I really enjoy it!

  16. Ohhhhh so jealous! What a great experience!

  17. Is it just me, or is always sexy when a man wearing a spotless white apron stops by to say "Hi"?

  18. I love the way you tell it ! (like a tale !)

    Always a pleasure to have tea with the most gourmand artist in the world !

  19. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Another delicious and expansive experience from Paris on a cold winter's day in Maine! Merci, mon amie.

  20. What a bijoux almond fève - la classe! Carol, it looks like you're having a ball in Paris. I want to try this too. Bet it's pricey, though... ooh, thanks for showing us how the other 'arf lives! :-) Enjoy!

  21. LOVE the waiter sketches! And it's important, when you break your tooth on something, that the thing you broke it on match the ceiling of the palce where you broke it...

  22. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Il y a bien longtemps, ma mère confectionnait deux gâteaux des Rois pour une soirée familiale le jour de l'Épiphanie : un avec une fève pour les dames et un autre avec un pois pour les hommes ou vice-versa. Les personnes ayant trouvé la fève et le pois devaient se déguiser, la femme en homme, et l'homme en femme. J'étais toute jeune et nous, les enfants, trouvions que les adultes avaient beaucoup de plaisir en s'amusant bien simplement. Ceci se passait au Québec !


  23. Jane S4:43 PM

    I am going back to Paris from 17-23 January and see that I have to hurry up and find a galette.
    I love your sketches and keen eye for detail.

  24. Anonymous11:59 PM

    aha! I see that it's only the special cake at the Meurice that's available until 1/20. well, I am sure I will be able to find some gorgeous comestibles in Paris!

  25. Oh what a glorious place, and a marvellous experience. I've not seen the galette des reines before- intriguing. I've definitely put afternoon tea at Le Meurice on the wishlist for my next visit- happily this summer.


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