
Monday, November 26, 2012

Gerard Mulot Pink + Green

 King of pink + green, patissiere Gerard Mulot.

 Just 3 patisseries in Paris and a favorite with the locals of the 3rd, 6th and 13th.

 Parisian Michele first told me of Gerard Mulot...well she brought me his cacao-dusted almonds and whispered he is the best. Shhhh.
A pink and green dessert to match the ribbons and boxes.

 Why do Paris pastry descriptions sound like poetry?
Fond de macaron a la pistache, creme pistache, marmelade framboise parfumee a la violette.
 Pistachio crust, pistachio cream, raspberry jam perfumed with violet.

 Gerard Mulot's macarons come in endless sized boxes: coffret, reglette, boite Audace, Boite Decouverte, Boite Gourmande, Boite Festive.
 And endless flavors and intense colors.
Mint leaves with red fruits/ feuilles de menthe-fruits rouges.

 An homage to the almighty almond/amande in the window. France has many, many festive desserts like the macaron Parisian, calisson d'Aix, nougat, dragee et pate amande/marzipan.

 The 'pyramid' of macarons has replaced the piece monte as a party dessert. Just on the left, chef Mulot is being interviewed by French TV on his buche de Noel.
In Paris pastry is news.

 A fraise/strawberry decal on Mulots windows

 Reflect his many berry desserts especially the prize-winning tartelette au fraise.

 Parisian customers about to enter Mulot.
How do they stay so thin...

Bear too never gains an ounce at Gerard Mulot.

Magasin Saint Germain
76, rue de seine / 2, rue lobineau 75006
Magasin Glacière
93, rue de la glacière 75013
Magasin du Marais
6, rue du Pas de la Mule 75003


  1. Gérard Mulot's pastries ooze deliciousness. I feel like Bear, in front of the vetrine, taking a peek, hoping for more.

    Exquisite post, Carol! xxx

  2. Bear MUST publish a book, revealing the secret!
    Reports on pastry would make me hang on every word of the local news, instead of cringing at all the gunshot wounds and accidents.

    1. BONNE IDEE!
      'Bear's Paris Regime'
      ! ! !

  3. I've always liked pink and green together...
    That lucky Bear:-)

    1. Pink + green
      Complimentary colors!
      You can't go wrong

  4. *How do they stay so thin?* I thought those exact words right before I read them!

  5. You sure know how to display them to their BEST advantage!!! The colors are making me drool! Tu les mets en valeur!!!!! I know the Mulot shop on rue de seine, it is truly delightful!

    1. It IS a delight and tout Paris shops there especially on Sunday morning if you like to pretend you're Parisian...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I will have to stop looking at your posts for a while, all those delightful pink & green patisseries are driving me crazy! I'm trying to get back into my favorite dress for Christmas ! I guess Bear doesn't have that problem :-)

  8. Gerard Mulot ranks up there as one of my favorites and I have PB to thank for sending me there last year. Yum, yum!

  9. Adorable. Even tho I'm not tempted to eat these concoctions (I'm not crazy about fruit flavors) I could gaze at these amazing creations all day, as objects of art.

  10. I really like the colors of the box - it doesn't seem like pink & green would work, but it's a great combo.
    I like the "pastry is news" shot!

  11. delightful and did you hear THE news yet? Laduree is coming to Brussels !

    1. they are already in Turkey, Kuwait, Dubai bla bla bla
      what took so long?
      Though considering the excellent competition ahem...

  12. Pretty photos: do they taste good, or are they just pretty? Such a dilemma.

    1. parisbreakfast9:22 AM

      He's won top prizes at Le Figaro and judges the MOF contest
      Plus he's tops with Parisians
      I wouldn't show just pretty stuff anyway
      What exactly is the dilemma?
      Are you standing there outside deciding to whether to go in?

  13. Pink and green are so preppy ! I love it! Saw your comment at Carla C.'s...finally making the jump across the pond? :) x Katie

  14. Gerard Mulot is definitely on my wish list for next year. Your delicious post just bumped him further up the list- it all looks so stylish, and scrumptious.


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