
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Biff Tout Soul

 Darling Biff and Tout Sweet author Karen Wheeler were there to meet me at the gare de Poitiers on Monday.

 We went for a grand tour around town starting at the Hotel de Ville.

 I suggested to Biff we visit le Palais de Justice so he could divorce Karen and marry me. But lucky for Karen they would not let Biff inside without a complete pat-down and a prance through the metal detector. He refused on principle.

Here Biff could enter as long as he was carried and no one saw...

 Biff shows me Poitiers famous artisanal parapluie shop where you can still get your broken umbrellas repaired - a charming must-see. Who knew?

 And the best patisserie in Poitiers - Claude Lafond. I could not resist trying a regional Broye galette - a big flattened scalloped cookie made of mostly butter from the Charante and a bit flour. Another must-do in Poitiers.

 At midi/noon we went off for lunch to another town. Biff says we must be a table at 12 sharp or we lose the chance to eat at all in France. Ohhhh

A lovely 3-course formule(for a mere 12.50 euros) at the Hotel de France - Saint-Savin. Leave Paris for lunch if you want a delish bargain.
 Darling Biff, who has been tres bien-eleve/well behaved up to this point, decides to steals cheese from my bag (thoughtlessly left on the floor by moi) and then has a go at Bear. Mais non!

 Back at chez Karen Biff repents...

 And dreams a bit.

 Like all good French children Biff knows how to attend/wait for his supper patiently without whining or complaining.

 Unfortunately à table Biff loses it and makes noises regarding the Claude Lafond dessert box. Fortunately Maire Martine is present to put a stop to this rare bad behavior, ahem.

 Have you read Karen Wheeler's adventures with Biff in the Poitou-Charante? You'll be enthralled I promise.

 Her latest, Tout Soul is gripping tales.
You can read a chapter here.

Bonne nuit et au revoir Biff and Karen.


  1. Lucinda3:26 AM

    Sooooo happy to see darlin' Biff again!
    merci L

  2. Looks like your getting out of Paris having fun with friends & seeing the smaller cities. Poitiers is not too far from me, wish I'd known you were there, I could have come from Limoges to have lunch with you. Maybe next time when you visit France. Is your trip nearly over? I'm sure you'll cram in as much as you can enjoy the rest of your visit.

  3. I love the shots of Biff! He is quite a dog - great shot of him with Bear....
    The last shot of the post is a beaut!

    1. Tanks!!
      Biff is easy...
      I wish I was as photogenic as Biff....

  4. Thanks Lucinda and Nikon – Biff is always delighted to appear on Carol's blog.

  5. Thank you for the beautiful photos!! It is so nice to see Biff again, he is adorable!

  6. What a lovely story. Though I'm sure Bear has a much different version.

  7. Biff is a cutie--sounds like he had a fun day!

  8. Browsing through my e-mails I came upon these little gems and thought of you:

    1. parisbreakfast11:22 AM

      Thanks seen it a while back
      very cute but very tiny

    2. 3.8cm Macaroon Trinket = 1 1/2" !!!!
      will it hold ONE penny?

    3. Jeanette11:34 PM

      I can't imagine how on earth she sews them!

  9. Poor Bear must have been traumatized!!!!

    1. parisbreakfast11:20 AM

      R U kidding?
      Bear loved every minute of it!
      He's in love...

  10. As usual, your photos make everyone and everything look amazing.
    Poitiers is much improved through your lens!

  11. J in MA11:40 AM

    I'm enjoying your adventures w/ Biff as I read all of Karen's books.
    Fun to see them in the flesh and fur so to speak.
    Merci J

  12. What a lovely visit you had with Karen and Biff! I'd love to meet them both and to talk with Karen about writing her books.

    1. The books - which were wonderful, by the way!

  13. Your day trip looks like so much fun...wonderful sights, food and friends!

    Isn't it grand to have such specialty shops, like the parapluie hospital surviving in this century?


  14. What great photos of Biff and the scenery. What a cute shot of Biff and Bear together. Looks like they bonded. :)

  15. I loved all of Karen's books! I really enjoyed this post! Thank you!

    Flora Doora

    1. Karen is just as lovely and fun as her books!

      mad about the girl

  16. If you're still in that neck of the woods, perhaps you can make it over to Nohant, George Sands' country home....almost to Chateauroux.

  17. Biff is adorable and thank goodness he did not hurt Bear.I have read Miss Wheeler's books and they are delightful. Have a wonderful visit.

  18. Well, by now Bear knows that traveling has its ups & downs, yes? Thanks for sharing the adventure!

  19. OH Biff!!! You of the noble long nose to which I am drawn! It's surprising how many places you can take a dog if he is carried and no one sees.


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